Koperasi Surau Bestari – My Tiny Contribution


As a lecturer, our tasks not only dwell around teaching and research. We have more than that to offer. But it is not the place here for me to elaborate on the task of a lecturer. What I am currently doing so far is sharing my mind, energy and expertise to help the marketing of our newly Koperasi Surau Bestari. I am one of the “Ahli Lembaga Koperasi” of the koperasi.

About Koperasi Surau Bestari…

It is a great intention to increase the economy for the Surau as well as to be a ONE STOP CENTER for selling and marketing guaranteed HALAL products. We are promoting the concept of Halalan Toyyiban – Bersih dan Suci – 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please read more at the website itself = http://altaqwa.com.my/.

I have helped to develop the (a) Website (b) Facebook Page and (c) Instagram. I am in the process of adding in contents to it.

I may need your help to market this.


Very simple, Just visit the Facebook Page and/or Instagram and LIKE / Follow. As simple as that.

Some of the products

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To see more listing, just visit the website.

Thanks 🙂