COVID-19: New norm of final examination

For this semester, the final examination is conducted through online platform i.e. UTM ELearning.  It is synchronous.  “Live”.  But like the normal examination, students have to confirm their attendance by scanning QRCode (normal version would be they fill in the final examination attendance sheet) and for the invigilator, we have to begin the examination by a briefing.  But it is slightly different in this semester in which we have to conduct the briefing through Webex /  Zoom (or whatever) platform.

Here are some of the pictures that I took for my classes: Personality Psychology, Research Methodology in Education, Asas Pedagogi (Fundamental Pedagogy) and Educational Psychology.

Fundamental Pedagogy (Asas Pedagogi) class. They took the examination on 12 July 2020
Educational Psychology class. They took the examination on 9 July 2020.
Personality Psychology class. They took the examination on 25 June 2020.
Research Methodology in Education class. They took the examination on 18 July 2020.

COVID-19: What I learn from online video editing?_Part 2

There are video editing training organised by my faculty. I admit that it is not easy. My learning curve is circumvented. I feel lost. I feel desperate at times when things do not go well.  So, I start to explore on my own.

To find alternatives. I have tried Vizia and Biteable several times and I know that I need to try out new things about video editing. There are many software available like Shotcut and so forth. But I find that using Shotcut is a bit too “over my head”. It requires advanced skills that currently under “development”.

I start to search for the alternatives video making/editing (online and offline).  For the offline version, I find it that it is “over my head”.  So, I opt for the online version (for now).   One of the video making platforms that I use is Moovly.

So, among the earliest videos that I created using Moovly are as follow:

1) Cattell’s intelligence theory

2) Spearman’s intelligence theory

3) Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence

Other than Moovly, I also use Powtoon.

1) Thurstone’s intelligence theory



COVID-19: What I learn from online video editing?_Part 1

1) You need to have a strong internet bandwith. Seriously.  If not, video editing will give you pain in the ____________ (fill in the blank).
2) You need to create a story board first.  Video is a presentation format where you tell your story.  It has to be interesting.  It is not easy especially for someone with zero technical thingy about video making like me.  Even though my life is a drama in itself, I don’t edit anything with what have happened in my life.  No need for that.  Allah has predestined my life the best it should be.
3) You have to be patient.  Lots of patience is needed.  Indeed.  Patience is virtue.

COVID-19: Tarikh penting untuk diingati

FASA 1: 18 MAC – 31 MAC 2020 (PKPD)
FASA 2: 01 APR – 14 APR 2020 (PKPD)
FASA 3: 15 APR – 28 APR 2020 (PKPD)
FASA 4: 29 APR – 12 MEI 2020 (PKPD)
FASA 5: 13 MEI – 09 JUN 2020 (PKPB)
FASA 6: 10 JUN – 31 OGOS 2020 (PKPP)
*(PKPB) – Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat
*(PKPD) – Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Diperketatkan
*(PKPP) – Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Pemulihan