UTM code of ethics

I was asked my one of my senior colleagues to fill in a questionnaire in relation to teaching, supervision, research and publication.  There are 10 questions asked.  The questions are

  1. Do you know that UTM has code of professional ethics?  (you to answer either YES or NO)
  2. Have you read the UTM code of ethics?  (you to answer either YES or NO)
  3. Do you know what are the UTM code of ethics?  (you to answer either YES or NO)
  4. Do you think that you are an ethical staff by UTM standard or by your own standard?  (you to answer either YES or NO)
  5. Are you able to define what is “being professional” in your job? (you to answer either YES or NO)
  6. Please give 3 examples to prove that you bring ethics into your work
  7. Another 3 examples that you think you are not ethical in your work
  8. State a few example of your colleagues’ behaviour which you think is ethical and professional
  9. Please describe incidents or events of your colleagues which you think are not ethical and/or not professional in their work

What are my answers?   I already gave to the committee.  I don’t know the findings of this survey though.

There are news articles about Prof Wahid Omar’s thoughts about issues relating to academic integrity in reference to Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz’s claim about Malaysian academicians’ integrity which causes uproar among concerned Malaysian citizens and alike.  You can read one of the news articles HERE.

In addition, HERE is the UTM code of ethics [Just in case, some of you are searching for it]

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.