Day 207 Task – No Official Academic Activities

Today, I freed myself from any official academic or research activities. I just spent my beautiful Saturday on my new personal interest which is exploring the internet to learn various new things. I also relaxed, break the pattern of my strict routine by watching Keluarga Iskandar sitcom which is very funny and interesting.

Most importantly, I have planned all the important task to be accomplished for tomorrow, a brand new day and week.

Working productively is good, but too much of something is bad. Hence, from time to time, I try to balance myself and mix it with other activities, not just official work.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> 

Day 137 Task – Rest Day from All the Official Task

After a long and hectic week working at home, I decided to take a break which I need most. Even though I wanted to work, but I can’t. I realized it because I was mentally exhausted and that is the point i knew that I need to take a break again. Nothing to do. Just relax, watch some TV show, connect with my family and do some house cleaning.

Too much of something is bad enough… just like Spice Girl’s song.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>