This is the second week in which I had experienced technical glitch with the internet connection. I tried several times and after failing to get connected to the internet and thus, use my Prezi note, I decided to use the OLD traditional method i.e. using mahjung paper. I know in this IR 4.0 era, mahjung paper might be regarded as the thing of yesteryears. Yeah, right. When the technology cannot be used, the best option is to use non-digital material.
Some of the students clapped their hands when seeing me taking out the mahjung paper. Without missing a beat, I told them “We always need a back-up plan. Plan B to prepare things like this“. I hope it will stuck in their mind when they undergo their teaching practicum that it is never a waste to be overprepared. Indeed.
Note: I wonder what is wrong with my school. I have difficulty to stay connected to the internet in my office. Ethernet cannot be used since few weeks ago. Wifi? It drives me nuts when I am in a middle of updating/editing my Prezi notes when I get disconnected. I lamented about it to some of my colleagues but it seems that they also face similar problems. So, what they do is they come in a bit late than 8am. My option? Stay at the library to do my notes and only go to my office after I finished my work. I know some students might have difficulty to find me in my office due to this. Well, I hope this problem would be rectified ASAP.