What and how to upload for e content – 2023?

  1. Log in to UTMPORTAL
  2. On your left side, click ACADEMIC tab so you can scroll down and select T&L Delivery and Resources
  3. Click T&L Delivery and Resources (it is in the middle, in between Home and Measure of Student Learning).
  4. You will see several boxes: Blended learning, ODL, OBE, NALI & HIEPS, E-content.
  5. Click E-content
  6. On your right side (there is an icon with + button Add New). Click the Add New icon
  7. Fill in the information needed such as Project name (I normally add the Course Title) etc. To be on a safe side, make sure you have a variety of materials which you can put in different categories. We can only add ONE material in ONE category.
  8. Click the Submit button if you are ready to be evaluated. Please double check if you have submitted the materials. It should not be in draft mode (will not be evaluated)

Note: ALWAYS make sure the date start develop and date end develop is for the current year. DO NOT put the date start develop as previous year e.g. 2022, 2021 etc. even though you develop the materials on that particular year and only use the materials in the current year i.e. 2023.

Examples of materials (Make sure the materials can be accessible or set it into PUBLIC MODE):

  1. Video based learning = YouTube video or any other video that you create such as using Genially etc. (make sure you allow students to write their comments to get 2 marks) = video based learning category. For videos that I created in Genially, it does not have a feature which students can add their comments, or ask questions which I or other students can answer, so, the marks that I got is 1 mark.
  2. Gamification = Quizzes or tests in Kahoot! or Quizziz etc. with more than five questions. 5 questions is the minimum. So, better make it more than five. PLEASE make sure you create the questions. For Quizziz, you can take questions from existing sets which are created by other users, but PLEASE at least add your own questions. In my case, what I do is I would browse at existing questions and if it is relevant, I will add it in the set of quiz that I am creating. But at the same time, I will revise some wordings (change the verb), add answer explanation and add other questions that I create myself. So, let’s say there are 10 questions, half of it will be from me and another half will be from other users. For add explanation feature, it allows your students to read explanation about the correct answer, if they answer wrongly. So, without your physical presence, your students can still learn from the predetermined explanation. This is an example of a set (quiz) that I make it public which contains feedback that students can refer to (only available to some questions though).
  3. Collaborative tools = Padlet, Wakelet etc. which contains 80% of your notes/materials and 20% of activities (e.g. questions that students can answer and discuss).
  4. Communicative tools = Prezi, Quizziz (interactive slide mode) etc.

How many marks that we can get if let’s say we submit one materials based on the above categories?

  • Based on my personal experience, the marks are varied. For example, I got 1 mark for a YouTube video (which allow students to leave their comments etc.) but I got 2 marks of a similar video in another year.
  • For Prezi note, last year (2022) I got 2 marks but the previous year (2021), I got 1 mark. What is the difference? The evaluator’s evaluation. The rubric is the same. The evaluators are different. In both sets, I added questions in the notes which students can reflect and interact but only the 2022 version has better marks.
  • For gamification, I also got different marks of similar materials. For this material with Dungeon and Dragons theme, I got 1 mark (year 2021). But for this material (last year 2022), it was not approve. It is not considered as gamification but interactive content (which category is that? If you ask me, there is no INTERACTIVE CONTENT category in the e content. It is one of the criteria of assessment as stated in the rubric). Genially is an apps like Canva in which you can create video, gamification content, poster etc. It has many features that you can select and use to create variety of INTERACTIVE CONTENT. I am still learning about the features in Genially. It is trial and error as I do not attend any formal training except watching countless hours of YouTube videos that people create about Genially.


  • If you are pair/team teaching with your colleagues and your colleagues do not subscribe to any platform such as Quizziz, Prezi, Padlet etc. (which can be costly), you can negotiate with them to use their class notes or materials and you create new digital materials using the platforms that you have subscribed. I do this with some of my colleagues. PLEASE add their names too and MAKE their names VISIBLE because it might be semi-hidden in some of the features.
  • When you revise your class notes (pair/team teaching courses), please inform your colleagues and ask their opinion about the revised version. You can discuss with your colleagues the things that you can improve etc. and you can include that in your OBE report (CQI part). With proper documentation, you can even write an article to share your teaching practices in journals like Action Research Journal, Action Learning: Research and Practice etc.

FAQs (That I have asked Dr Nihra and others have asked me before which I asked Dr Nihra about it for confirmation)

  • Question 1: Can we claim a content which we created in 2020 but we never claimed it before as ELPPT evaluation and we still use the content in the current semester?

