…of tea and scones

While vacationing in Cameron Highlands, I decided to take everyone up to Bala’s Chalet and Restaurant for some tea and scones. The atmosphere around Bala was rather relaxing. 

Bala’s Chalet & Restaurant
The scones were excellent, served with imported butter and strawberry jam.  The cream they serve with the jam was unusual: pure white in colour and very dense. I thought it could be the whipping cream, but whipping cream is usually lighter. A mouthwatering combination with the delicious scones was the tea. My hubby thought that the tea was perfect.
Beautiful scones

This combination of 2 pieces of scones and a teapot of tea costs RM22.50. I think it’s a little pricey. But with the ambiance and great scones, no price is comparable to the experience.

The scones and tea are just to our liking
Hb & I posed while waiting for our order

Patiently waiting

Exotic lomak cili api

This is our 2nd trip to Restoran Nelayan on Jalan Zaaba, Seremban. To those who never ever had  any taste of masak lomak negeri style, have a visit here. You will find a variety of masak lemak cili api and a wide range of ulam-ulaman and sambal belacan, tempoyak and cencalok. Yummm…….

A range of ulams

All the sambal belacans and cencaloks and tempoyaks

My kids love the ‘siput’ and ‘otak’ is my hb’s favourite

See the ‘landak’ meat???


Tembusu is the inner perut…(I dont know which part of perut actually, but my hb loves this)

This is really expensive….cendawan kukur (1kg costs rm100)

Anga & Ain settled for this

That’s hb’s choice

That’s mine

This restaurant is unique as this is the one that serves EXOTIC masak lomak cili api dishes ranging from porcupine meat (landak), venison meat (rusa) and other exotic dishes. I am not brave enough to try these exotics, so I only settled for Grilled beef masak lomak (daging salai). Hubby paid RM80 for a lunch for 6 adults.

An unexpected turn of event

My ODC which we just overhauled its engine went overheated in Bandar Seri Putra in Bangi. We were on our way to a short trip to Cameron and all our plans went haywire. Because it was my sister’s first trip to Cameron Highland, I decided to proceed with this holiday. Well, didn’t want to ruin her excitement. Zahidee, my nephew came to our rescue. He helped us out with our ODC and let us used his Wish. We were on our way up when we received a BBM message saying that the ODC has been towed by Evo’s sister company in Gemas.

My ODC being towed from Bukit Mahkota to EVO in Gemas

Road trip to CH was fine. It was almost 12 midnight when we finally reached Greenhill Apartments.

2 days in Cameron Highland, time to head home. But then again, our ODC was still at Evo Gemas. 

After sending Nasri off in UIA, we had a good ride via Plusliner coach. When was the last time I took a ride on a bus??? Hmmm…let’s see, can’t remember. It must have been years….

Dad is one happy man…he didn’t have to
drive this time

Can Apricot Seeds Fight Cancer?

Have you heard that apricot seeds help fight cancer? I have no idea about this. To read a medical report is just too strenuous for my eyes. If you need more information about this, try this link: Cancer Tutor. One thing for sure, apricot seeds contain Vitamin B17 (Laetrile).

There are many success stories from people using just laetrile or apricot seeds. You can check out this site: Anti Cancer Info

I have also found in my readings that apricot seeds do contain cyanide which actually could be poisonous if taken in big quantities.

I bought a half kilo of apricot seeds last week and make a point to chew 3 seeds a day as a prevention against cancer. Yucky taste!!! My oh my, what bitter taste you have, apricot seeds. 

I found other benefits of apricot seeds (copied from http://greatstuff.hubpages.com/hub/Health-Benefits-of-Apricot-and-Apricot-Seed).

  • It is claimed that vitamin B17 helps in the prevention of cancer. Apricot seed has the highest percentage of B17 in any fruits and consuming this seed will help prevent cancer.
  • Vitamin B17, and hence apricot seed, also helps to lower high blood pressure.
  • Helps to reduce pain associated with arthritis.
  • Helps to maintain the general health and well-being. Hence, it will strengthen the ability to resist infections like colds and flu.
Well, if you want good health, forget about the taste. Perhaps you should try it with a piece of chocolate to get rid of that taste.


A holiday home in Lake Tekapo

In winter 2010, the 3 families decided to book a winter holiday in Lake Tekapo. Rina’s, Ann’s and my families book a flight from Auckland to Christchurch via Jetstar. I remember paying only NZD300 for my family for a return trip. That would total up to RM750 for the 5 of us. Cheap as? 
Right after touching down at Christchurch International Airport, we headed straight to Carleton (errk, have I got the name correct???) to do some grocery shopping. We collected our minibus which we rented and headed straight to Lake Tekapo where we would be putting up for 2 nights. I was in charge of house hunting and vehicle hunting. Relieved that the house I chose was “extra spacious” for these 3 families to share. I’m sharing with you the view of this house we rented for our winter holidays.

Some other holiday houses

The entrance to our holiday home

Nice area, right?

