When people.utm.my was out of service for a while

I had difficulty to get access to people.utm.my for few days.  I asked around to find out the reason behind this.  When I tried to look at Norah’s webpage, I could not get access too.  So, I emailed the PIC through aduit@utm.my.  I got a reply from them a day later BUT with no explanation.  

I met Norah yesterday when we had a workshop on curriculum revision.  I told her since the day she told me to post at least one thing per day on my webpage, I have been diligently doing so until now.  It is not easy.  Normally I would do it before 8am and during lunch break or when I think I need to take a quick break.   But when I could not log in to my webpage, I admit that I start to freak out a bit.  When that happened, I was thinking “Is is something that I do to make the server crashed? or “Are they upgrading the server without prior notice?”  

Yesterday afternoon, I received a WhatsApp message from Norah.  She said that the ICT people are reviewing and upgrading the system, so that’s why the website cannot be reached.  Phew… what a relief! 

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.