Answer 1: YES. You can upload the material in the E content for this year (2023) ELPPT evaluation. Make sure you put the start develop date and end develop date THIS YEAR. I made a mistake in 2020 when I put the start develop data in 2019 and the end develop data in 2020 because I developed the material during semester 2 which started in September 2019 and ended in January 2020. The material was not approved. But since it contained evidence of students’ interaction of asynchronous discussion which happened during the semester which ended in January 2020, I claimed the material for my 2020 ELPPT evaluation. It was approved and I got marks for that.

  • Question 2: Can I claim videos that my students created? It is a part of the assignments that I gave them.

Answer 2: NOPE. ANY material have to be created by you (or created together with another colleague who is the instructor of a course that you are paired with in either team or pair teaching). You need to make sure that you COLLABORATE with your colleagues to create, update and refine the materials.

  • Question 3: Can I upload the WebEx recording on YouTube and considered is an e content material?

Answer 3: You can record a video using WebEx and upload it on YouTube BUT NOT THE ACTUAL class session with your students that you recorded (in this case, the video will be more than 1 hour long). OR if you know how to edit the video and cut it into several parts, just try out your luck then! I am not the evaluator (*tongue in cheek remark!)

  • Question 4: Can I upload more than one material of the same category?

Answer 4: As of 2021 evaluation until now, we cannot upload MORE THAN ONE material of the same category. For example, if I have more than one set of test/quiz on QUIZZIZ or Kahoot!, I cannot submit more than one set (Gamification material).

E-content 2022

This year, I plan to submit four types of e-content: tools for communication, gamification, video-based learning, and tools for working together. This morning, I went to another E-content session, where it was confirmed that one of my E-content materials from last year was wrongly graded. I don’t get any points for it, but Dr. Nihra explained this morning (9 August 2022) how I could get points for that material on the rubric. He said, “It’s too late to tell me now because your ELPPT from last year can’t be changed.” Because of this mistake, there is no consolation mark for this year’s e-content evaluation (pun!). Just a note to whoever is doing the judging this year: Please study the rubric very carefully and thoroughly. You did wrong last year, either on purpose or by accident (tongue in cheek comment!).

We can only send in materials from five categories, and we only need to send one example from each category. For example, if you submit TWO things (like Quizziz and Kahoot!) under ONE category, like “gamification,” only ONE thing will be graded, and you will only get credit for ONE thing. This year, the TESDCP system will automatically stop you from adding new material in the same category. So, you won’t be able to add more than one of the same kind of content. So, choose the best piece of the material to submit for your e-content.

You can’t resubmit material you’ve already sent (and that has already been evaluated) unless you add to or change the content. For example, if you’ve already sent in a quiz in the “Gamification” category with 5 questions, you can send it in again if you add 5 more questions.

To experiment with the …………. (fill in the blank) of the e content evaluators, I put in a content under the category “collaboration tools.” It has a lot of things, like a class note, an article, a formative assessment, a discussion platform, etc. All of it is on ONE platform (i.e. Wakelet), which brings together different materials from other places. With just ONE platform, students can get to their class notes, take quizzes, and even talk to each other. Amazing, isn’t it?

I wonder how the evaluator(s) will assess this material . I will let you know if I get any marks for this material (tongue in cheek remark!). May Allah ease the process and bless us with the best results!

One of my colleagues asked me why I am so eager to get a bonus mark for e content. The thing is, I do not aim for the marks. But I want to know how the e content is assessed (evaluation process) because it seems there is “always a minor improvement/tweak” each year. I asked one of the _________ (fill in the blank) and this person admitted that the evaluation process is “improved” since they started to introduce e content back in 2018. The rubric might be the same but the evaluators might vary in their evaluation. Thus, it does explain the variety of marks that I got since 2019 (the first year I submitted e content materials). I asked around and I am not the only person who wonder about the __________ (fill in the blank) of evaluation even though we refer to the rubric to ensure that our e content materials comply to the evaluation criteria.

This is why when some people ask me why they got different marks every year, I would simply reply “Ask Dr Nihra“.

This year deadline for the e content submission is 30 September 2022 (Friday).

Note: If anyone wants to learn about Wakelet, you may refer to Wakelet official web.

Padlet bukan bahan econtent untuk kategori collaboration tools

Saya baru ada sedikit masa terluang untuk menyemak TESDCP tahun lepas (2021). Saya mendapati bahawa hasil perbincangan pelajar saya yang menggunakan nota (Prezi) yang diletakkan dalam Padlet tidak dikira sebagai bahan e-content (tiada markah diberikan). Dalam Padlet tersebut ada soalan berbentuk terbuka yang memerlukan pelajar menjawab secara naratif atau esei pendek.

