Lunar cycle may affect hormonal change in insects, fish reproduction, Melatonin and corticosterone in birds decrease, changes in the taste sensitivity of rats in the Laboratory
Monthly Archives: May 2024
Ais krim berasal dari China, dibawa ke Itali oleh Marco Polo, kemudian ke Perancis oleh Catherine de Medici dan ke Amerika oleh Thomas Jefferson. Ais diminum sejak 4,000 B.C oleh Tamadun Mesopotamia dan mereka membina rumah ais pada musim panas
Ice cream was invented by the ancient Chinese, brought to Italy by Marco Polo, to France by Catherine de Medici, and thence to America by Thomas Jefferson
Iced drinks and desserts have been around since at least 4000 B.C., when nobles along the Euphrates River built icehouses to take the edge off the Mesopotamian summer heat
Bayi boleh membezakan cahaya dan gelap ketika dalam kandungan. Bayi baru lahir boleh mengenalpasti perbezaan antara hitam dan putih, beberapa minggu kemudian membezakan warna merah dan warna hijau selepas berumur beberapa bulan.
Babies can tell the difference between light and dark while they are still in the womb.
When they are first born, babies are extremely sensitive to light. Newborns can see contrast between black and white shapes. The first primary color they are able to distinguish is red. This happens in the first few weeks of life.
Babies can start to notice differences in shades of colors, particularly between red and green, between 3 and 4 months old. Actual color vision and the ability to see color develop when a baby is around 5 months old. Babies do not have as clear or sensitive color vision as adults at this age, but they should be able to notice the differences and see colors.
Enjin McLarent F1 disalut lapisan emas (gold foil) untuk mengurangkan kepanasan enjin
The McLarent F1 engine is coated with a layer of gold foil to reduce engine heat

Phagocytosis, berlaku pada organ badan seperti otak, paru-paru, hati, limpa dan lain-lain. Ia ada proses dimana sel menelan dan mencerna sel lain yang tidak sihat, sel barah atau untuk menghapuskan sel yang tidak bermanafaat. Lebih aktif berlaku dalam keadaan berpuasa.
Phagocytosis, occurs in body organs such as the brain, lungs, liver, spleen and others. It is a process where cells envelop and consume other cells or molecules to remove them from the system to help preserve your grey matter. more active while fasting
John Carpenter, peserta ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ berhadapan dengan soalan terakhir untuk berjaya memenangi hadiah 1 juta dolar. Dia masih ada 3 talian hayat. Dia kemudian menghubungi bapanya ketika soalan terakhir bukan untuk meminta jawapan, tetapi untuk memaklumkan yang dia akan memenangi wang 1 juta dolar. Dia adalah orang pertama yang memenangi 1 juta dolar.
John Carpenter, contestant on ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ faces the final question to successfully win the 1 million dollar prize. He still has 3 lifelines. He then calls his father not to ask for an answer, but to inform that he will win 1 million dollars. He was the first person to win 1 million dollars.
Ron Sveden berbulan bertarung dengan emphysema (masalah paru-paru seperti sesak nafas, batuk dan sakit dada) akhirnya doktor mendapati biji kacang tumbuh dalam paru-parunya. Doktor berkata, kacang itu telah masuk ke saluran yang salah.
In 2010 doktors have found a Pea sprouting in the lung of 75 years old man from Massachusetts in the US. The plant was about half an inch or 1.25cm in size after Ron Sveden had been battling emphysema for months when his condition deteriorated
Reference : BBC News - Pea plant grows inside man's lung
Tidak ada apple yang jatuh atas kepala Sir Isaac Newton, contoh dibuat supaya pelajar mudah faham, dia cuma mengkaji kenapa buah apple jatuh lurus tidak condong ke kiri atau ke kanan, terapung atau ke atas, kemudian membuat kesimpulan tentang graviti. Pokok tersebut masih ada hingga sekarang setelah 357 tahun
There’s no evidence to suggest the fruit actually landed on his head, but Newton’s observation caused him to ponder why apples always fall straight to the ground (rather than sideways or upward) and helped inspired him to eventually develop his law of universal gravitation.

