21st Century colonisation

When KSSM was introduced a few years ago, one of the things that they change is the English textbook.  Now, for form 1 and 2, they use Pulse 2.  Of course, it causes uproar among teachers who are concerned with its content.  Why?  There are many topics are not related to Malaysian culture.  There is nothing wrong to learn about other people cultures.  After all, we aim our younger generation to be global citizens, right?  But, isn’t it ironic if they are not away about their own local culture?  

The way I see it, it could be a form of 21st century colonisation.  Many might not agree with me.  But, regardless of Industrial Revolution and whatsnot, we need to retain our identity no matter what.  

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.