TESDCP or TES, here it comes again (2020)!

Ok.  Like last year, we have to fill in the TESDCP or TES (new label) again this year.  But unlike last year, the term that was used – “TESDCP”.  This year, it becomes TES (don’t be fool by the labelling). The things that you have to upload are still the same.

Wait, isn’t it the same with Teaching Excellence System?

Confused?  (Who doesn’t, right?)  But, don’t worry.  We are in this mess (uhuk uhuk) together.

How to differentiate between the new TES (old version it is known as TESDCP) and Teaching Excellence System (it is no longer called as TES now?)?

Based on my observation, the ONLY observable difference that I can see when I search both things from UTMPORTAL is the icon of TES and Teaching Excellence System.

The icon for Teaching Excellence System is a person pointing on a board.  This is the system where you can find your Blended Learning (this is from your ELearning), OBE, NALI & HIEPS and E-content.

The icon for TES has pictures of a mortar board, an apple, hands (holding or shaking), a light bulb and a science icon (on the center).

If you ask me why both are called the same i.e.  Teaching Excellence System?

I also asked the same question to some people but they also do not know the answer.  So, I don’t have any answer to that question.   I don’t want to speculate anything here.  Let’s somebody else do the thinking.

So, are both the same systems or different?

The label used is the same: Teaching Excellence System.  But clearly, both are different systems in which both have different information and things that you have to upload.


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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.