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How Successful Giant Companies Got Their First Users

This is indeed a super article, great resources, full of aspiration, very inspiring and mind blowing. Learn how 30+ companies such as GitHub, Zoom, Amazon, Twitch and Whatsapp got their first users. Just click the link below to learn further:
Examples shown are companies like Facebook, Twitter, Air BNB, Microsoft and much more.

Issue: Malaysia losing more tech talents to Singapore on better opportunities

LOCAL talents in the technology sectors are moving to Singapore for better opportunities especially for start-up companies, industry experts say.

Alsid technical director for Asia Pacific and Japan Kenneth Teo said the maturity of the tech industry in Singapore provides a fertile ground for startups to flourish.

“Both Malaysia and Singapore are attractive for new start-ups to establish their bases. However, I see a better business opportunity in Singapore because businesses are more willing to invest in new technology and government policies have made it easier for start-ups to thrive,” Teo told The Malaysian Reserve in a recent interview.

Teo added that from his experience, companies in Singapore are more willing in adopting new technology, while its neighbours usually adopt a ‘wait-and-see’ approach, thus hindering early progress for tech firms.

Although lower tax for companies in Singapore could be one of the reasons for the move, he does not think that it plays a significant part.

“I don’t think companies were drawn in to Singapore just because the tax is lower. It is good to have many benefits, but business competitiveness and maturity are more important.

Complete article can be read from the following link: