ISHU 2016

Dear Prof/AP/Senior Fellow/Research Fellow/Scientist/Researcher/Supervisor/Lecturer & Students
ISHU 2016 call for a  full paper submission for Scopus  and ISI index journal publications. For more detail , visit
Presentation is based on video conferencing style. No food, no hotel, no seminar room, no restaurant, no accommodation, no transport, minimum expenses and no need to travel to UTM.
Just need a computer with internet network and the join meeting ID from ISHU 2016 organizer. Refer to the publication below.
Thank you
ISHU 2016 Organizer
Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific  and Industrial Research,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310, UTM Skudai, Johor , Malaysia
    1. Pakistan Journal of Statistics (ISI & Web of Science with IF 0.14)
    2. Pertanika (Scopus)
    3. International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and its Applications (Scopus)
    4. Advanced Science Letters (Scopus)
    5. International Journal of Economics & Financial Issues (Scopus)
    6. International Review of Management & Marketing (scopus)
    7. Science International (ISI Thomson Reuters)
A.P Dr Norma Binti Alias
Associate Professor
Center for Sustainable Nanomaterials,
Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific  and Industrial Research,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310, UTM Skudai, Johor , Malaysia

Office:+607-5536271 | Mobile: +6012-7299094 | Fax: +607-5536080

High Performance Computing-Large Sparse Mathematical Modelling- Big Data Simulation
and Software Engineering