Category Archives: UTM News

UTM ranked in the top 1% in the QS World University Rankings 2017/2018

Johor Bahru, 8 June 2017: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia improved its performance and leaped 35 places to 253rd in the QS World University Rankings 2017/2018. UTM is among the top 26% in the QS World University Rankings and this achievement has placed UTM in good stead as one of the top 1% of universities in the world.

Based on the six performance indicators assessed, UTM made improvements in almost all categories and gained the highest points in the faculty student indicator. This notable performance is largely attributed to the strong commitment by UTM faculty members to provide the best support in facilitating students’ learning experience, while harnessing potential talents among students to strive for excellence.

UTM is also set to engage in more impactful research collaborations that can ultimately lead to improved performance through joint publications and increased citations. At the same time, UTM will continue its efforts in enhancing research collaborations with partners across the globe especially in areas of mutual interests. This would help UTM researchers to leap forward and stay relevant and visible among peers at the global level. It is also crucial in developing talents with the right capacity in research and publications. Benefits to universities range from opportunities to work on impactful research outcomes that would bring positive impact to society and community well being.

At the same time, by engaging with strategic partners, there will be more opportunities to gain access to specialised research facilities and open up potential channels for research fundings.

It is worth noting that although rankings are useful for benchmarking, they should neither be viewed as the only measure of excellence, nor should they dictate how a university should move forward.

What is more important is to focus on the fundamentals of quality education, enhancing academic and research capacity and instilling a strong mindset and culture for improved reputation at the global level. This is what UTM will continue to strive for to reach greater heights.

Buletin Perpustakaan Jilid 27 Bil.4

Assalammualaikum & Salam Sejahtera,


​YBhg. Prof./Dr./Saudara,


Buletin Perpustakaan Jilid 27 Bil.4


Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Buletin Perpustakaan Jilid 27, Bil. 4 kini boleh diakses di portal Perpustakaan UTM.


Klik portal > klik About Us > klik Library Publication > klik Bulletin/ Newsletter > klik keluaran / bil. atau sila klik BuletinPerpustakaan Jilid 27 Bil.4.


Perhatian dan kerjasama saudara berhubung perkara di atas amatlah dihargai dan didahului dengan ucapan ribuan terima kasih.

​Kepada semua, Selamat Membaca.​


Sekian, terima kasih.

I AM UTM: The Magazine

Alhamdulillah, it is with great pleasure that we announce the launching of the official UTM magazine entitled ‘I AM UTM: The Magazine’, in light of the branding strategy launched this year.

The magazine will be published once every four months, and will feature selected stories of achievements, happenings, alumni, or anything that is relevant to UTM in general.

The magazine can be accessed via this link: 
It can be viewed online (best viewed after clicking on ‘full screen’ at the bottom right of the app window) or downloaded as pdf.

Please share the magazine with your networks, so they may also know what is going on at the university.

We hope you enjoy reading the magazine, and feel that you are also part of it.
If you have any stories you would like to share with the university, please submit them on this page:
It may even be chosen to be featured in our next issue!

Remember, it is not the brick and stone that make the university.
It is the people.

It is you and me.


Happy reading!

Pamer kehebatan cipta robot

Nurul Husna Mahmud

Kem Musim Panas Robotik Drabot yang berlangsung lima minggu menagih komitmen tinggi apabila memerlukan 25 peserta berkampung di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur, baru-baru ini.

Pelajar sekolah seawal usia sembilan hingga 17 tahun meneroka potensi teknologi selaku pembina robot.

Jika sebelum ini pertandingan peringkat sekolah lebih banyak mengenai teknologi robotik bersifat mainan seperti LEGO robot dan hanya menggunakan visual program, modul pembelajaran mahupun standard pertandingan.

Namun, penghujung kem itu memerlukan peserta bekerjasama dengan unsur lebih realisik mahupun praktikal mengenai robot.

Penganjurnya, Robotic Systems Enterprise mempunyai tanggapan penguasaan kemahiran pembinaan robot merangkumi bidang kejuruteraan robotik, elektronik, mekanikal, perisian kawalan, dan navigasi perlulah dititipkan seawal peringkat sekolah lagi kerana kemahiran itu jika dipelajari setelah menginjak universiti terlalu lewat.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya Dafizal Derawi berkata, kesedaran serta dorongan itu perlu diasuh dalam kalangan generasi muda mengenai kemampuan mereka menjadi pembangun produk (developer) berbanding hanya pengguna semata-mata.