Kesimpulannya, Padlet tidak lagi diterima sebagai bahan econtent. Ini adalah bercanggah dengan nota yang diberikan oleh Dr Nurbiha.

Komen yang saya terima ialah “Not e-content but using technology in teaching and learning”

Ini adalah nota dari sesi taklimat yang diberikan oleh Dr Nurbiha (mungkin nota lama)

Lihat URL dalam nota Dr Nurbiha ini. Ianya adalah Padlet di bawah kategori Collaboration tools.

Apa yang saya faham ialah Padlet adalah alat seperti Youtube, Powtoon, Trello, Quizziz, Kahoot, Socrative dan sebagainya yang mana ianya digunakan dalam membina bahan pengajaran. Sebagai contoh, Powtoon, Genially, Moovly, Canva dan sebagainya adalah alat yang boleh digunakan untuk membangun, dan membina bahan pengajaran berbentuk video (sila betulkan saya sekiranya ialah ada salah konsep [misconception]).

Bagi Genially, pembina tidak perlu memuat turun video dalam bentuk MP4 dan memuat naik video ke YouTube. Bagi Powtoon, pembina bahan perlu memuat turun video dalam bentuk MP4 dan memuat naik video tersebut ke YouTube. Yang berbeza ialah apabila menggunakan Genially (versi berbayar dan dilanggan), kita diberi pautan URL yang boleh dikongsi dengan pelajar dan sekiranya pengguna awam ingin menggunakan bahan tersebut mereka boleh mendapatkan dan menggunakan bahan tersebut (cuma agak sukar sekiranya pengguna awam kurang biasa dengan Geniallymeskipun pautan tersebut adalah umum (public).

Untuk pelantar yang membolehkan pelajar berbincang dalam talian sama ada secara segerak atau tidak segerak, kita boleh menggunakan pelantar seperti Padlet, Jamboard, Wakelet, Trello dan sebagainya. Ianya lebih bersifat agak terbuka kerana ianya boleh digunakan oleh pelajar untuk menulis jawapan, pandangan atau memberi komen tertentu yang boleh dikongsi dengan rakan yang lain. Bagi keadaan bersemuka, selalunya kita menggunakan kertas mahjung untuk pelajar menulis sesuatu. Pelantar seperti Padlet dan Wakelet mempunyai ruang untuk pelajar memberikan komen terhadap pandangan atau jawapan rakan. Sekiranya ianya hanya dianggap sebagai teknologi dan bukan bahan econtent, saya agak keliru kerana ianya menjadi bahan econtent dengan apa yang ditulis dalam pelantar tersebut.

Ianya seolah sekiranya bahan pengajaran video dimuat naik di YouTube tidak diterima sebagai bahan econtent kerana menggunakan teknologi iaitu YouTube dalam pengajaran. YouTube adalah alat seperti Padlet.

Sesungguhnya saya keliru kerana dalam sesi taklimat yang diberikan oleh Dr Nihra, beliau ada menunjukkan contoh Trello yang digunakan untuk perbincangan pelajar. Beliau ada mengatakan bahawa itu menunjukkan bahan econtent yang memberikan peluang kepada pelajar untuk berinteraksi dengan rakan. Padlet saya mempunyai nota kelas, arahan dan juga ruangan untuk pelajar berinteraksi dengan bahan (nota) dan rakan. Mereka boleh berinteraksi dengan rakan melalui ruangan komen atau mereka boleh membina ruangan komen baru.

Jadi dimanakah silapnya saya sehingga Padlet tidak dikira sebagai bahan econtent? I rest my case. Adakah mungkin kerana saya silap memilih kebenaran untuk paparan sama ada umum atau peribadi? Kena melihat semula aspek ini.

Dimanakah tempat pengisian E-content tahun 2022 yang terkini?

Jangan kalut. Jangan panik.


  1. Pastikan anda telah log masuk (log in) di UTMPortal
  2. Di bawah “Academic” pilih “TESDCP
  3. Di paparan utama TESDCP, pilih “T&L Delivery and Resources
  4. Di bawah paparan yang ada muka anda yang _____ (isi tempat kosong), terdapat empat (4) pilihan: Blended learning, OBE, NALI & HIEPS, E-content.
  5. Pilih E content.
  6. Seterusnya, anda boleh masukkan maklumat yang diperlukan seperti biasa.