Monthly Archives: January 2016


Assalamualaikum w.b.t & Salam Sejahtera,

Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia will be organizing an INNOVATIVE PRACTICES IN EDUCATION AND INDUSTRY EXHIBITION (I-PEINX) on 14th March 2016.   The details as below :

Venue : Dewan Sultan Iskandar, UTM
Categories :

  1. a) Social Science
  2. b) Science & Technology

c) School (Secondary School)

For more information please visit our website :

Official email :
Thank You


ICCOINS2016 Masthead

ICCOINS 2016 is organised by Computer and Information Sciences Department of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) and technically co-sponsored by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. It aims to promote research and development activities in Computer Science, Information Technology and Information Sciences. The conference serves as an ideal platform for researchers and academia to address challenges and to exchange scientific information in computing techniques and other related areas.

The conference will be held in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on 15th to 17th of August 2016.

All accepted papers will be published in IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and indexed by SCOPUS.

Oustanding papers will be invited to submit an extended version of the paper to be considered for publication in special issues in either of the following journals :

  • International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (SCOPUS-indexed)
  • International Journal of Business Information Systems (SCOPUS-indexed)
  • Jurnal Teknologi (SCOPUS-indexed)


Important Dates:

Call For Papers 1 July 2015
Full Paper Submission Deadline 31 January 2016
Notification of Acceptance 31 March 2016
Early Bird Registration Deadline 30 April 2016
Camera Ready Paper Submission Deadline 30 May 2016
Conference Registration Deadline 30 May 2016
Conference Dates 15-17 August 2016

Meet the MIT grad that engineers General Motors’ electric vehicles

The following article is obtained from here.


Greg Hubbard spoke with about the newest Chevrolet Volt and the much-anticipated Bolt EV.

Ryan Breslin /

Greg Hubbard arrived at MIT during the mid-1990s, during the height of the alternative music scene. He noticed something funny about the alternative music his friends were listening to.

“Everyone was listening to the same music,” said Hubbard. “So I asked, ‘Why do you call it alternative music?’” It seemed pretty mainstream to him.

“What was once considered an alternative energy vehicle is now considered mainstream,” said Hubbard.

The New Volt

Hubbard visited his alma mater MIT this week and brought a 2016 Chevrolet Volt with him. Hubbard took on a quick test drive in the Volt, highlighting some of the Volt’s major changes now that it is in its second generation.

Many of the changes made to the Volt were based on input from the first generation of drivers. These changes include a 40 percent improvement in the Volt’s electric range from 30 miles to 53 miles.

For trips that are longer than 53 miles, the Volt also has a conventional gas tank that will kick in and last for 370 miles, allowing the electric battery to recharge. Hubbard believes about 80 percent of Volt drivers’ trips will rely solely on electricity.


GM’s Greg Hubbard explains the improvements made to the newest generation of the Chevrolet Volt. Enhancements include a 40 percent improvement in the Volt’s electric range and intuitive controls.

Ryan Breslin /

The Volt’s exterior has also been given an upgrade that makes it look less like an alternative fuel car and more like an everyday sedan. On the inside, the center console is just the right size and its controls are intuitive and easy to use.

“The goal is not simply to reach the Volt enthusiasts, but a more mainstream audience as well,” said Hubbard.

Bolt EV

The fully electric Chevrolet Bolt EV is one of the most-anticipated vehicles on GM’s roster. It was first unveiled as a concept car at the Detroit Auto Show last year. The first Bolts have not yet been built and are expected to hit the market later this year.

When they arrive, the Bolt promises to shake up the electric vehicle market. First, it promises a range of 200 miles, which is on par with the range offered by electric automaker Tesla’s Model S.

But the Bolt EV also promises a very un-Tesla like price of roughly $30,000 (after the federal tax credit). That’s well below the Model S price range of about $70,000.

With the Bolt EV, Hubbard brags that GM has “cracked the code” for delivering an electric car that offers both a longer range and an affordable price to the market.

Hubbard anticipates the Bolt EV’s 200-mile range will be a major selling point for commuters and other drivers who are worried about finding the time to recharge it.

“We’re really excited that we’ll be the first to the market with what we believe is a game-changing vehicle,” said Hubbard. “It’s significant because it means I don’t have to worry about charging. If [a commuter] charges every other day they don’t need to charge on such an urgent basis.”

This week, Hubbard is back at MIT for a specially-created class on how to design an electric vehicle. The course will include sessions on battery technology, urban mobility issues, and more.

“As an alumnus and former resident, I’m thrilled to be talking about one of my favorite subjects,” said Hubbard.

Hubbard says his time at MIT and in Cambridge was instrumental in shaping his career and developing his interest in electronic propulsion systems because he was surrounded by “the very best” students and faculty in their respective fields.