“Peserta menunjukkan komitmen serta potensi yang sangat besar dalam bidang robotik sepanjang 24 hari berada dalam kem ini. Ada sesetengah peserta pada mulanya hadir mengisi masa lapang mula jatuh minat pada dunia robotik.

“Saya yang sedang mengikuti pengajian peringkat doktor falsafah dalam bidang robot udara kagum dengan prestasi peserta.

“Potensi mereka menerusi pertandingan enam kategori robot, terutama Robot Darat Automatik, Robot Air Automatik dan Robot Udara Multirotor melangkaui kemampuan pelajar sarjana muda kejuruteraan di pusat pengajian tinggi (IPT).

“Kami hanya kongsikan ilmu teknologi robot termaju tetapi mereka mampu mengaplikasi terutama kemahiran menganalisis membabitkan kestabilan sistem dinamik dan tahu arah gerakannya (navigasi).

“Kami mencabar mereka apabila mengetengahkan skil pembinaan robot daripada peringkat asas sehinggalah memasukkan algoritma tertentu menggunakan Bahasa Pengaturcaraan C melalui Arduino platform sebagaimana pertandingan dianjurkan pada tahap universiti di Malaysia,” katanya berharap tahun ini dapat melahirkan 100 jurutera muda robotik.

Bagi peserta dari Kuala Lumpur, Hafiz Maznan meskipun pernah mengikuti pembelajaran pengaturcaraan dan perkakasan, ilmu diperolehi menerusi Kem Musim Panas Robotik Drabot jauh melangkaui apa pernah dipejarinya di sekolah.

“Sebelum ini kami sangkakan kemahiran ada sudah memadai tetapi belajar dan menjadi sebahagian peserta kem ini, masih banyak perkara ketinggalan. Contohnya sambungan litar elektronik, meskipun belajar di sekolah secara praktikal apabila pekakasan gagal berfungsi, kami tidak tahu alternatif atau kaedah lain mengatasinya.

“Berbeza di sini kami belajar kenapa membuat sesuatu sambungan elektronik itu dan kami juga mampu untuk memeriksa litar elektronik jika menghadapi masalah kerana kami diajar lebih kepada kefahaman dan bukannya hafalan. Ini mendedahkan kami mengenai tanggungjawab sebagai pembina atau ‘developer’,” katanya.

Peserta berusia 14 tahun, Danish Aiman Rozmi berkata dia melihat pengisian ditawarkan oleh penganjur berkaitan pengaturcaraan atau ‘programming’ sesuatu menghiburkan dan sesuatu bidang perlu terus diteroka.

“Saya memang berhasrat menjadi pengaturcara kerana melihat bidang itu cukup penting kepada teknologi. Atas tujuan itu saya hadir dalam kem robot ini.

“Kesan langsung dapat dilihat apabila peserta mahupun kumpulan yang ada saling berentap untuk membuktikan ‘programming’ masing-masing. Apabila berdepan konflik mengenai robot mereka tidak lokek berkongsi ‘input’ dan saling bekerjasama.

“Bagi saya ia bukan sekadar ilmu semata-mata, sebaliknya kerjasama dan berkongsi skil dan ilmu menjadikan komuniti robot ini pada tahap lebih baik,” katanya.

Sementara itu pelajar Sekolah Rendah Islam Al-Amin Gombak Fatimah Athiyah Mohamad Zaki, 11, tidak serik untuk menyertai program sedemikian meskipun menagih komitmen dan tumpuan tinggi.

“Saya sangat gembira dapat mengikuti program ini. Banyak yang dapat dipelajari dan mudah difahami mengenai ilmu Robotik yang diajar. Fasilitator yang ada juga tidak lokek membantu jika tidak faham mengenai sesuatu perkara.

“Di samping itu, dapat ramai kawan baru. Kelas dianjurkan lebih interaktif menjadikan program ini lebih seronok. Jika berkesempatan berharap dapat sertai program sebegini lagi,” katanya.


Nama: Hafiz Maznan

Umur: 15 tahun

Asal: Kuala Lumpur

Nama: Danish Aiman Rozmi

Umur: 14 tahun

Asal: Kuala Lumpur

Nama: Farimah Athiyah Mohamad Zaki

Umur: 11 tahun

Asal: Kuala Lumpur

UTM Researchers win GOLD Award at iCAN 2016

JOHOR BAHRU, 27 December 2016 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) researchers from the Faculty of Education have won the Gold Award at the 2016 International Invention Innovation Competition (iCAN) 2016 held in Toronto, Canada, last August.