Source : Wikipedia Doctor Zirkel follows Newton's famous steps under the fabled Title Doctor Zirkel follows Newton's famous steps under the fabled Description Doctor Zirkel follows Newton's famous steps under the fabled apple tree. Coloured wood engraving. Iconographic Collections Keywords: Isaac Newton References Library reference: ICV No 12208 Photo number: V0011942 Full Bibliographic Record: Source/Photographer Gallery: Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-29): CC-BY-4.0
Betulkah kereta Steve Job tak ada nombor plat? Di California kenderaan baru, diberi tempoh 6 bulan untuk tidak memiliki no plat, jadi sebelum habis 6 bulan menggunakan sesebuah kereta, Steve Job akan membeli kereta baru. Itu undang-undang dulu, sekarang dipendekkan kepada 20 hari
Steve Jobs Never Had License Plates on His Car, but every six months he traded it in for a new one. a loophole in the California vehicle laws. Anyone with a brand new car had a maximum of six months to affix the issued number plate to the vehicle. has been shortened to 20 days
Nama asal beliau adalah Abdul Lateef Jandali
Read more :,plates%20fitted%2C%22%20writes%20Heath.
Lebih separuh daripada tubuh kita dihuni oleh makhluk-makhluk lain iaitu sebanyak 57% dari tubuh kita adalah makhluk yang menumpang terdiri daripada bakteria-bakteria, virus-virus, kulat-kulat dan Archaea
Prof Rob Knight daripada University of California San Diego, melaporkan kepada BBC mengatakan bahawa “diri anda sebenarnya lebih kepada mikrob bukannya manusia”
Human cells make up only 43% of the body’s total cell count. The rest is microscopic colonists this include bacteria, viruses, fungi and archaea (organisms originally misclassified as bacteria)
Prof Rob Knight, from University of California San Diego, told the BBC: “You’re more microbe than you are human.”
Ruang kosong berisi angin dalam bungkusan makanan ringan sebenarnya Nitrogen untuk mencegah makanan rosak, memanjangkan jangka hayat makanan dan sebagai pelampung mengelakkan makanan dari hancur ketika diangkut
Air in the snacks or chips packets are filled with nitrogen to preserves quality, slow down spoilage, extends the products’ shelf life and also cushions and protects delicate food inside the package from being crushed during handling
Veronica Seider, menurut Guiness World Record, mempunyai penglihatan 20x lebih daripada orang biasa. Dia boleh mengenal seseorang dari jarak 1.6km.
Veronica Seider holds the Guinness World Record for having the best eyesight, She has a vision 20 times more than an ordinary people an ability to recognise somebody in distance 1.6 km away
Lebih dari 30 juta akaun Facebook milik orang yang telah meninggal
Over 30 million Facebook accounts belong to dead people
Kulit tenggiling kalis peluru, seorang lelaki cedera rahang apabila peluru yang digunakan untuk menembak tenggiling memantul lalu mencederakannya, walau bagaimanapun tenggiling sebenarnya masih boleh cedera jika ditembak
Armadillo shells are bulletproof. A Texan man was hit in the face when his own bullet bounced back from an armadillo that he tried to shoot
Pelajar boleh dikenakan sehingga 7 tahun penjara, jika ditangkap meniru dalam peperiksaan di China
Chinese students can get 7 years in jail for cheating in an exams
Tidak ada walau satu pun traffic light di Bhutan, dengan penduduk 780,000 berkeluasan 38,394 km²
Bhutan the only country in the world that doesn’t hava a single traffic light. With population 781,000 and area of 38,394 km²
Chopsticks asalnya alat memasak digunakan di zaman Greece
Chopsticks were used for cooking tool in Ancient Greece
Gula-gula kapas lebih nipis dari seurat rambut, ini memberi idea saintis menghasilkan salur darah yang teramat halus menggunakan mesin yang sama
