12th IEEE Colloquium on Signal Processing and Its Applications (CSPA2016)

The Advanced Signal Processing Research Group, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UiTM and IEEE Malaysia Section Control Systems Chapter, are pleased to announce the 12th IEEE Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications (CSPA 2016). The event will be held in Melaka, Malaysia on 4th to 6th March 2016. The colloquium will provide an excellent platform for knowledge exchange between researchers, scientists, academicians and engineers working in the areas of automation, process, scientific research and analysis.

We welcome submissions in these topics:
  • Sensors and sensing techniques
  • Artificial intelligence and optimization systems
  • Analytical/production techniques
  • Signal processing techniques
  • Industrial electronics
  • Automation, robotics and control systems
  • Image processing and transformations
  • Bioinformatics
  • Geomatic engineering: “SEALANDAIR” digital imagery applications
  • Other related areas
This event calls for local and international participation. Please submit your papers via our submission system HERE.

Important dates are listed below:
Submission of full papers: 18th December 2015 (extended to 27th December 2015)
Notification of acceptance: 2nd January 2016
Registration & camera-ready submission: 15th February 2016

Conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEEXplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases