Boosting Science Education with Interactive Learning: New Study on Edpuzzle Video Application

Hey everyone, I’m excited to share with you my latest publication on the effects of using Edpuzzle, an interactive video application, in science education! In this study, we aimed to investigate the impact of Edpuzzle on students’ interest, engagement, and achievement in science subjects.

We used pre- and post-tests, checklists, and questionnaires to gather data from a sample of 40 primary school students with similar ICT backgrounds. The results were analysed through inferential statistics using SPSS software, and we found that Edpuzzle had a significant positive impact on students’ interest, engagement, and achievement in science subjects.

These findings suggest that the use of interactive video applications in the classroom is a promising approach to improving the quality of teaching and learning among science teachers. However, further research with different methodological approaches and larger samples is needed to confirm the effectiveness of Edpuzzle in various contexts.

If you’re interested in learning more, check out the article on the International Journal of Instructional Technology and Learning (ITLJ) website at [insert article link]. I hope this study inspires more educators to explore interactive learning technologies to improve students’ learning experiences in science education!

Visual Interactive Learning Environment Improves Creative Thinking Among Non-Major Computer Science Students: New Study Published

Hey everyone!

I am excited to share with you all that my article titled “Interactive Learning Environment Through Visualization to Promote Creative Thinking Among Non-Major Undergraduate Computer Science Students Learning Computer Programming Subject” has been published.

The study explores the impact of a visual interactive learning environment on the performance and dimensions of creative potential of non-major undergraduate computer science students learning computer programming. The results of the study are promising, and suggest that a visual interactive learning environment can be a useful tool to promote creative thinking among students in this field.

I hope this article inspires educators and researchers to explore the potential of visual interactive learning environments in promoting creative thinking in various academic disciplines.

Feel free to check out the article at

Vote My Student Assignment – SPPM2332 Authoring Language

Dear all, I’m integrating a gamification strategy with my SPPM2332 – Authoring Language class. Please check out my students project. They were asked to create a montage using Adobe Flash. This is the first project for this course.  The student whose project is voted the most will be declared the winner.

Made with Padlet

Your vote is very important !!

Mirror Your Android Screen to Any Computer

Teaching how to install Apps, or how to update blog post in your android mobile is difficult if you can’t mirror your android screen to computer. There are many ways to do it either using USB or Wifi.

Today, me and Dr Noordayana Halim has been invited to give a training on Web 2.0 for T&L : Social Media & Blog. The synopsis of the training is as follows :

Web 2.0 technologies bring the web to a new phase, which allows users not only to use information but also to be directly involved in generating new information. Social Media as one of the Web 2.0 tools allow social interaction and easy creation of content by users. It can be an effective tool for teaching and learning in higher education. It can help connect students to information and help them generate a dialogue with their teacher and other students about a course. Blog is another Web 2.0 facilities which is easy to create and offers variety of interactive facilities. It could give positive impact towards studentโ€™s development. This course revealed to academic staff on how to utilize social media and learning and Blog for teaching and learning effectively. In this course, UTM blog will be used as a medium for lecturers to use for reflection, T&L and webometric tools.

One of the tentative is blogging using mobile which I had to explain step by step on how to install and create a blog post using mobile phone. So… based on recommendation… I used the TeamViewer application to cast my Android screen to the computer. It works great!!

How it works: Simply download TeamViewer Host on my Android, create a TeamViewer account. This will assign the Android device to my list of TeamViewer device. Next, on my computer which was connected to the LCD Projector, open and sign in to same TeamViewer account. Then… automatically my Android device was listed, and I click on the connect option next to it. 

Then… the training went smoothly until my phone battery run out >__<

Will used this Apps again in my class. Love it !!


Flipped Classroom Strategy

Flipping the classroom is a teaching technique where the typical lecture and the student work are reversed. Students are assigned to watch a recorded lecture prior to class. With the lecture content covered before class, classroom time can be used differently. Instructors can use the freed-up class time for discussion, group work, or solving problems.

Check out What and How other Lecturer use Flipped Classroom strategy


Senarai projek web yang dibangunkan oleh pelajar bagi kursus SPPM2332-01

Berikut adalah link ke setiap projek web yang dibangunkan oleh pelajar dalam kursus Sistem Penggubahan (SPPM2332-01) untuk Sem 2 2013/2014 ini. Ini merupakan tugasan terakhir pelajar merangkumi 15% markah. Mereka ni adalah pelajar Tahun 2 Program Perguruan TESL.


Jomlah singgah… Mungkin tak segah pembangun profesional. Tapi, pelajar hanya mempunyai tempoh masa yang terhad untuk belajar dan bangunkan laman web pendidikan ini. Mudah-mudahan ilmu yang diperolehi ni berguna untuk kerjaya akan datang ๐Ÿ™‚

Public lecture by Prof Robert Reiser

Today ( 12 jun 2013), in UTM, we were honoured with a visit from Prof Robert Reiser who actually an expert in Instructional Design and Technology. He came to UTM to give 2 public lecture to all UTM staff in Dewan Senat. One of his talk is about Recent Trends Affect the Field of Instructional Design and Technology.

Some of his point that should be ponder are that sometimes non instructional design method such as feedback system and motivation is much more effective than formal instructional strategies especially in the workplace. So we, really need to design a good informal learning strategy to support performance improvement either for knowledge extraction or even working performance.

Thanks Prof for your overwhelming speech. Even though the crowds were not as much as expected due to the examination week, but all the attendees really gain so many information accordingly.