Postgraduate Annual Research on Informatics Seminar (PARIS2016)


Dear UTM AIS students,

Advanced Informatics School (UTM AIS) will organize  Postgraduate Annual Research on Informatics Seminar (PARIS2016) for coursework and research students.  This seminar will be held at UTM, Kuala Lumpur  on 26th October  2016.

So, we would like to invite all students to submit and present their research works atPARIS2016.


All accepted and presented papers will be published in Proceeding Booklet (ISSN) in2016. Selected paper with extended version will be invited  to publish in Open International Journal of Informatics (OIJI – non index journal). The presenters also will receive the certificate for participation.

Free of Charge (F.O.C)

Abstract submission due date :  12th September 2016
Full paper submission due date :  26th September 2016
Notification of acceptance & correction due date : 10th October 2016
Camera ready : 17th October 2016
PARIS 2016 : 26th October 2016


Please submit your abstract (maximum 200 words) to:
The maximum page for full paper is FIVE  (5) pages.
The manuscript should be in English. They should written clearly and concisely in a MS Word file. The manuscripts should be formatted according to guidelines from the given template. Please use the attached template for the full paper.
