The 5th International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems (ICSECS’17) serves as a forum to address the challenges in the areas of Software Engineering and Computer Systems particularly on issues empowering community and future applications; thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforementioned fields. The conference looks for significant contributions towards theoretical and practical aspects.

All submissions will be reviewed by at least two blind independent peer reviewers based on technicality and content of submission. The tracks of this conference emphasises on but not limited:

Software Engineering Network Systems and Security
  1. Requirements engineering
  2. Software architecture and design
  3. Model-driven software development
  4. Domain specific modelling and metamodelling
  5. Human-computer interaction
  6. Software processes, analysis, security and quality
  7. Testing, verification, and validation
  8. Search-based Software Engineering
  9. Software engineering methods and tools
  10. Cyber-physical systems
  11. Aspect oriented programming
  1. Computer Networks.
  2. Digital Communications
  3. Parallel and distributed Systems.
  4. Wireless, Ad Hoc & Mobile Communication.
  5. Internet of Things.
  6. Software Defined Network
  7. Service and Cloud Computing.
  8. Big Data Security & Resource Optimization
  9. Network Security.
  10. Information Security and privacy.
  11. Digital Forensics and Cybercrime Investigation
Soft computing & Intelligent Systems Technology Multimedia Computing & Computer Vision
  1. Artificial Intelligent & machine learning
  2. Knowledge representation and reasoning
  3. Evolutionary computation
  4. Multi agent systems and swarm intelligence
  5. Algorithms and optimization
  6. Soft-computing application
  7. Intelligent systems
  8. Modelling and simulation
  9. Robotics
  1. Computer vision
  2. Image processing and watermarking
  3. Audio and video processing
  4. Motion and tracking
  5. Pattern Recognition
  6. GIS & Remote sensing
  7. Biometric
  8. Data visualization
  9. Augmented and virtual reality
  10. Speech recognition
  11. Feature selection and extraction
Information System  
  1. E-learning
  2. Big data analytic
  3. Green computing
  4. Data mining
  5. Knowledge management
  6. Risk management
  7. E-commerce
  8. Information governance and social media
  9. IT project management