A strand of cottom candy is actually thinner than a strand of human hair
Ayam atau telur, yang mana duhului dahulu? secara teorinya kulit telur ayam mempunyai protein yang hanya boleh dihasilkan oleh ayam betina. Jadi tanpa ayam betina, protein pada kulit telur itu tidak wujud, Maha Suci Allah
Scientist concludes that the chicken come first, not the eggs, because the protein which makes egg shells is only produced by hens
Bukan sekadar memanjat, panda juga boleh berenang dan suka menghabiskan masa 10-16 jam untuk makan
Pandas can swim and even climb trees & spend 10-16 hours a day feeding
Reference : WWF
French Fries bukan berasal dari France (Perancis) tetapi Belgium
French Fries didn’t originate in French but the origins can be found in Belgium
Adi Dassler, menubuhkan ADIDAS pada Aug 1949 dengan 47 pekerja, abangnya Rudolf Dassler menubuhkan PUMA pada Jan 1948 dengan 14 pekerja
Adi Dassler, founded ADIDAS in Aug 1949 with 47 employees, his brother Rudolf Dassler founded PUMA in Jan 1948 with 14 employees
They originally came from one factory, Gebruder Dassler Schuhfabrik, (Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory) in Herzogenaurach, Germany before respectively establishing ADIDAS (sister) and PUMA (brother).
Mereka asalnya dari satu kilang, Gebruder Dassler Schuhfabrik, (Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory) di Herzogenaurach, Germany sebelum masing-masing menubuhkan ADIDAS (adik) dan PUMA (abang)
Supertanker, Pierre Guillaumat dinamakan Ulsan Master selepas dibeli oleh (Hyundai Corporation)
330 tan minyak sehari
berat 555,051 tan max
berat kapal 274,838 gross register tonnage
minyak 42 hari
Victoria water lily, daun yang terapung di atas air, bukan sekadar saiz yang besar malah ia sangat kuat hingga boleh menampung seorang kanak-kanak atau orang dewasa duduk di atasnya yang terapung tanpa tenggelam
Victoria water lily’s leaf is not only famous for its size, but also the ability to support a heavy weight. Though the leaf itself is very delicate, by distributing the weight across the surface, the leaf could easily support a child or even a lean adult’s%20leaf%20is,or%20even%20a%20lean%20adult.
Ada lebih 150 juta bunga di “Dubai Miracle Garden’ UAE adalah taman bunga terbesar di dunia.
Dubai Miracle Garden is the largest natural flower garden in the world. It has more than 150 million flowers.
UAE bercadang membina sistem keretapi bawah laut dari Dubai ke Mumbai, India sepanjang hampir 2,000 km yang dijangka siap pada penghujung 2030
UAE has proposed a futuristic project to build a subsea rail connection to India (Mumbai) with plans for completion by the end of 2030
Tak cukup tidur malam boleh bawa kepada risiko darah tinggi, kencing manis, jantung, masalah ingatan pembelajaran dan konsentrasi, lemah daya tahan badan, naik berat badan, kulit, nafsu, kanser, daya tahan badan dan perubahan emosi
Deprivation sleep a night risk of high blood pressure, heart suffers, cancer risk increases, weakened immunity, weight gain, decrease in testosterone levels low sex drive 10 – 15%, diabetes increase, skin suffers, the impact of learning and memory, concentration, thinking issue, mood changes
Reference :
20 negara yang tidak ada sungai termasuk Arab Saudi
20 countries which have no river
Boba Tea (Bubble Tea) berasal dari Taiwan
Boba Tea or Bubble Tea was created in Taiwan
Selepas 7 bulan perang Hamas-Israel, Pegawai PBB melaporkan kemusahan Gaza memerlukan 14 tahun untuk membersihkan 37 juta tan serpihan runtuhan bangunan jika 100 lori digunakan sehari. 70 Ribu bangunan musnah, 290 ribu rosak termasuk sekolah hospital, Gereja, Masjid dan tempat bersejarah. Rm188 billion kos baik pulih diperlukan (7 Okt 2023 – 3 Mei 2024)
After 7 months of the Hamas-Israeli war, UN officials reported that the Gaza conflict would take 14 years to clear 37 million tons of building debris if 100 trucks were used a day. 70 thousand buildings were destroyed, 290 thousand were damaged including schools, hospitals, churches, mosques and historical places. Rm188 billion in repair costs are required (7 Ocktober 2023 – 3 May 2024)
Ada 421 perkataan bagi salji dalam bahasa Scotland
Scotland has 421 words for snow
Remaja perempuan 18 tahun dari India hilang kedua-dua belah tangan selepas dilanggar bas. Tangan ganti yang baru diperolehi dari seorang lelaki berkulit lebih gelap, lengan yang lebih besar dan berbulu lebat. Dengan kuasa Allah, perbezaan itu hilang selepas beberapa tahun, apabila kulit lengan itu bertukar menjadi warna kulit remaja ini dan saiz mengecil sesuai dengan tubuhnya.
An 18-year-old girl from India lost both hands after being hit by a bus. She received an arm transplant from a man with darker skin, larger arms and hairy arms. By the power of Allah, the difference disappeared after a few years, when the skin of the arm turned into the color of this teenager’s skin and shrank in size to fit his body.
Gula-gula kapas lebih halus dari urat rambut. Mesin ini memberi idea saintis mencipta urat darah sehalus urat rambut
A strand of cotton candy is thinner than a strand of human hair. This idea is helping scientist ceate artificial blood vessels
Samsung ertinya 3 bintang dalam bahasa Korea.
Samsung means three stars in Korean.

Banduan di Brazil yang banyak membaca buku akan dibebaskan lebih awal mengikut jumlah buku yang dibaca dan report yang ditulis
Brazil has a unique way of reducing the prison term of the inmates. Inmates who read books during their time in prison get their imprisonment time reduced, as per a report by Reuters
Sekalipun bertubuh besar dan gagah, struktur tulang belakang gajah sebenarnya tidak sesuai untuk menampung beban manusia yang duduk di atasnya


Kim Ung-yong, budak Korea pintar, IQ skor 210, umur 3 tahun sudah mampu menyelesaikan pengiraan kalkulus dan menerbitkan 247 muka surat best-selling book dalam bahasa Inggeris & Jerman. Ketika umur 5 tahun sudah boleh bercakap dalam 5 bahasa iaitu Korea, Inggeris, Perancis, Jerman & Jepun, Umur 8 tahun memasuki Universiti Colorado.
Kim dikatakan pergi belajar fizik nuklear di Universiti Colorado ketika berusia lapan tahun
“saya merasa sangat sunyi kerana berada di negara orang, dan kerana tiada sesiapa boleh menemani saya kerana di universiti semuanya orang dewasa, tidak tempat untuk budak-budak seperti saya” katanya
At three years old, he was able to solve calculus problems, and also published a 247-page best-selling book of his essays in English and German, as well as his calligraphy and illustrations.[4][1] By the age of five, Kim could speak Korean, English, French, German and Japanese.[5]
Kim allegedly went to study nuclear physics at the University of Colorado when he was eight years old
I was really lonely. No one ever made friends with me. After work hours, I could exercise and enjoy my hobbies, but no one could accompany me. I came from another country and I was young, so there were no seats for children even though everyone was an adult.
Batuli Lamichhane wanita umur 120 tahun. Merokok 2 kotak sehari. Jika disuruh berhenti, dia menjawab “semua doktor yang menasihatinya berhenti merokok telah pun meninggal”
Batuli Lamichhane, a 120 years old granny smokes 2 packs of the cigarettes, on asking her to stop this habit she said “Doctors who advised me to quite smoking had died already”
She passed away on Feb, 2024, other claimed aged about 121 years old, 316 days.
