The following is a list of Q4 journals in the field of education for 2016
Rank | Title | Type | Issn | SJR Quartile | Country |
748 | Pedagogika | journal | ISSN 13920340 | Q4 | Lithuania |
749 | Teaching Statistics | journal | ISSN 0141982X, 14679639, 0141982 | Q4 | United States |
750 | Asian Education and Development Studies | journal | ISSN 20463162, 20463170 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
751 | Education Next | journal | ISSN 15399672, 15399664 | Q4 | United States |
752 | Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances | journal | ISSN 17605393 | Q4 | Spain |
753 | Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society | journal | ISSN 18266223, 19718829 | Q4 | Italy |
754 | South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation | journal | ISSN 03799069 | Q4 | South Africa |
755 | Pharmacy Education | journal | ISSN 14772701, 15602214 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
756 | Current Issues in Education | journal | ISSN 1099839, 1099839X | Q4 | United States |
757 | Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Learning, ICEL | conference and proceeding | ISSN 20488882, 20488890 | – | United Kingdom |
758 | International Education Studies | journal | ISSN 19139020 | Q4 | Canada |
759 | Australian Journal of Early Childhood | journal | ISSN 03125033 | Q4 | Australia |
760 | Journal of Interactive Learning Research | journal | ISSN 1093023X, 1093023 | Q4 | United States |
761 | Revue Francaise de Pedagogie | journal | ISSN 05567807 | Q4 | France |
762 | Teaching Philosophy | journal | ISSN 01455788, 21536619 | Q4 | United States |
763 | JALT CALL Journal | journal | ISSN 18324215 | Q4 | Japan |
764 | Community and Junior College Libraries | journal | ISSN 15452522, 02763915 | Q4 | United States |
765 | English in Education | journal | ISSN 04250494, 17548845 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
766 | Journal of Applied Research on Children | journal | ISSN 21555834 | Q4 | United States |
767 | Monografias de Traduccion e Interpretacion | journal | ISSN 19899335, 18894178 | Q4 | Spain |
768 | Journal of Information Systems Education | journal | ISSN 10553096 | Q4 | United States |
769 | RLA, Revista de linguistica teorica y aplicada | journal | ISSN 0033698X, 0033698 | Q4 | Chile |
770 | Ubiquitous Learning | journal | ISSN 18359795 | Q4 | United States |
771 | New Directions for Teaching and Learning | journal | ISSN 02710633 | Q4 | United States |
772 | Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society | journal | ISSN 20416946, 20416938 | Q4 | United States |
773 | Revista Brasileira de Orientacao Profissional | journal | ISSN 16793390 | Q4 | Brazil |
774 | Cadernos CEDES | journal | ISSN 01013262 | Q4 | Brazil |
775 | Journal of Food Science Education | journal | ISSN 15414329 | Q4 | United States |
776 | Alberta Journal of Educational Research | journal | ISSN 00024805 | Q4 | Canada |
777 | Global Journal of Engineering Education | journal | ISSN 13283154 | Q4 | Australia |
778 | MLA 2014 – Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Multimodal Learning Analytics Workshop and Grand Challenge, Co-located with ICMI 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
779 | Meta: Avaliacao | journal | ISSN 21752753 | Q4 | Brazil |
780 | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education | journal | ISSN 03064190 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
781 | Journal of Museum Education | journal | ISSN 10598650, 20516169 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
782 | Perfiles Educativos | journal | ISSN 01852698 | Q4 | Mexico |
783 | Australasian Journal of Early Childhood | journal | ISSN 18369391 | Q4 | Australia |
784 | International Journal of Learning Technology | journal | ISSN 14778386, 17418119 | Q4 | Switzerland |
785 | Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Socialisation/Journal for Sociology of Education and Socialization | journal | ISSN 14361957 | Q4 | Germany |
786 | Bioscene | journal | ISSN 15392422 | Q4 | United States |
787 | Revista da Educacao Fisica | journal | ISSN 01033948, 19833083 | Q4 | Brazil |
788 | Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology | journal | ISSN 00215015 | Q4 | Japan |
789 | Innovation and Development | journal | ISSN 21579318, 2157930X, 2157930 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
790 | Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learning | conference and proceeding | ISSN 20490992 | – | Germany |
791 | Periodico Tche Quimica | journal | ISSN 21790302, 18060374 | Q4 | Brazil |
792 | Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE | conference and proceeding | ISSN 15394565, 01905848 | – | United States |
793 | Asian EFL Journal | journal | ISSN 17381460 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
794 | Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL | conference and proceeding | ISSN 15734552 | – | United States |
795 | Organisation Management Journal | journal | ISSN 15416518 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
