When will it end? Please do something. People are suffering

It was raining heavily at my place in the late afternoon yesterday.  I could not help myself from thinking about my aunt and cousins in Pasir Gudang.  Are they ok?  My aunt decides to stay for a while with one of her daughters at Larkin.  One of my cousins went back to Kluang (to take care of his mom) with his wife and a son. 

But how about the rest of residents who could not have any option to move or stay away from Pasir Gudang area due to various reasons?  From my observation (I am not an expert in this though), the air quality becomes worsen every time there is rain.  I am not blaming the rain.  I am blaming the people who cause this pollution due to their reckless act.  The rain is Allah’s blessing to show how bad things are than it is assumed.  It is bad.  Really bad.  

When they closed the schools last week, it was reported that only 16 schools were ordered to close.  Well, that’s not the case.  The school that I went for my Latihan Ikhtisas also was instructed to be closed.  I hope things are getting better.  

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.