One of the rare and unusual activity I did today was delivering Zakat Cash to asnaf. After Friday prayer, Hj Samiin, En. Wagiman and me, we went from one house to another house at Pulai Bistari and Pulai Mesra vicinity to deliver the zakat assistance. It was my first time doing such thing but it was interesting one. Out of 20 envelops with cash amounting up to RM400, we managed to deliver to 12 recipients. Another 8 were either not at home, have moved to another address and other reasons.
Why am I mentioning this here. Well, it’s part of the community service task, as a an academia, as a member of the society and as a human 🙂
Other highlighted tasks:
- Complete checking all PSM student research work progress.
- Submit 2 CERD Manuscript to ReCASE2021 symposium for ShuChyi’s and Raihan’s paper.