796 | 2013 12th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, ITHET 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
797 | 2014 IEEE 27th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, CSEE and T 2014 – Proceedings | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
798 | International Journal of Distance Education Technologies | journal | ISSN 15393100 | Q4 | United States |
799 | Education for Information | journal | ISSN 01678329 | Q4 | Netherlands |
800 | Proceedings – 6th International Workshop on Science Gateways, IWSG 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
801 | Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS | conference and proceeding | ISSN 18149316 | – | United States |
802 | College Mathematics Journal | journal | ISSN 07468342 | Q4 | United States |
803 | Diversity in Higher Education | book serie | ISSN 14793644 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
804 | Young Exceptional Children | journal | ISSN 10962506 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
805 | RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas | journal | ISSN 00347590 | Q4 | Brazil |
806 | International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences | journal | ISSN 19422660 | Q4 | United States |
807 | Engineering Education | journal | ISSN 17500044, 17500052 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
808 | Multicultural Education | journal | ISSN 10683844 | Q4 | United States |
809 | International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies | journal | ISSN 23272570, 2327011X, 2327011 | Q4 | United States |
810 | eLmL – International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning | conference and proceeding | ISSN 23084367 | – | United States |
811 | International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education | journal | ISSN 13085581 | Q4 | Turkey |
812 | The Journal of General Education | journal | ISSN 15272060, 00213667 | Q4 | United States |
813 | International Perspectives on Inclusive Education | book serie | ISSN 14793636 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
814 | 2014 15th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics, REM 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
815 | Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement | journal | ISSN 15346104, 15346102, 21648212 | Q4 | United States |
816 | Journal for Multicultural Education | journal | ISSN 2053535X, 2053535, 20535368 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
817 | Research in Education | journal | ISSN 00345237 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
818 | ITALICS Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences | journal | ISSN 14737507 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
819 | Sociologija i Prostor | journal | ISSN 18465226 | Q4 | Croatia |
820 | Youth Studies Australia | journal | ISSN 10382569 | Q4 | Australia |
821 | Geography Teacher | journal | ISSN 17526884, 19338341 | Q4 | United States |
822 | International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies | journal | ISSN 15481093, 15481107 | Q4 | United States |
823 | Sustainability | journal | ISSN 19370695, 19370709 | Q4 | United States |
824 | 30th Annual conference on Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, ASCILITE 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Australia |
825 | Hellenic Journal of Psychology | journal | ISSN 17901391 | Q4 | Greece |
826 | Curriculum Perspectives | journal | ISSN 01597868 | Q4 | Australia |
827 | Education et Societes | journal | ISSN 17821428, 1373847, 1373847X | Q4 | Belgium |
828 | History of Education and Children’s Literature | journal | ISSN 19711131, 19711093 | Q4 | Italy |
829 | SIGITE 2013 – Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGITE Annual Conference on Information Technology Education | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
830 | International Journal of Special Education | journal | ISSN 08273383, 19177844 | Q4 | Canada |
831 | Didactica Slovenica – Pedagoska Obzorja | journal | ISSN 03531392 | Q4 | Slovenia |
832 | 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United Kingdom |
833 | Teaching Artist Journal | journal | ISSN 15411796 | Q4 | United States |
834 | Revista Lusofona de Educacao | journal | ISSN 16457250, 1646401 | Q4 | Portugal |
835 | Revista Electronica de Investigacion y Evaluacion Educativa | journal | ISSN 11344032 | Q4 | Spain |
836 | Advances in Special Education | book serie | ISSN 02704013 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
837 | Multicultural Education and Technology Journal | journal | ISSN 1750497, 1750497X | Q4 | United Kingdom |
838 | Orbis Scholae | journal | ISSN 18024637 | Q4 | Czech Republic |
839 | Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction | journal | ISSN 16758110 | Q4 | Malaysia |
840 | Journal of Language Teaching and Research | journal | ISSN 20530684, 17984769 | Q4 | Finland |
841 | Software Engineering Education Conference, Proceedings | conference and proceeding | ISSN 10930175 | – | United States |
