Dear Industry Researchers,
APMC2017 seeks 20 – 40 minutes IoT special session from Industry participant proposal, which should provide clear and focused technical material covering new and emerging topics within the scope of microwave hardware enabling IoT and IoT applications. This is a good platform to promote any IoT realted product/ services in the company.
The IoT talk proposal should describe concisely the content, importance and timeliness of the tutorial. It should contain the following sections:
1. Title ;
2. Abstract/ Synopsis (up to 350 words);
3. Keywords;
4. Name of presenter,
All submission shall be written in English. NO FULL PAPER will be eligible in this case. The deadline for submissions is August 3, 2017. The proposal document should be submitted by email to the IoT Special Session PIC, Fauziahanim Che Seman at
Best regards,
Fauziahanim Che Seman
IoT Special Session PIC