What is my first impression of …..

I was called to meet the Chair few days ago.  At first, I was thinking, what should I do to prepare myself to see her?  Well, there is nothing better to do than the usual stuff that I do when I have something big up coming.  Is meeting the Chair fall under such category?  I know that it is not a usual occasion for her to call us one by one.  So, it could be a big thing. 

I have asked around some seniors and they told me about their meeting.  So, I know what to expect.  I hope that mine goes well.  That’s it.

Did it go well?  One thing that I could say is the meeting is a memorable one.  I use “Is” rather than “was” because it does leave indelible mark in my heart. 

Knowing that the whole world will read this (do I care?), I just want to say that “It is not easy to fulfil the expectations that are set forth by others”.  Yup.  As an academician, I know and am fully aware of the things that I have to do but at the same time, I know very well that in the end of the day, what matters most is “Will it matter in the eyes of Allah?”  That’s the question that I would always ask myself. 

Will it matter to get promoted?  Whoah!  Ok.  I am not going to delve into this any further. 

Let’s take a step back about this matter.  I always ask myself about this “In what way that my existence could help others to be a better person?” So, I might appear as a strict supervisor to my research students because if I could not help them to be a better person, what’s the point of being their supervisor?  Of course, in doing so, I will prompt them to give their best.  Clearly, some people who are paper chasing type would have different idea about working hard or working their ass off.

So, does it enhance my importance by getting promoted?  Clearly, it does not matter.  I learn from great people with the title Professor who are thinkers.  Do I find such among my current colleagues? 

Oh, do I have time to look at them closely to make such evaluation?  Better keep myself busy doing other things like making videos for my class than evaluating them.  Just say that I have my own standard that I use to evaluate myself.  It does not rely on whatever and whoever KPI.  Capisce? 


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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.