842 | Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education | journal | ISSN 1474273X, 1474273 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
843 | International Journal of Chinese Education | journal | ISSN 2212585, 22125868, 2212585X | Q4 | Netherlands |
844 | Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL | conference and proceeding | ISSN 20488637, 20488645 | – | United Kingdom |
845 | Interchange | journal | ISSN 08264805 | Q4 | Canada |
846 | BSHM: British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin | journal | ISSN 17498430 | Q4 | United States |
847 | Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal | journal | ISSN 18559719, 22322647 | Q4 | Slovenia |
848 | Advances in Early Education and Day Care | book serie | ISSN 02704021 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
849 | International Journal of Learning and Change | journal | ISSN 17402875, 17402883 | Q4 | Switzerland |
850 | Children’s Literature in Education | journal | ISSN 00456713 | Q4 | United States |
851 | Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice | journal | ISSN 15414167, 15210251 | Q4 | United States |
852 | Journal of Architectural Education | journal | ISSN 10464883, 1531314 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
853 | Zbornik Instituta za Pedagoska Istrazivanja | journal | ISSN 05796431 | Q4 | Serbia |
854 | Australian Journal of Adult Learning | journal | ISSN 14431394 | Q4 | Australia |
855 | Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion Superior | journal | ISSN 20072872 | Q4 | Mexico |
856 | Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues | journal | ISSN 17537983 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
857 | Proceedings of the 2014 Zone 1 Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education – “Engineering Education: Industry Involvement and Interdisciplinary Trends”, ASEE Zone 1 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
858 | Advanced Science Letters | journal | ISSN 19367317, 19366612 | Q4 | United States |
859 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth – Research Reports | journal | ISSN 14403455 | Q4 | Australia |
860 | Revista Latinoamericana de Investigacion en Matematica Educativa | journal | ISSN 16652436 | Q4 | Mexico |
861 | International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education | journal | ISSN 17442710 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
862 | Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Indonesia |
863 | Journal of Applied Security Research | journal | ISSN 19361610, 19361629 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
864 | European Journal of Physical and Health Education | journal | ISSN 20808003 | Q4 | Poland |
865 | Work-In-Progress Poster – Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Taiwan |
866 | International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development | journal | ISSN 17531950, 17531942 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
867 | International Journal of Technologies in Learning | journal | ISSN 23272686, 23270144 | Q4 | United States |
868 | Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation | journal | ISSN 1857663, 14096099 | Q4 | Macedonia |
869 | Australasian Journal of Gifted Education | journal | ISSN 13239686 | Q4 | Australia |
870 | Journal of Classroom Interaction | journal | ISSN 07494025 | Q4 | United States |
871 | Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on MOOCs, Innovation and Technology in Education, IEEE MITE 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
872 | Applied Environmental Education and Communication | journal | ISSN 1533015, 1533015X, 15330389 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
873 | Proceedings of the 4th Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Education Conference, IEDEC 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
874 | International Journal of Education Economics and Development | journal | ISSN 17595681, 17595673 | Q4 | Switzerland |
875 | Workshop Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Indonesia |
876 | Proceedings – 2013 IEEE 5th International Conference on Technology for Education, T4E 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
877 | ISEC 2014 – 4th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
878 | Australasian Journal of Engineering Education | journal | ISSN 13245821 | Q4 | Australia |
879 | International Journal of Sustainability Education | journal | ISSN 23251220, 23251212 | Q4 | United States |
880 | Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching | journal | ISSN 16094913 | Q4 | Hong Kong |
881 | Enfances et Psy | journal | ISSN 17762820, 12865559 | Q4 | France |
882 | JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory | journal | ISSN 07316755 | Q4 | United States |
883 | Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance | book serie | ISSN 09266070 | Q4 | Netherlands |
884 | Health Professions Education | journal | ISSN 24523011 | Q4 | Saudi Arabia |
885 | Interactive Technology and Smart Education | journal | ISSN 17588510, 17415659 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
886 | International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education | journal | ISSN 13063030 | Q4 | Turkey |
887 | Revista de Pedagogia | journal | ISSN 07989792 | Q4 | Venezuela |
888 | Psychology and Education | journal | ISSN 00333077 | Q4 | United States |
889 | 2013 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
890 | Histoire de l’Education | journal | ISSN 02216280 | Q4 | France |
891 | Explicator | journal | ISSN 1939926, 00144940 | Q4 | United States |
892 | African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education | journal | ISSN 18117295, 24697656 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
893 | Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Student Services Association | journal | ISSN 13202480 | Q4 | Australia |
894 | Proceedings – 2013 7th IEEE International Conference on e-Learning in Industrial Electronics, ICELIE 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
895 | Chinese Education and Society | journal | ISSN 10611932 | Q4 | United States |
896 | Citizenship, Social and Economics Education | journal | ISSN 20471734 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
897 | Apunts. Educacion Fisica y Deportes | journal | ISSN 15774015, 20140983 | Q4 | Spain |
898 | Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning, IMCL 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
899 | Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, ICCSE 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
900 | Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly | journal | ISSN 18144810 | Q4 | Taiwan |
901 | Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology | journal | ISSN 23060212 | Q4 | Taiwan |
902 | Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering: Learning for the Future Now, TALE 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
903 | On the Horizon | journal | ISSN 10748121 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
904 | Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering, EAEEIE 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
905 | Enfance | journal | ISSN 00137545 | Q4 | France |
906 | European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults | journal | ISSN 20007426 | Q4 | Sweden |
907 | Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering, TALE 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
908 | Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics and Electronics | conference and proceeding | ISSN 21592144 | – | United States |
909 | Bordon | journal | ISSN 23406577, 02105934 | Q4 | Spain |
910 | International Perspectives on Education and Society | book serie | ISSN 14793679 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
911 | Proceedings – IEEE 6th International Conference on Technology for Education, T4E 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
912 | International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education | journal | ISSN 2334847, 23348496, 2334847X | Q4 | Serbia |
913 | Journal of Aesthetic Education | journal | ISSN 00218510, 15437809 | Q4 | United States |
914 | Theatre, Dance and Performance Training | journal | ISSN 19443919, 19443927 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
915 | History of Education Review | journal | ISSN 03113248, 08198691 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
916 | Journal of Technology Education | journal | ISSN 10451064 | Q4 | United States |
917 | Psychology, Society and Education | journal | ISSN 21712085, 1989709 | Q4 | United States |
918 | International Journal of English Studies | journal | ISSN 15787044 | Q4 | Spain |
919 | Proceedings of the 3rd Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Education Conference, IEDEC 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
920 | CSEDU 2014 – Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education | conference and proceeding | – | – | Czech Republic |
921 | Advances in Program Evaluation | book serie | ISSN 14747863 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
922 | Cadmo | journal | ISSN 11225165, 19725019 | Q4 | Italy |
923 | School Mental Health | journal | ISSN 18662633, 18662625 | Q4 | Germany |
924 | International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning | journal | ISSN 2327915, 23277971 | Q4 | United States |
925 | Proceedings of 2013 2nd International Conference on Measurement, Information and Control, ICMIC 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
926 | CEA Critic | journal | ISSN 00078069 | Q4 | United States |
927 | Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
928 | Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice | journal | ISSN 24054526 | Q4 | United States |
929 | International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation | journal | ISSN 23278692, 23277920 | Q4 | United States |
930 | Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Education, WESE 2012 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
931 | Magis | journal | ISSN 20271182, 20271174 | Q4 | Colombia |
932 | Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, ICCCSE 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
