2016 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium

The Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’16) is a premier forum sponsored by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS). Researchers, engineers, practitioners, and students, from industry, universities and government agencies are invited to present their latest work and to discuss research and applications for Intelligent Vehicles and Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation. Technical sessions, workshops, poster sessions, exhibition, and technical visits will be organised. The IV2016 is hosted by Chalmers University of Technology and SAFER Vehicle and Traffi c Safety Centre. Gothenburg is a perfect city for the symposium because it is the centre of automotive industry in Sweden, with headquarters of Volvo Trucks, Volvo Cars, and the supplier Autoliv, and where many international companies and academia have their development and research base. The brand new proving ground for active safety testing – AstaZero – is very close.

Jonas Sjöberg, General Chair of IV’16

Brendan Morris, Program Chair of IV’16

Anna Nilsson-Ehle, Director of SAFER


• Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

• Automated Vehicles

• Vehicular Safety, Active and Passive

• Vehicle Environment Perception

• Driver State and Intent Recognition

• Eco-driving and Energy-Effi cient Vehicles

• Impact on Traffi c Flows

• Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems

• Collision Avoidance

• Pedestrian Protection

• V2I / V2V Communication

• Proximity Detection Technology

• Assistive Mobility Systems

and many more.  Please refer to cfp for more details.


January 22, 2016: Paper submission deadline (Note, this is the FINAL extension)

January 22, 2016: Special/Tutorial Sessions/Workshop Proposal deadline

March 25, 2016: Notifi cation of Acceptance

April 22, 2016: Final Paper Submission


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