SMBT 3213 201920202 Group Activity 1

This activity has been incorporated for 4 years now where students are asked to identify or determine on products on display for the topic; Products from Biotechnology. Plastics and honey are among the 2 on display since the start of this activity, tea for the second year now but milk and leather are new this time around. The questions are shaken up each year even for the same products used before. Here are some pictures from the activity;



SMBB 4713 201920201 Chromatography Contest

It was actually a group quiz but I prefer to call it a contest because the prize I offered to the winners is definitely very attractive πŸ™‚ & since there are 67 students (though 1 was absent), I had to have help from 2 PG students to conduct this contest. Thank you Heera & Akmal!

The students were divided into 13 groups of 5 members each (one group with 6 members) and they were to answer 10 questions in a given time.

Forgot to take pictures of them since it was quite wild just now especially during the count down. However, the difference this year is that I have them write their answers on a piece of stick-on-notes and paste it on the main paper; each question was on separate paper located around BK 3 & 4, manned by Heera & Akmal.

Afterwards, the answers were given & results counted. Congratulations to Group 2!; who tied in with group 4 but managed to answer the bonus question most correctly in the shortest amount of time. The prize is – 5 bonus marks for the overall assessment to be added in after final exam!!! Hope you guys enjoyed the sandwiches for your hard work πŸ™‚


PG Best Student Award and 63rd Convocation

A very good year 2019 turned out to be. Mei Ling was awarded the Best Postgrad Student Award by SPS on November 1st 2019 at a ceremony in Pulai Spring Resort. This time around, the supervisor was given the honor to put on the bonnet on his/her student to symbolize the end of the student’s study journey. May have to wait a while for the update as the picture was only taken by SPS official photographer.

The next day on November 2nd 2019, Β the 63rd convocation commenced. One surprising thing during the ceremony; found 2 other colleagues from Imperial wearing the same robe! So of course we have to take pictures πŸ™‚

& because all 3 of us was lining up together at the stairs, even the professors were taken in by the uniqueness of our robes & had to have a picture with us πŸ™‚

That aside, this is the ceremony to mark the PhD and some Master students achievement (some as in this is only the 1st session from the 4 days). Sulaiman (my 2nd PhD student) was supposed to be in this convo together with Mei Ling but he couldn’t come. Still, I’m very proud of my students and a big congratulations to them both & especially Dr Ng Mei Ling!




Viva voce-Mei Ling’s

Yesterday (May 28th 2019), my 3rd phD student Mei Ling had her viva. It was rather challenging to have a viva during fasting month. The external arrived late the night before and had a problem with Scholars Inn not providing sahur. Luckily everything went smooth, the viva ended at around 11:05 am. One of the quickest I have attended. Thank you to Prof Dr Nor Aini Shukor from UPM for attending and the fruitful comments to improve Mei Ling’s thesis, the same goes for the internal, PM Dr Saleh. Thank you goes all around to the chairperson, assistant chairperson & co-supervisor as well

Now it’s time for her to correct her thesis and then after Raya, the celebration of her passing her viva πŸ™‚