Control of Industrial Major Hazard (CIMAH) Modular Package Workshop

First task of the day is the workshop of Control of Industrial Major Hazard (CIMAH) Modular Package, which was held for one day in IFOG Meeting Room, N29A. Participants of the workshop include Hj Arshad, En. Adha, Dr. Kamarizan and myself. It is our main goal to develop a quality CIMAH Module for the nation. InsyaAllah.

NIOSH Training to Trainers (TTT) Course

The Faculty of Chemical & Energy Engineering (FCEE) has instructed 20 academicians to undergo the NIOSH Training to Trainers Course. The course was conducted from 29-31th December 2015 and 5-6th January 2016. It’s a long 5 days course but it was unbelievable to see the commitment of all the academicians.

The training was conducted at Pusat Latihan Universiti (PULAU), UTM. The venue is suitable and comfortable. Food was luxuriously prepared for us (3 times a day). If I am not mistaken, the course fee was RM1500 per person.


Our faculty participant for TTT


Prof Kamarul doing his presentation. Top student 🙂


Dr. Tuan Amran acting as a practical student for Dr. Mimi’s presentation


Prof Rozaini doing the demonstration assisted by Prof Kamarul

My 2 cent:

The training was really informative, beneficial. However, all of us agree that the 3 different NIOSH trainers were not that consistent in guiding us with the information on what we should prepare for the presentation. Nevertheless, the discrepancies were minimum,but affected our preparation a bit.

Compliance Support for Metal Manufacturing Industry Program Pilot Workshop at DOSH Johor Bahru

After successfully completing the research on Safety and Health for Metal Manufacturing Industry last year, it is time to conduct a dedicated training to improve safety aspect in this industry. We hope by conducting training throughout Malaysia, we can provide awareness via training and closely follow up the related industry.

However, before that, it is imperative to do a pilot program workshop to evaluate the effectiveness of the training module. Hence, a pilot workshop has been conducted on the 5th of March 2015 at DOSH Johor Bahru.

The program went well and the team which consisted DOSH and UTM members identified few minor areas that require improvement for future training in all states.

chemical engineering consultancyDr. Wijay delivering is module – Safety Management System (SMS)

Zaki Yamani UTM consultancyMe, delivering my part for the day which was Standard Operating Procedure for metal working industry

metal work doshPart of the participants from metal related industry around Johor Bahru vicinity as well as several DOSH personals.

metal work jkkpThe MC from DOSH Johor Bahru. Dr. Kamarizan, our project leader is in front of him.