933 | Carrefours de l’Education | journal | ISSN 12623490, 19696949 | Q4 | France |
934 | Revista de la Educacion Superior | journal | ISSN 01852760, 23959037 | Q4 | Mexico |
935 | Research in Engineering Education Symposium, REES 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Australia |
936 | Journal of Spanish Language Teaching | journal | ISSN 23247797, 23247800 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
937 | Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Taiwan |
938 | 8th National and 5th International Conference on e-Learning and e-Teaching, ICeLeT 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
939 | 11th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Portugal |
940 | IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Portugal |
941 | 2013 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education, MSE 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
942 | Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies | journal | ISSN 20377932, 20377924 | Q4 | Italy |
943 | International Journal of Design Education | journal | ISSN 2325128, 23251298, 2325128X | Q4 | United States |
944 | Proceedings – 2013 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
945 | Journal of Technology and Science Education | journal | ISSN 20145349, 20136374 | Q4 | Spain |
946 | Historia da Educacao | journal | ISSN 22363459, 14143518 | Q4 | Brazil |
947 | Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education | journal | ISSN 10770755 | Q4 | United States |
948 | TESOL Journal | journal | ISSN 10567941 | Q4 | United States |
949 | Journal of Research Practice | journal | ISSN 1712851X, 1712851 | Q4 | United States |
950 | Hacettepe Egitim Dergisi | journal | ISSN 13005340 | Q4 | Turkey |
951 | Journal of Research on Christian Education | journal | ISSN 10656219, 19344945 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
952 | Cutting-Edge Technologies in Higher Education | book serie | ISSN 20449968, 20449976 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
953 | ICETA 2013 – 11th IEEE International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications, Proceedings | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
954 | EDERC 2014 – Proceedings of the 6th European Embedded Design in Education and Research Conference | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
955 | Asian ESP Journal | journal | ISSN 18332994, 18333001 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
956 | Specialusis Ugdymas | journal | ISSN 13925369, 24243299 | Q4 | Lithuania |
957 | Academic Questions | journal | ISSN 08954852 | Q4 | United States |
958 | Recherche et Pratiques Pedagogiques en Langues de Specialite – Cahiers de l’APLIUT | journal | ISSN 22575405 | Q4 | France |
959 | CSEDU 2013 – Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education | conference and proceeding | – | – | Portugal |
960 | Spirale | journal | ISSN 19516274, 12784699 | Q4 | France |
961 | Online Communities: Enterprise Networks, Open Education and Global Communication – 16. Workshop GeNeMe 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Germany |
962 | Nurture | journal | ISSN 19941625 | Q4 | Pakistan |
963 | International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum | journal | ISSN 23277963, 23279133 | Q4 | United States |
964 | International Journal of Knowledge and Learning | journal | ISSN 17411017, 17411009 | Q4 | Switzerland |
965 | Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering, EAEEIE 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
966 | Les Sciences de l’education pour l’ere nouvelle | journal | ISSN 07559593 | Q4 | France |
967 | 2013 2nd International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education, ICEEE 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
968 | Studies in Qualitative Methodology | book serie | ISSN 10423192 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
969 | College Literature | journal | ISSN 00933139, 15424286 | Q4 | United States |
970 | Advances in Research on Teaching | book serie | ISSN 15694895, 14793687 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
971 | Academe | journal | ISSN 01902946 | Q4 | United States |
972 | YC Young Children | journal | ISSN 15386619 | Q4 | United States |
973 | Journal of Educational Enquiry | journal | ISSN 14445530 | Q4 | Australia |
974 | Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference in MOOC, Innovation and Technology in Education, MITE 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
975 | Computers in Education Journal | journal | ISSN 10693769 | Q4 | United States |
976 | Journal of Psychological and Educational Research | journal | ISSN 22471537 | Q4 | Romania |
977 | Workshop Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Taiwan |
978 | Journal of Educational Thought | journal | ISSN 00220701 | Q4 | Canada |
979 | Journal of College Reading and Learning | journal | ISSN 10790195, 23327413 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
980 | International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies | journal | ISSN 18553362, 22326022 | Q4 | United States |
