2021 Day 55 Tasks – Workshop on Effective Implementation of Student-Centred Learning, Part 1: Active Learning.

Another day, another 2-day training, operating from another room from my house. We keep on developing more work spaces in the house. Our client now is UTM Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics (RFTI), Kuala Lumpur. A new session with 30 academic staffs that have background coming from engineering, policy, social science, urban design/architecture and informatics discipline.

Workshop on Effective Implementation of Student-Centred Learning, Part 1: Active Learning.Training Provider: Centre for Engineering Education (CEE), UTM.Day & Time: Thursday – Friday, 8.30am to 5pm.

Hoping to deliver impactful and fruitful training for our client. InsyaAllah 🙂Next week (1 to 3 March), we will deliver another Active Learning training to our 100 Indonesian Lecturer friends under the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) Project.