2021 Day 162 Task – Safety Paper Discussion with Co-Authors

This Saturday, I have not performed as many official task as usual. However, I am glad because I managed to complete editing and publishing my first Chemical Engineering Online video to YouTube. Check out the video below. Anyway, part of my main official task is to publish paper and at 5pm I had a discussion with Shams and Eliya on the improvements that are needed for the Noise Safety Paper Project. Alhamdulillah, I got in touch with Ashyraf as well, the student that worked on the noise project, so that I get additional information to work on the paper.

Other highlighted tasks of the day:

  • Completed Editing and publishing CEO Video #1 – This took me over 15 hours since 3 weeks plus ago.
  • Checked and approved my PA student EXCEL Programs. Up till 11pm, 4 more students have not submitted EXCEL.
  • Checked some of my PSM student progress.