Motivasi 6

Hari ni sempena majlis maulidurrasul peringkat fakulti, banyak yang diperolehi dari forum yang disampaikan. Kadang2 bila terlupa dek nafsu… majlis beginilah yang kita perlukan untuk membawa kita ke jalan yang benar.

Sesungguhnya kita adalah hamba yang lalai… mudah2 an kehadiran di majlis ini memberi hikmah dan hidayah untuk kami menjadi hamba Yang dikasihi oleh Allah seperti kekasihnya Rasullullah SAW.

Note : for me and for u…

Colloquium Session 2013/2014 Semester 2 ( Master & PhD Edutech students )

Our colloquium for full research Master & PhD Edutech students will be held as usual this semester (2 2013/2014)
For this semester, the colloquium will be held every Thursday from 2.00 to 3.330 pm at JMP postgraduate room (C14 level 2).There are several important announcements:

1. Attendance is compulsory for all students for every colloquium
2. Certificate of participation will be given to students who attend more than 80%
3. At the end of the semester (22 May 2014), each student needs to present their progress for this semester. All Phd Edutech lecturers will become a panel during the session.
Details of the schedule can be found here : Colloquium Session 2013_14 sem 2
Block your calendar. See you there.