A team of researchers comprising Prof. Dr. Zaidatun Tasir, Rozita Abdul Jalil and Dr. Shaharuddin Md Salleh won the award through their invention titled “RMATHs – Mobile Based Numeracy Learning Applications for Learning Disabilities Students”.

RMATHs is an educational tool that consists of five mobile applications that are specifically designed for learning disabilities (LD) students that once again won the jury’s hearts.

Before iCAN 2016, the RMATHs had won several national and international awards and recognitions such as the Creative and Interactive e-Learning Award (Mobile Apps category) and Gold Medal at International University Carnival on e-Learning (IUCEL 2016), Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition (KIWIE 2016) (Gold Medal), International Engineering Invention and Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX 2016) (Gold Medal, Best Award and First Prize Winner in Edutainment Competition 2016) and Innovative Practices in Education and Industry Exhibition (I-PEINX 2016) and was also recognized as the ‘Honour of Invention’ by the World Invention Intellectual Property Association (WIIPA) 2016.

Organized by the Toronto International Society of Innovation & Advanced Skills (TISIAS) and with strong support by the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA), iCAN 2016 is arguably the first international event of inventions and innovative projects ever held in Canada and a celebration for all achievements made by talented inventors of today’s generation from multiple countries.




YBhg. Prof./Saudara,

Sukacitanya, seluruh warga Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) dijemput untuk hadir ke Majlis Perhimpunan Bulanan(Disember) bersama YBhg. Datuk Naib Canselor yang akan diadakan pada 05 Disember 2016 (Isnin).
Perincian Perhimpunan Bulanan (Disember) adalah seperti berikut:
Tarikh : 05 Disember 2016 (Isnin)
Masa : 8.00 pagi
Tempat :

i. Dewan Senat & Dewan Bankuet, UTM Johor Bahru.
ii. Dewan Azman Hashim, UTM Kuala Lumpur  [LINTAS LANGSUNG]

– Pakaian korporat.

Atur cara:
7.40 pagi : Staf mengambil tempat
8.00 pagi : Ketibaan YBhg. Datuk Naib Canselor
: Nyanyian Lagu Negaraku
: Bacaan Doa
: Pembentangan oleh YBhg. Datuk Naib Canselor

: Slot / Penghargaan Khas (jika berkaitan)
: Penyampaian sijil kenaikan pangkat, dll (UTM JB & UTM KL)
: Lagu Keunggulan Terbilang
: Bersurai

Segala sokongan dan komitmen YBhg. Prof/Saudara untuk hadir amatlah dihargai.

Sekian dimaklumkan.

Office of Corporate Affairs
Level 16, Menara Razak
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra
54100 Kuala Lumpur
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Congratulation to Associate Professor Dr Siti Hamidah !!

Recently UTP had organized Innovation Competition 2016 in conjunction with our 16th Convocation. For your kind information, a researcher from UTM namely Associate Professor Dr Siti Hamidah won the Grand Prize amounting to RM 50,000 research grant from UTP – for which she needs to collaborate with UTP researcher