Rekod menipu pilihanraya dicatatkan dalam Guiness Book Records, oleh bekas Presiden Liberia, Charles King, pada pilihanraya tahun 1927. Dia mendapat 234,000 kertas undi berbanding hanya 15,000 pengundi berdaftar.
Former Liberian President, Charles King, is listed in the Guiness Book Records fot the most fraudulent election reported in history. King received 234,000 votes compare to 15,000 registered voters at the time.
Record menahan nafas paling lama, 24 minit 37 saat direkodkan dalam Guiness World Records oleh Budimir Šobat dari Croatia. Jika anda menahan nafas selama itu, mungkin pagi esok seluruh keluarga dan sahabat akan memenuhi ke rumah anda😁
The record for the longest breath hold, 24 minutes 37 seconds was recorded in the Guinness World Records by Budimir Šobat from Croatia. If you hold your breath for that long, maybe tomorrow morning the whole family and friends will come to your house
Dia memaklumkan kepada bapanya, dia mahu menyelamatkan orang lain, seminggu kemudian Faye Loughrey 15 tahun membunuh diri, dia menyelamatkan 9 orang melalui pendermaan organ
He informed his father, he wanted to save others, a week later Faye Loughrey 15 years committed suicide, he saved 9 people through organ donation
Allah jadikan kucing lengkap dengan ‘self-righting mechanism-a reflex action / righting reflex’. Bila dia jatuh pada tinggi yang sesuai, terbalik macam mana pun masa dia jatuh, sebelum landing, badan dia akan dibetulkan, kepala di atas dan 4 kaki dia akan tegak ready untuk menahan di tanah.
Allah almighty made cats complete with ‘self-righting mechanism-a reflex action / righting reflex’. When it falls at the appropriate height, upside down or no matter how, at the time it falls, before landing, his body will be fixed, head up and his 4 legs will be upright ready to hold on the ground
Purata 300 permohonan pernikahan Islam sebulan di Selatan Thailand, kebanyakan adalah untuk berpoligami oleh rakyat Malaysia (tahun 2024)
An average of 300 marriage applications per month in Southern Thailand, most of which are for polygamy by Malaysians (year 2024)
Duit Rakyat Malaysia digunakan untuk membayar artis hadir hanya 1 malam. Britney Spears di bayar RM 4.5 juta untuk 1 malam, Leonardo Dicaprio dibayar sekitar RM 1.1 juta, Megan Fox RM 1.1 juta, Paris Hilton RM 450 ribu dan Kim Kardashian RM 225 ribu oleh Jho Low menggunakan duit 1MDB
Britney Spears paid $1 million as nightly appearance fee by Jho Low using 1MDB fund. The money belongs to Malaysians

2011, Bencana nuklear Fukushima, lebih 500 warga emas Jepun termasuk wanita, berumur lebih 60 tahun menjadi sukarelawan, membantu membersihkan kesan radioaktif. Kata mereka “Generasi kami yang membina loji ini, kami harus bertanggungjawab agar generasi akan datang selamat”. Warga emas bekorban untuk generasi muda.
During the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, over 500 Japanese seniors, all of them over age of 60, come to help clean up the radioactive zone.
They are all retirees, and they have all volunteered for a single, dangerous mission: to replace younger workers at the badly damaged Fukushima nuclear plant.
The Skilled Veterans Corps for Fukushima consists of more than 500 seniors who have signed up for a job that has been called courageous — and suicidal.
Kazuko Sasaki, a 72-year-old grandmother, is one of those ready to serve.
“My generation built these nuclear plants. So we have to take responsibility for them. We can’t dump this on the next generation,” she says.
Gempa bumi dasar laut bermagnitud 9.0 serta tsunami yang menyusulinya membawa kemusnahan besar sehingga 16,000 orang terbunuh dan ramai yang dilaporkan hilang.
