I was in the midst of marking the examination scripts and to take a break, I googled some articles, browsed here and there before finding this thing: some non-Muslims guys (and ladies) are vlogging about their experience fasting. At first, I was thinking “Wait a minute?! Are they newly reverts? Or are they just fasting for the sake of experience of not eating for few hours?” But as I watch their videos (more than one apparently), I realise that they are really seriously doing it like a Muslim. They take sahur and do not eat from subuh until maghrib. Some have been doing it for few years. Man, I am really amazed. One of them is even praying tarawikh (I guess he is newly reverted to Islam. Alhamdulillah).
I am not saying it is a bad thing to do but I truly believe that Allah’s hidayah can be in various types and forms. Perhaps, this is one of it.