Zul, posing for me. With the holiday home at the background and the mini bus enough for the 12 of us

The dining area

Along’s & Anga’s (my kids) room

Living are

The area outside

After…see all the food we brought

My hubby & I rested in this room- on the ground level

Passage to the top

Kasi can sama Saiful & Rina

A lovely Bach home @ Christchurch

We went for a holiday in Christchurh and rented a 3 bedroom holiday home. Interestingly, the owner of the lovely home has converted the garage into another big bedroom enough for a family of 5. 
Let’s take a peek at what the home offered us.

an Xray of my excruciating pain

Yeap, and this pain has been killing me. I have no idea what caused the pain. After an Xray was taken, I was referred to a specialist at HSA. Like other dentists, they could not figure out what went wrong. So Dr Nur Amanina who happened to be a colleague’s niece gave me a ‘thorough’ scaling and localized the pain. She wanted to prescribe ponstan but i said no. Ponstan just didn’t work on me. Diclofenac was the medication she prescribed along with a mouthwash. Another appointment is due on the 2nd Nov. We’ll see what happens next.

Mocha, please recover….

Look at how sick Mocha is….

We lost his antics…

Mocha has been sick, diagnosed with liver problem, jaundice and mouth ulser. He is still on medication, of antibiotics, liquid for his liver and vitamin B complex. Because of the pain in his mouth, we have to feed him with AD which I pureed and force feed him using a syringe. It is difficult for me, I have to rush to work and return home in between to feed him. He’s not his usual self. He prefers to be left alone and would sit in this position for hours.

Bazlie, he came and he’s now gone

Bazlie is now resting in peace. He touched me though he was with me for only 3 weeks.

The night before Bazlie passed away

My Love for Anas

We found a little limping kitten stuck under our shoe cabinet on the 21st July. Nasri named it ‘kitun’. I felt rather funny calling him ‘kitun’ so after so much thought wondering, we decided to name him ‘Anas’, ~taking after the panasonic box we put it in. I was thrilled when hb changed his mind & allowed us to keep it. Elated, I rushed to the store, got a litter box, and food for him. Everyone was excited! We did not choose Anas, but God sent him to us. He was limping yes, but he was such a playful darling.  On the 6th Sept 2012, he went missing. When hb left for work, Anas was still playing at the car porch, but when I left for work, I sensed that he was gone. Anas is God’s gift to us. We didn’t choose to care for him but he chose us. It was therapeutic caring for him. I’m calling for Anas to return to us one day…..

Watching and waiting

Hope this week brings me some great news. Waiting for two cheques to reach my desk…

This is not my cheque…photo courtesy from google image… 😀

And the return of my BB 9860…which I have missed since January 29th. Celcom promises I’m getting my phone back today, hoping it comes back to me scratchless!


I don’t have any words to describe how I feel this moment. My heart is empty and I just can’t think.

A new milestone in the year of the Dragon

If I could turn back the clock, I want the clock to revert to 2011. I don’t have enough time. The CNY holidays are in a few hours away. We have to pack to “balik kampung”…and I am pretty sure we’ll get stuck in the jam on the highway!

The most dreadful feeling I have right now is the tonnes of workload I am leaving behind. I am stuck between work and leisure….and some insecurity about the way I feel.

But the thought of getting some blissful rest with my family awakens every senses in my body.
And the thought of the good food that I’ll indulge in….hmmmm.

I am hoping for some rays in my life and wishing that all the energy I have lost will be regained by next week…
May the year of the dragon gives me more confidence, success and strengths to fulfill my aspirations.

‘Tis the season for Garage Sale


My Saturday mornings in Hamilton were usually filled up with bargain hunting at Garage Sales. We would study the Friday newspaper, and made a cut-out of the places we could hunt for bargains. Our mornings would start as early as 7am. The earlier you get there, the better choices you get. When others we still in deep slumber (because it’s a weekend), I would rise earlier and get prepared for this. Small change is a MUST, because you buy goods as cheap as 20cents.

Address sign to the garage sale

When I first went to a garage sale, I didnt know what to look for. A friend, Mursyidi once said, “Kak…get this rubbish basket. It’s 20cent.” I thought to myself why buy one here? Why couldnt I buy a new one? “Kak, this is in great condition. Take it!” And I bought it. And I bought more, and more, and more….

Traders selling at garage sales are not up in making profits. They were trying to get rid of the unused items. I think, we should practise this. If you dont want to use an item, and it has been collecting dust, why not hand it over to others? Sell it, yes…but be reasonable at putting a price for it.

of items to choose from
friendly traders
shop for goodies

I have very detailed eyes for “good” stuffs, and I would never return home empty handed. There would be books for the kids, household items and even new items at very “UNBELIEVABLE” prices. I bought a NEW bedsheet from NZ at only $1 and a 21inch TV for also a dollar.

I let go of my stuffs throught TM

Before I left New Zealand, I did not let go of my stuffs through a garage. I was lucky as there were 2 newcomers in Hamilton, so I sold to them and other items were sold through Trade Me, a website similar to Lelong where online buyers would bid on your items.

Well, enough said…I miss my Saturday mornings going around Hamilton areas treasure hunting.