A new look? Nay…

It has been a while since the last post. I am in a middle of preparing whatever is needed for whatever award. It is kind of challenging as I need to find whatever evidence needed. It is time consuming and having back to back meetings almost every day is not helping. I do not do work related stuff after maghrib. I am no longer switch on my laptop after working hours and on weekends. I have been doing that for nearly a month and I am so proud of myself that finally, I stick to a new routine that I have set.

So, when I tried to log in to People.utm.my as usual, I found there is a new feature (not the password when we want to log in – that has been quite a while now). Anyway, I need to get used and explore some of the new features. It might not be much but it does matter as a small change can be troublesome if we are not aware of it.

I was greeted by this. Interesting!

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.