Badai tsunami dahsyat itu yang mencapai ketinggian 15.5 meter menyebabkan kemusnahan besar pada Loji Janakuasa Nuklear Fukushima Daiichi 4,700MW yang terletak di pantai wilayah Fukushima dan menyebabkan sisa radioaktif merebak ke persekitaran.
Hari ini tempat yang terjejas kerana gempa bumi dan tsunami hampir pulih sepenuhnya. Sehinggakan kawasan yang terjejas kerana kesan radioaktif, di luar lingkungan 12 kilometer (km) dari reaktor Fukushima, kehidupan beransur pulih.
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Seseorang telah menulis dalam Wikipedia dengan tepat tentang kematian Michael Jackson 5 jam sebelum ianya berlaku. Tidak dikenali siapa yang menulis kerana masa itu semua menganggap itu hanya gurauan. Sebenarnya berlaku banyak kali suntingan pada Wikipedia sehingga akhirnya laman tersebut dilapor ‘error’. Jadi fakta ini tidaklah tepat.
Someone posted about Michael Jackson’s death with 100% exact details 5 hours before his actual death on Wikipedia. No one paid attention because everyone thought it was a prank. No Single detail was ever found about that person.
what actually happened,
This is false, if that wasn’t obvious. It comes from JackNaijaentBlogSpot, which is not known for being the best source for investigative journalism. His death did start a conversation on wikipedia editing in the impact of sudden events.
Some Wikipedians repeatedly deleted references to Jackson’s alleged demise, saying in separate comments that “This is not yet verified,” “He’s not dead,” “Premature edits,” and “ONCE AGAIN, HE IS NOT DEAD, JUST STOP.”
But they were too slow for the legions of Wikipedia users who descended on the site and repeatedly modified the entry about the pop star. The typical edit was to insert Thursday as the date of Jackson’s demise. Others were more subtle; one used the word “was” instead of “is,” while another edit called “Invincible” his “last studio album.”
By around 3:15 p.m. PDT, Wikipedia appeared to be temporarily overloaded. The site reported the error: “Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties… Cannot contact the database server: Unknown error (”
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Hamza Bendelladj, Remaja Algeria berumur 27 tahun pada 2015, menggodam lebih dari 1.4 juta komputer, dikatakan lebih 400 juta dolar dipindah ke Afrika dan Palastin, melibatkan 217 bank dan institusi kewangan Amerika.
Hamza Bendelladj, a 27-year-old Algerian (2015), hacked more than 1.4 million computers, allegedly transferred more than 400 million dollars to Africa and Palestine, involving 217 American banks and financial institutions.
Read more :
Satu-satunya negara yang bendara negara tidak berbentuk 4 segi tepat ialah Nepal
The only country in the world with non-quadrilateral flag is Nepal

‘TAMARIND’, perkataan asal dari Arab iaitu ‘Tamar Hindi’ (Kurma India)
‘Tamarind’ derived from Arabic term ‘Tamar Hindi’ which mean ‘Indian Date’
Russia mendakwa hampir menemui vaksin kepada barah
Russia announced close to creating cancer vaccines
Kleenex, sebelum menghasilkan tisu, mereka adalah pengeluar topeng gas
Kleenex tissues were originally intended for gas masks
Angkasawan membasuh rambut dengan menggunakan shampo yang tidak perlu dibilas dengan air. Shampo ini asalnya dibangunkan untuk membersihkan rambut pesakit di hospital yang tidak boleh mandi.
Astronauts wash their hair using shampoo that does not need to be rinsed with water. This shampoo was originally developed to clean the hair of hospital patients who shouldn’t take showers.
2.5 juta gigabytes otak storage capacity
Brain memory of 2.5 million GB storage capacity
Ibu bapanya telah meninggal tetapi katanya “mereka masih kekal berada di depan rumah di dalam Google Maps”

Kerana masalah orang awam kencing di dinding, dinding di beberapa negara seperti UK & Jerman dilapisi 1 lapisan, di mana sesiapa yang kencing ke dinding, air kencingnya akan memantul kepada diri sendiri
The paint, which splashes back on the person when they urinate on it, The estminster City Council, London, has spent £950,000 a year cleaning up after a spike in incidents since lockdown ended.
Reference : BBC News
Penjara bagi mereka-mereka yang tidak bersalah, itulah zoo
The place where all the prisoner are innocent, it is zoo
Kicap (soya) berasal dari China
The roots of soy sauce are in China
Kulit manusia dihuni oleh beribu-ribu spesis bakteria dan lain-lain organisma halus yang penting untuk kesihatan. Bakteria bekerja sama dengan sistem daya tahan badan untuk melawan jangkitan atau membunuh bakteria jahat
The human skin is home to about a thousand species of bacteria and other microbes, collectively called the skin microbiome. Many of these are important for health.,of%20other%2C%20potentially%20harmful%20microbes.
Beneficial skin bacteria can prevent the growth of other, potentially harmful microbes. Studies have also shown that some skin bacteria interact with the immune system to help fight infection.
Soruce : National Institutes of Health
Larangan mencuci kereta pada hari Ahad di Switzerland, dan Ahad pagi di Jerman
Sesetengah mengatakan larangan mencuci kereta di Switzerland pada hari Ahad kerana hari tersebut mesti bebas dari sebarang pekerjaan, kedai mencuci kereta juga harus ditutup kerana tidak ada sesiapa boleh bekerja kecuali mesin cuci otomatik, manakala di Jerman boleh mencuci kereta pada hari ahad selepas waktu tengah hari, mungkin bagi menggalakkan semua orang ke gereja pada sebelah pagi
In Switzerland, Sunday is considered a day of rest, and therefore washing your car is prohibited. You are allowed to wash your car in an automated car wash. In some German federal states it’s illegal to wash your car on Sunday. Even in progressive Berlin, car owners can get fined when they take out the bucket and sponge on Sundays
auto-brewery syndrome atau gut fermentation syndrome, tidak minum arak tetapi mabuk kerana karbo yang dimakan, badan tukar jadi alkohol
auto-brewery syndrome, also known as gut fermentation syndrome, people felt drunk without drinking
Allah dah janji dalam al-Quran, masa yang telah ditetapkan, tidak cepat atau lambat sekalipun sesaat. Elvita Adam’s tidak mati walaupun terjun dari tingkat 86 (The Empire State Building). Dia ditiup angin tersadai di tingkat 85.
Allah said in the Quran, When their time arrives, they can neither delay it for a moment, nor could they advance it. Elvita Adam’s did not die even after jumping from the 86th floor (The Empire State Building). He was blown to the ground on the 85th floor.
The Empire State Building is 102-story building completed in 1931.
Penglihatan malam harimau, 6 kali lebih baik dari manusia, tetapi Allah mencipta yang paling hebat ialah burung hantu, 10 kali lebih baik dari manusia penglihatan malamnya dengan leher yang boleh dipusing 270 darjah
Burung hantu tidak rabun di siang hari, matanya nampak separuh bukan kerana dia mengantuk atau tidur tetapi untuk menghalang cahaya yang banyak masuk ke mata kerana anak mata hitamnya tidak boleh mengecil seperti manusia, dia sedang mengawasi anda keadaan ketika anda sangka dia tidur.
National Geographic Wild
Tiger, Their night vision is around six times greater than humans’ is, but Allah created the excellent night vision is the owl, with 10 times the night vision capabilities as humans. The owl can twist it’s neck up to 270 degrees. Owls can see in the daytime. Their pupils don’t get as small as ours in bright light, so to block out the extra light, they often close their eyes half-way or more. They may look sleepy or even half asleep when really they are wide awake and alert.,are%20wide%20awake%20and%20alert.
Bunga berwajah monyet / monkey-faced flowers
Monkey-faced flowers
