Calling for papers – International Journal of Real Estate Studies (INTREST)

It is our great pleasure to announce that our International Journal of Real Estate Studies (INTREST) are calling for papers for our next issue.


Alhamdu Lillah issue 1 (backdated) of volume 9 of International Journal of Real Estate Studies was just uploaded by CRES, FGHT, UTM.

After a short nape and a bit of struggle to reclaim access thereto, we just wanted to move the engine with three papers. We are intending to publish the second issue before 31 December 2015. This is hoped to be achieved through a boot camp of review and revision session that may take a whole day within CRES compound.  Target day is Wednesday 23 Dec 2015.


Call for papers, reviewers and editors


Call for papers: The International Journal of Real Estate Studies is calling for papers for the issue No 2 of Volume 9, 2015, and others.

All Real Estate related papers having the quality of teachable material, or research findings (literature reviews, empirical studies) are qualified for acceptance in English (75%) and Malay (25%). Papers with minimum revision or no revision at all, at the judgment of the authors, could be sent for the boot comp issue 2015, and others for 2016 issues.

We hope that with cooperation from your good self we may be able to publish online continuously. All reviewed / revised papers would be uploaded the moment it is finalized and without wait for other papers. With this authors may publish as soon as they finalize their part and after basic editing.


Appointment of Reviewer: The task includes review of papers as and when request is made. Ad hoc membership (ability to review papers within a period of a month) and regular membership (able to review papers within a day and/or a month) could be opted for.


Appointment of Editor: The main expectation is to work with Permanent Editors, CRES members. The tasks will include: overseeing the refereeing process; writing/co-writing Editorials; promoting the work of the Journal to the academic community; representing the Journal at relevant events and conferences, and development and implementation of editorial strategy, to shape the future direction of the Journal and its contribution.


All request could be directed to the following email. – for paper submission – for reviewers & editors application

We appreciate if you could kindly disseminate this information to your staff and colleagues. We look forward for your participation. Your participation is highly appreciated.


Pegawai Penyelidik,
Centre of Real Estate Studies (CRES)

Institute For Smart Infrastructure & Innovative Construction (ISIIC)

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

No. Tel: 07-5557701, Fax: 07-5557702

Primary email:, Secondary email: