On 23rd – 24th November 2014, Faculty of Education, UTM had organized the 1st International Educational Postgraduate Seminar at he five star KSL Resort Hotel, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. The seminar which used to be known as Education Postgraduate Research Seminar (EDUPRESS) since 2008, was organized by the faculty with strong support from its Postgraduate Student Society (PGSSFP).
The seminar is one of the way to guide the postgraduate student, especially in the Faculty of Education, UTM to produce a quality academic paper as well as giving an opportunity for them to share their research finding or concept.
More than 250 papers (ranging from Physics education, Mathematic Education, Educational Technology, technical and Vocational Education and etc.) were submitted and presented during this event which was such a wonderful success. Plus, the papers were not only from full research student but also includes mix mode and taught course students.
Random pictures for your eyes ๐

See you all again at the IEPS 2015 …. InsyaAllah.