As my name was listed in the official invitation, despite of my hectic schedule, I attended the above mentioned training (9am-1pm) that was conducted by Dr. Norah Md. Noor. Thanks UTMLead for the invitation. I learned quite a few interesting things about the assessment and evaluation of learning. Not sure what is ODL, check this link.
In lecture classrooms, evaluation of student learning is generally based on objective tests. However, objective tests may not be appropriate if an instruction is more broad-based than merely dispensing information, such as writing-across-the-curriculum endeavours, project-based instruction, or online dialogues that promote active student learning and higher-level thinking skills (Sternberg, 1994). For open and distance learning the limitations of conventional assessment should be overcome by a new paradigm for assessment design in online learning. This workshop will explain the approaches of suitable assessment for open and distance learning and how to design an assessment that is aligned with course learning outcome. Participants will also be introduced to some online tools to handle the online assessment.
Padlet tasks during the course.
Reference: Sternberg, R. J. “Diversifying Instruction and Assessment.” The Educational Forum, 1994, 59 (1), 47–52.
I attached some of the important screen shots from the training. For more information, please get in touch with UTM Lead UTM. Enjoy!

Other highlighted tasks of the day.
- RMC management matter.
- Correction of HTGYE book chapter – Chapter 7.
- Checking of Noise Safety Paper