Bahan sesi Pembelajaran Aktif (Active Learning) hanya di satu pelantar sahaja iaitu Wakelet.
Saya boleh menambah (atau mengurangkan bahan) di Wakelet tanpa mengubah pautan di Wakelet. Bahan berkenaan adalah bahan yang dibina oleh saya sendiri dan juga bahan yang dibina oleh orang (tetapi ianya boleh digunakan untuk tujuan pendidikan dan penyebaran ilmu yang diambil dari YouTube dan Genially).
Di dalam Wakelet, kita juga boleh meletakkan pautan lain seperti Padlet dan Genially. Sebagai contoh, sekiranya kita ada membina kuiz (tiada memerlukan rekod pelajar), kita boleh menggunakan Genially. Untuk melihat contoh, boleh KLIK DI SINI.
It took me longer than two days to study and repeat the Wakelet examination. As I waited for the badge, I watched YouTube recordings of former AKRI winners to gain insight on how to express ideas.
Those who are natural presenters with superior oratory skills choose for a presenting approach with little media graphics. Some individuals, however, with a background in multimedia, decide to combine recorded movies embedded in the slides with multimedia graphics.
Me and my team members? We opt for creating a video using a platform that we already know and familiar with. Nothing fancy. As long as the video can deliver the ideas well, nothing else matters. We might add some voice over too.
I had a workshop yesterday. I informed one of the team members who was down with a flu that I will revise again the version that I submitted to her. Even though she was sick, she looked at the latest version and gave her comments. I felt honored that she took a time to review it despite feeling unwell. But both of us agreed that we need to take a step back for a while from it and perhaps when we look at it again in another few days, we have a fresher look at the things that we have done so far. At the moment, it feels things are saturated. As if there is nothing more to add but we know that we still have to make certain changes here and there.
There goes my plan to retake the Wakelet quiz for certification.
I got a message from a senior that I befriended through FB. We had agreed that we are going to have a brainstorming session about action research. She is enthusiastic to conduct the session even though it began at 930pm. To be honest, I was feeling exhausted. But seeing her cheerful face on WebEx, I felt less tired and tried my very best to take notes from the session.
I looked so serious while taking notes (tongue in cheek remark!)
This is an opportunity for me to learn something new about action research. Her critical buddies for her action research are prominent figures in teaching and learning. I know both of them even though I have never met them before. She was mentored by these two critical buddies. A final note that she shared in her FB is
When a toxic no longer can control you, they will try to control how others see you. the misinformation will be unfair, but stay above it, trusting that other people will eventually see the truth, just like you did.
While attending a session, I tried to self-study the materials in Wakelet. Normally, I would write my own notes like I did when I self-studied materials for MyDigitalEducator@MOHE program. But multitasking is too much, I guess, so my notes are less perfect.
When I took the Wakelet test, I did not score well. So, I did not get the certificate or badge. I have to try it again.
Moral of the story: Even though it is self-study mode, but I should take note.
Wakelet has offered me a training session to help me reach my full potential as a Wakelet user. If we successfully complete the programme, we will be awarded a badge (plus evaluation). It’s fascinating! However, I was surprised to see how packed my weekends already were when I glanced at my current calendar (this weekend, especially). My cousin is planning a wedding, I have a tutoring session and a two-day workshop (of which I can attend only one), and I feel the need to pause, take a breath, and think.
Perhaps I require a legitimate diversion, such as this Wakelet training, as I am in dire need of upgrading my technological skills. When I received a message from my colleague requesting me to substitute for her, I was eager to begin the training. Am I permitted to use my Wakelet training as an excuse? A conundrum indeed.
There are six modules (including one assessment). It is self-directed study. In each module (five modules), there are more than three materials that we have to self-study.
The Wakelet training could enhance my knowledge in using Wakelet, but the thing that I have to attend is just ________________ (fill in the blank).
“We’ve created a self-paced online course that will train you to become a Wakelet pro and help you share the magic of Wakelet with your learning community. The course takes around 30 minutes, and if you pass, you’ll get an official Wakelet Certified Certificate and badge that you can show off to the world! ” (this is taken from the email that I received)
The 30 minutes are for pros. I am not in that category yet.