I AM UTM: The Magazine

Alhamdulillah, it is with great pleasure that we announce the launching of the official UTM magazine entitled ‘I AM UTM: The Magazine’, in light of the branding strategy launched this year.

The magazine will be published once every four months, and will feature selected stories of achievements, happenings, alumni, or anything that is relevant to UTM in general.

The magazine can be accessed via this link: http://www.utm.my/magazine/ 
It can be viewed online (best viewed after clicking on ‘full screen’ at the bottom right of the app window) or downloaded as pdf.

Please share the magazine with your networks, so they may also know what is going on at the university.

We hope you enjoy reading the magazine, and feel that you are also part of it.
If you have any stories you would like to share with the university, please submit them on this page: http://corporateaffairs.utm.my/
It may even be chosen to be featured in our next issue!

Remember, it is not the brick and stone that make the university.
It is the people.

It is you and me.


Happy reading!