UTM produces 619 PhD graduates since January 2016

JOHOR BAHRU, 17 October 2016 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has recorded its own history when producing a total of 619 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) graduates in the period of 10 months from January this year.
Vice Chancellor Prof. Datuk Ir Dr Wahid Omar said the number is expected to increase to 719 by the end of this year as compared to 616 graduates for the period January to December 2015.
According to Prof. Wahid, this was the highest number ever produced in a year since Dr Ahmad Zaki Abu Bakar from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering became the first graduate to receive a PhD from UTM in 1989.
“On the 57th Convocation which will take place from 22 to 25 October 2016, a total of 362 PhD graduates will receive their scrolls that will be presented by UTM Chancellor, HRH Raja Zarith Sofia Bt Sultan Idris Shah, Queen of Johor.
“The 57th convocation saw a total of 5,467 graduates, comprising 362 PhDs, 873 Masters and 2,533 Bachelors and 733 Diploma will receive their scrolls respectively. The total included 966 graduates of Bachelor and Diploma programs in collaboration with the Private Education Institutions, “he said during a press conference announcing the 57th convocation ceremony in his office today.
Prof. Wahid said a total of 25 graduates of the State Administrative Office under the sponsorship of the State Secretary of Johor (SUKJ) who were pursuing Master Degree in Land Development and Administration from Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate also will be receiving their Master’s Degree. They started their studies in February 2014 and ended in March 2016.
“The second cohort of 21 State Administrative Officers under the SUKJ sponsorship have signed up to study at the post-graduate level at the International Business School (IBS), UTM Kuala Lumpur.
“The initiatives of State officials pursuing their studies at the post- graduate level was originally idealized by the Menteri Besar Johor, Datuk Mohamed Khaled Nordin in order to achieve the target of at least 50 percent of the State Administrative Officers holding a Masters to produce qualified civil servants and are able to strengthen the Johor civil service,” he said.
He said several historic events will take place at the convocation ceremony including the appointment of Tan Sri Dato ‘Dr. Lin See-Yan as Pro-Chancellor to replace Dato ‘Dr. Muhammad Ridzuan Hj. Salleh, who has completed his tenure on March 15, 2016. The appointment of Tan Sri Dato ‘Dr. Lin See-Yan came in effect from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2019.
Meanwhile, former Deputy Vice Chancellor of UTM, Prof. Dr. Ismail Kailani will be awarded the title of Emeritus Professor by HRH Raja Zarith Sofia.
In the meantime, for the first time in history, UTM will be awarding posthumous degrees to the heirs of deceased graduates. The graduates have successfully completed more than 80 percent of study before passing away.
Among the posthumous graduates is the late Bashir Yahaya of Nigeria, pursuing a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, who died of a heart attack on October 10, 2015.
The rest were a Bachelor of Accounting graduate, late Fatin Farah Wahhida Azahar from Batu Pahat, Johor and Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Development graduate, the late Mohd Shafiq Ellmal Abdul Shukor of Bandar Penawar, Kota Tinggi, Johor from the Faculty of Management, who died on the same day, 26 April 2016.
“Fatin Farah Wahhida died from heart complications during the Industrial Training session in Klang, Selangor while Mohd Shafiq Ellmal died in a road accident while traveling to attend industrial training in Bandar Penawar,” he said.
The 57th Convocation also saw a total of 349 international graduates from 35 countries that attended various courses will receive a diploma. Iran is the country that tops the list with 91 graduates followed by Nigeria and Indonesia.
The number of international graduates which has been produced by UTM up to 57th Convocation ceremony were 192 PhD, 118 Master, 38 Bachelor and one Diploma. The total number of graduates produced since 1972 has amounted to 180,425 persons.


KUALA LUMPUR , 18 October 2016 : A Leadership Lecture Series entitled ‘“Building a Strong Malaysian Brand: Rally for the Malaysian Youth” by YB Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar was held at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia  Kuala Lumpur Campus.

The MJIIT Leadership Lecture Series provides a platform for representatives from both the government and industrial sectors to share their knowledge, experiences, and expertise. These lecture series aims to offer MJIIT students better understanding of the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of a professional engineer and to offer better insights into the need for a sustainable development and for managerial and entrepreneurial skills.

YB Khairy shared his lecture with over 500 hundred audience, who were mostly MJIIT students. In the lecture, the honourable minister mentioned that every great and successful nation could be identified through its exceptional work performance.  It is their badge of honor and their national brand.  Malaysia must also seek to do likewise.  Malaysia needs to be branded positively.

He also stressed that the audience should be passionate in whatever fields of endeavor they are in.  They should be highly inquisitive and should always strive for excellence.  They should strive to change not only in their life’s destiny but also for the betterment of the whole world. He also mentioned that, in continuously building our competitive edge, we need to inculcate a culture of excellence, continuous improvement (Kaizen) and getting right the first time.

YB Khairy closed his lecture by encouraging the students to acquire as much knowledge and experience as possible during industrial training and attachment programmes as these act as a window for a preview of the practical aspects of the industries and, more importantly, of the real world.  Performing well during the industrial training and attachment programmes will certainly give students an added advantage and, thus, increase the marketability of their talent upon graduation.

At the same occasion, MJIIT held a handover ceremony of a new Perodua car contribution from Perodua Auto Corporation Sdn. Bhd.  The sponsorship, a new Perodua Bezza is given to establish several new research topics that will strengthen academic and research activities at the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), located in UTM Kuala Lumpur in the field of automotive, which will be integration from several area of expertise involving several research group called here in Japanese term as “i-Kohza”. “i-Kohza” is a Japanese based laboratory which emphasis Japanese style research and education values.