Seating arrangement


As far as I could remember, there were only a handful of classes which I attended which were conducted at lecture hall like this.  I remember I had Clinical Psychology class, Interpersonal Psychology class, Intercultural Communication class and Abnormal Psychology class at lecturer hall similar like this.  Why I could remember it quite well?   I had my own personal preference of seating arrangement but listed in this picture.  

What I remember most is I brought LOTR by Tolkien to Amber Haque’s Abnormal Psychology class.  😀  Well, he likes to tell story and whatsnot.  It it not to say that his class is boring, but rather I know how to study for his course even though I didn’t take any notes.  😀  Well, this was before this “Future Ready Educators” wave coming to the academics shore.  Now, it is different.  Indeed.  


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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.