981 | Academia | journal | ISSN 10128255, 20565127 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
982 | Proceedings of WCCCE 2014: The 19th Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education – In-Cooperation with ACM SIGCSE | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
983 | Encyclopaideia | journal | ISSN 18258670, 1590492X, 1590492 | Q4 | Italy |
984 | Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology, and Society | book serie | ISSN 19333633 | Q4 | United States |
985 | Doctoral Student Consortia – Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Indonesia |
986 | English Teaching and Learning | journal | ISSN 10237267 | Q4 | Taiwan |
987 | Proceedings – RoEduNet IEEE International Conference | conference and proceeding | ISSN 20681038 | – | United States |
988 | Field Actions Science Report | journal | ISSN 1867139X, 18678521, 1867139 | Q4 | France |
989 | Management Education | journal | ISSN 23278005, 23279273 | Q4 | United States |
990 | Russian Education and Society | journal | ISSN 10609393 | Q4 | United States |
991 | International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership | journal | ISSN 23291591, 23291656 | Q4 | United States |
992 | Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research | journal | ISSN 15333604 | Q4 | United States |
993 | Meridian | journal | ISSN 10979778 | Q4 | United States |
994 | Collegiate Aviation Review | journal | ISSN 15235955 | Q4 | United States |
995 | Literacy Research, Practice and Evaluation | book serie | ISSN 20480458, 20480466 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
996 | Proceedings of XI Tecnologias Aplicadas a la Ensenanza de la Electronica (Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching), TAEE 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
997 | Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyiregyhaziensis | journal | ISSN 08660182, 17860091 | Q4 | Hungary |
998 | NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education | journal | ISSN 19407890, 19407882 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
999 | Tamkang Journal of International Affairs | journal | ISSN 10274979 | Q4 | Taiwan |
1000 | Journal of Integral Theory and Practice | journal | ISSN 19445091, 19445083 | Q4 | United States |
1001 | Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 63rd Annual Conference International Council for Education Media, ICEM 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
1002 | International Journal of Early Childhood Learning | journal | ISSN 23277939, 23278722 | Q4 | United States |
1003 | Multicultural Education Review | journal | ISSN 2005615X, 23770031, 2005615 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
1004 | European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity | journal | ISSN 18033857 | Q4 | Czech Republic |
1005 | Curriculum Matters | journal | ISSN 11771828, 22532129 | Q4 | New Zealand |
1006 | Proceedings of the AIS SIG-ED IAIM 2013 Conference | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
1007 | 4th International Conference on e-Learning and e-Teaching, ICELET 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
1008 | Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education | journal | ISSN 15214842 | Q4 | United States |
1009 | Education in Chemistry | journal | ISSN 00131350 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
1010 | Work-in-Progress Poster (WIPP) Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Indonesia |
1011 | Education 2014 – Core Programming Area at the 2014 AIChE Spring Meeting and 10th Global Congress on Process Safety | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
1012 | Learning Imaging | book serie | ISSN 18696988, 1869697 | Q4 | Germany |
1013 | Doctoral Student Consortium (DSC) – Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Taiwan |
1014 | Journal of Adult Theological Education | journal | ISSN 17407141, 17431654 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
1015 | Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness | journal | ISSN 21606765, 21606757 | Q4 | United States |
1016 | Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases | journal | ISSN 20438869 | Q4 | Switzerland |
1017 | Engineering Design Graphics Journal | journal | ISSN 00462012 | Q4 | United States |
1018 | Journal of Information Technology Education: Discussion Cases | journal | ISSN 21661324, 21661316 | Q4 | United States |
1019 | Teaching Public Administration | journal | ISSN 20478720, 01447394 | Q4 | United States |
1020 | New Horizons in Education | journal | ISSN 16831381, 18183352 | Q4 | China |
1021 | Proceedings of IDEE 2013: 2nd International Workshop on Interaction Design in Educational Environments – In Conjunction with the 15th Int. Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Portugal |
1022 | 2013 IEEE 5th International Conference on Engineering Education: Aligning Engineering Education with Industrial Needs for Nation Development, ICEED 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
