Day 248 Task – RCEE Workshop, RCEE Meeting, Mathwork Meeting and OBE Meeting

Today’s tasks were all surrounded around CEE activities. All of them are crucially very important. The morning workshop is imperative to finalized the submitted RCEE2020 paper by the authors so that it fulfills the IEEE requirement. Subsequently we had a meeting to discuss on the RCEE2020 schedule and program. I received a number of new tasks, which I hope I can soon manage.

After lunch, it was immediately another meeting which commenced at 2pm. For this Mathwork Problem Project, I also received another assignment that needed to be done ASAP.

For the 4pm OBE Meeting, luckily I am not deeply involved since I am just a facilitators and I am still learning the OBE stuffs.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> 


  1. […] of the tasks given to me from last Thursday’s meeting was to follow up for the speakers for the Teaching and Learning Special Session for the 1st day of […]