The 13th ICSP 2016, Nov. 6-10, Chengdu, China

On behalf of the Conference Committee, we would like to extend with great pleasure our warmest welcome to you all to the 13th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP2016) 6-10 November 2016, Chengdu, China.

Sponsored by IEEE Beijing Section, IET Beijing Local Network and Beijing Jiaotong University, the ICSP 2016 is the 13th one of the ICSP conference series, which began from 1990 in Beijing.  During the past 26 years theory and technology of signal processing have been advanced extremely quickly and spread widely in all the disciplines of engineering and scientific fields. Signal processing has also a great effect on the day-to-day life of the human beings. To keep the pace with the technology development and the state of art of applications, the ICSP is being held once every two years.The 13th IEEE ICSP will bring together diversity of authors and speakers from many nations and regions to share ideas and new perspectives in both theoretical and practical aspects of signal processing.

*** Important Dates ***
June 20, 2016 : Submission of Papers
July 20, 2016 : Notification of Acceptance
Aug. 20, 2016 : Submission of Final Papers
Sept. 20, 2016 : Pre-registration
Nov. 6-10, 2016 : Conference

*** Registration Fee ***
IEEE Member (including Student member): $595.00
Regular (including Student):$620.00
Each article should be within 6 pages, otherwise USD60 will be charged per page of the extra pages of your article. The first author who has 2 papers should pay one registration fee and USD60 per page of the second paper.

*** Regular Session Topics ***
The topics of interest to be covered by ICSP 2016 include, but are not limited to:
A. Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
B. Optimization for Estimation & Modeling
C. Signal Analysis for Big Data
D. Time-Varying Signal Processing
E. Adaptive Filtering & Restoration
F. Array Signal Processing
G. Hardware Implementation for SP
H Speech Coding & Recognition
I. Q & A System and Speech Retrieval
J. Image Processing & Understanding
K. Sparse Representation & Feature Detections
L.2D/3D Video Compression & Retrieval
M. Computer Vision & VR
N. Multimedia & Human-computer Interaction
O. Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition
P. AI & Deep Learning
Q. Communication Signal Processing
R. SP for Social Media and Internet
S. Biometrics & Authentification
T. SP for Bio-medical & Cognitive Science
U. SP for Bio-informatics
V. Signal Processing for Surveillance
W . Radar Signal Processing
X. Sonar Signal Processing and Localization
Y. SP for Human Action Analysis
Z. Application & Others

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