“I saw what others were doing and said I was interested in being a leader in my field as well,” he said.

Looking ahead, Hubbard realizes there are still challenges to making alternative fuel vehicles like the Volt and the Bolt EV truly mainstream. EVs and hybrids only make up about 4 percent of all car sales.

Sales of alternative fuel vehicles would have to reach 20 percent to be considered mainstream, says Hubbard.

“Looking back, it’s taken us 15 years to claim 4 percent of the market,” said Hubbard. “I hope it won’t take us another 15 to get to the next 4 percent. I’m getting too old too quickly.”

Bunga Kesidang

Saya tertarik dengan bunga ini kerana baunya sangat harum.  Ia boleh dijadikan pewangi kereta semulajadi.  Petik dua atau tiga kuntum bunga kesidang dan letak ia di dalam kereta.  Segar ….


Sumber penulisan di bawah saya dapati dari sini.


Pokok kesidang berasal dari Pulau Jawa. Di negeri utara Malaysia, kesidang dikenali dengan nama pokok bunga kerak nasi, manakala di pantai timur Malaysia dikenali dengan nama bunga tikam seladang. Di negara Barat, pokok ini dikenali sebagai bread flower. Nama saintifik bagi pokok dalam keluargaApocynaceae ini ialah Vallaris glabra. Kesidang sering menjadi penghias halaman dan pergola taman.

Pokok kesidang berbatang keras dan berdaun seakan-akan daun sirih. Bunganya berwarna putih dan berbau wangi seakan-akan bau daun pandan. Sesekali, baunya seakan-akan bau nasi. Hal ini memungkinkan namanya sebagai bunga kerak nasi, sementelah pula warnanya putih dan jambak bunganya seperti kerak nasi. Bunga kesidang dijadikan salah satu ramuan dalam bunga rampai. Tepak sirih yang menjadi bahan dalam beberapa istiadat masyarakat Melayu turut dihiasi bunga kesidang. Gadis dan wanita Melayu menjadikan bunga kesidang sebagai hiasan sanggul.

Bunga kesidang yang putih bersih melambangkan kesucian dan kelembutan. Maka, dengan kehalusan dan kesesuaiannya dalam kehidupan orang Melayu, bunga kesidang dijadikan bunga rasmi bagi negeri Melaka yang penuh dengan adat istiadat dan resam budaya. Cantik di halaman dan wangi di taman membuatkan kesidang digemari juga oleh kupu-kupu dan burung. Kesidang mudah tumbuh melalui keratan batang dan biji.


Dengan segala hormatnya perkara di atas adalah dirujuk.

Universiti dengan hormatnya menjemput

YBhg. Tan Sri/Datuk/Datuk Seri/Puan Sri/Datin/Prof./Prof. Madya/Dr./Ir./Sr./Ar./saudara hadir ke Majlis Perhimpunan Bulanan Februari 2016 seperti butiran berikut:

Tarikh :  2 Februari 2016 (Selasa) 

Masa : 8.00 pagi 

Tempat : i. Dewan Utama, UTM Kuala Lumpur

  1. Dewan Bankuet & Dewan Senat, UTM Johor Bahru [SECARA LINTAS LANGSUNG]

Pakaian :  Korporat 


7.45 pagi : Ketibaan Staf
8.00 am : Ketibaan YBhg. Naib Canselor
: Lagu Negaraku
: Bacaan Doa
: Amanat Bulanan oleh YBhg. Naib Canselor
: Penyampaian Sijil & Cenderahati

: Keunggulan Terbilang
: Program Tamat

Sekian, kehadiran dan kerjasama YBhg. Tan Sri/Datuk/Datuk Seri/Puan Sri/Datin/Prof./Prof. Madya/Dr./Ir./Sr./Ar./saudara dalam perkara ini amatlah dihargai dan didahului dengan ucapan terima kasih.


​Nota: Jadual Perhimpunan Bulanan untuk 2016, sila klik  SINI


All UTM staff are cordially invited to the Monthly Engagement with the Vice-Chancellor of UTM on 02 February 2015 (Tuesday).

Details of the monthly engagement are as follows:
Date: 2 February 2016 (Tuesday)
Time: 08.00 am
Dewan Utama, UTM Kuala Lumpur.
Banquet Hall & Senate Hall, UTM Johor Bahru.  [LIVE TELECAST]

Dress Code: Corporate attire.

7.45 am : Arrival of staff
8.00 am : Arrival of the Vice Chancellor of UTM
: National Anthem
: Du’a Recitation
: Monthly Speech by the Vice Chancellor of UTM
: Certificate and Souvenir Presentation
: Keunggulan Terbilang Song
: End of Program

Your presence to this monthly engagement would be much appreciated.