Day 58 Task – Facilitator for Scholarly Writing Education Engineering Research Workshop

6 Reasons you (as an engineering educator) should write scholarly papers in Engineering Education:

1. Critical reflection of own practice.
2. Improve practice through reading, reflecting and reviewer feedback.
3. Document and disseminate practice.
4. Inspire others toward innovative practice.
5. Enhance knowledge and spark new ideas.
6. Establish expertise.

Points above were highlighted by the Director of Center for Engineering Education (CEE) during the workshop today. It is indeed very true. I felt and experience it. I reflected and continuously improved my teaching techniques.

… and if you keep on consistently writing scholarly engineering education papers, publish them, together with your team, you will get more…more…and more…

It will be very rewarding. You will be killing 5 or more birds with one stone. Think about it 😉


***Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>