1023 | Journal of Education and Christian Belief | journal | ISSN 13665456 | Q4 | United States |
1024 | Computer, Intelligent Computing and Education Technology – Selected Peer Reviewed Papers From 2014 International Conference on Computer, Intelligent Computing and Education Technology, CICET 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Netherlands |
1025 | Caritas et Veritas | journal | ISSN 18050948 | Q4 | Czech Republic |
1026 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education | journal | ISSN 18377122, 18377130 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
1027 | Acta Comeniana | journal | ISSN 02315955 | Q4 | Czech Republic |
1028 | IASTED Multiconferences – Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education, WBE 2013 | conference and proceeding | – | – | Canada |
1029 | International Journal of Humanities Education | journal | ISSN 23272457, 23270063 | Q4 | United States |
1030 | Deutsch als Fremdsprache | journal | ISSN 00119741 | Q4 | Germany |
1031 | Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle | journal | ISSN 02496739 | Q4 | France |
1032 | Recherche et Formation | journal | ISSN 09881824 | Q4 | France |
1033 | OAH Magazine of History | journal | ISSN 0882228, 0882228X | Q4 | United States |
1034 | Pythagoras | journal | ISSN 22237895, 10122346 | Q4 | South Africa |
1035 | The French Review | journal | ISSN 0016111, 0016111X | Q4 | United States |
1036 | Synergies Europe | journal | ISSN 2260653, 19516088 | Q4 | France |
1037 | Advances in Education in Diverse Communities: Research, Policy and Praxis | book serie | ISSN 1479358, 1479358X | Q4 | United Kingdom |
1038 | Aussiger Beitrage | journal | ISSN 18026419 | Q4 | Czech Republic |
1039 | Religionspadagogische Beitrage | journal | ISSN 01730339 | Q4 | Germany |
1040 | 10th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, EWME 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
1041 | Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies | journal | ISSN 10784950, 15325822 | Q4 | United States |
1042 | International Journal of Diversity in Education | journal | ISSN 23270020 | Q4 | United States |
1043 | International Journal of Learning | journal | ISSN 14479540, 14479494 | Q4 | United States |
1044 | Recherches en Didactiques des Sciences et des Technologies | journal | ISSN 21106460 | Q4 | France |
1045 | Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia | journal | ISSN 16756061 | Q4 | Australia |
1046 | Technische Berichte des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts fur Softwaresystemtechnik an der Universitat Potsdam | conference and proceeding | ISSN 21911665 | – | Germany |
1047 | Second Language Learning and Teaching | journal | ISSN 21937648 | Q4 | United States |
1048 | CISCI 2014 – Decima Tercera Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernetica e Informatica, Undecimo Simposium Iberoamericano en Educacion, Cibernetica e Informatica, SIECI 2014 – Memorias | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
1049 | Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies | journal | ISSN 13087711 | Q4 | Turkey |
1050 | International Journal of Adult, Community and Professional Learning | journal | ISSN 23286318, 23286296 | Q4 | Australia |
1051 | 15th Annual General Assembly International Association of Maritime Universities, IAMU AGA 2014 – Looking Ahead: Innovation in Maritime Education, Training and Research | conference and proceeding | – | – | Australia |
1052 | International Journal of Literacies | journal | ISSN 2327266, 23270136 | Q4 | United States |
1053 | 2014 International Conference on Web and Open Access to Learning, ICWOAL 2014 | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
1054 | Gymnasium | journal | ISSN 03425231 | Q4 | Germany |
1055 | Journal of Science Education | journal | ISSN 01245481 | Q4 | Colombia |
1056 | International Journal of Learner Diversity and Identities | journal | ISSN 23270128, 23272627 | Q4 | United States |
1057 | Advances in Educational Administration | book serie | ISSN 14793660 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
1058 | IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine | journal | ISSN 1942065, 1942065X | Q4 | United States |
1059 | CLA Journal | journal | ISSN 00078549 | Q4 | United States |
1060 | Word of Mouth | journal | ISSN 10483950 | Q4 | United Kingdom |
1061 | Proceedings ACM SIGUCCS User Services Conference | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
1062 | International Journal of Learning in Higher Education | journal | ISSN 23278749, 23277955 | Q4 | United States |
1063 | Conference on Nuclear Training and Education 2013, CONTE 2013: An International Forum for Discussion of Issues Facing Nuclear Energy Training and Education | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
1064 | Astra Salvensis | journal | ISSN 23441887, 23934727 | Q4 | Romania |
1065 | Milli Egitim | journal | ISSN 13025600 | Q4 | Turkey |
1066 | Education Division 2013 – Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future | conference and proceeding | – | – | United States |
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