Things that I got from IQRC 2021

I am not a techno savvy person. But I try my best to learn new things. So, I challenged myself to participate in a virtual conference this year. The first one I attended was in June. IQRC 2021 is my second.

One of the things that I notice is how QRAM (Qualitative Research Association Malaysia) organises the virtual conference. It looks neat and user-friendly. At first I was struggling to navigate the virtual conference venue but as I tried several times, it did help me to “survive” in navigating the venue. I got lost few times but it was alright. A new learning experience for me.

Unlike the conference bag that we usually get with goodies and stuff, this time around, we got a swag bag. The term sounds classy! We can choose to “bag” in the things available such as discount for books, videos and stuff. One of the things that I “bagged” is this video about qualitative research. It is kind of straight forward for students to use. I like the simple yet concise presentation of information. Here is the video.

For the programme book, it is in PDF format. As a reference, here is the programme book.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.