Day 294 Task – First Introduction to Engineering (ITE) Class

Today, the time finally came and we will be starting our fully online ITE class. Honestly we are very nervous to conduct this online class. Not because we are not capable of handling the class, but more on handling the technical aspects of the online class as well as facing the fact that we are not in front of the students (not face to face).

The ITE class will be every Monday (11am to 1pm) and every Thursday (2pm- 3pm). And yeah.. everything will be online.

We believed it is going to be a challenge to handle the class in an online teaching atmosphere. But Alhamdulillah luckily, all the students are very interactive and super involved in the class. The responses were great, the feedback were good.

We’re now looking forward to keep on moving along with the class and do the best that we can. Amin.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>