Let’s do this together


I am a bit slow when it comes to using technology thingy.  I admit that.  But, I am willing to learn and incorporate whatever the latest technology thingy in my teaching practice.  It has been more than few semesters that I used elearning quite extensively.  I learn how to get Band 5 (Blended learning).  It is all about strategising certain things.   It is a matter of getting used to use elearning.  I do admit that.  

Why the sudden change?

After I ended my LI (Latihan Ikhtisas), I set a new goal for my teaching/class.  I want to use new thing per semester. This semester, I have started to use Prezi.  I even subscribe it for a year.  But, it is not enough, I know.  

One of my colleagues encourages me to “be more active” in webometric.  Yup.  I “left” this webometric thingy more than 3 years and it takes a while to catch up.  But, my colleague said “Try to write one post per day, Dijah.  You can do it!”  She also taught me how to link webpage etc. in my post.  But, I am taking a baby step here.  Not a major leap.  I know my own ability and capability.  

She also said that there are other things that I need to catch up now.  There are ORCID, ResearchGate, and so many other things.  I was dumbfounded for a minute when she showed me how ORCID works.  Looking at my reaction, she gave a small laugh and said “Don’t worry.  You will get used to it.  I know that you can do it.  Don’t rush.  One thing at a time“.  

I felt like crying at that time but I mustered whatever courage that I have as I left her room with new determination.  I will try my best to learn and keep myself updated with whatever new thingy.  In sha Allah.  

Norah, thanks for the encouragement and support.  I learn a lot from you.  Let’s do this together.  

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.