Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya ……

I purposely put the title in Malay using one of the famous idiom: “Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga”. No doubt academic status especially being a professor is a goal that some people set as academicians. There is nothing wrong in that but in the current practice of academia, sometimes to chase fame and glory, some people do not hesitate to cut corners and resort to unethical practice even. It is kind of shame such practice happens. One of the latest is by a renowned researcher (or known as one before he was caught), Dan Ariely. I first came across his name through TED Talk. Unlike some other well-known researchers in psychology like Phillip Zimbardo, Carol Dweck and such, he is not that famous when I was an undergraduate students.

Dan Ariely’s research was about honesty. It is really interesting to know what makes people to be honest or dishonest and can one’s honesty be “changed”? His research provides an insight about that but later on when other researchers tried to replicate his work, they found out otherwise. This is when some people start to dig deeper. Later on they found out that Dan Ariely concealed some data and thus, ironically when though his research is about being honest, yet he is dishonest about his own research. The evidence that researchers found about his work is compelling. Click HERE to know more.

So, I would rather be true and honest to myself and others than being famous or getting the highest position of academic accolade i.e. professorship. I create this post as a reminder that what is important that I should focus on and do not jump into the bandwagon of unscrupulous practice.

The launch of FSSHEART 20

The launch of FSSHEART 20 is launched today. HEART stands for “Happy, Empathy, Appreciate, Responsible, Trust”. Datuk Dr Nurhafizah Musa was invited as the speaker to share her wisdom and knowledge about Husnuzzon.

I don’t know her personally but I always feel that she is unique. I know that I could never be like her but I aim to at least try to imitate her attitudes and behavior (which is a struggle on my part). She is a role model. Indeed.


Qalbun Saleem encompasses attitudes and behaviors essential for relationships, leadership and such. What really important is what and to what extent we are going (willing) to take action to change for improving our attitudes and behaviors. That is the most challenging part. We might be complacent with the things that we are so used to do through certain ways. In this case, it requires and demands us to change the ways we are doing things. How willing we are to change the habits, culture and such?

We need to rely on the guidance from Allah. We need to seek for Allah’s guidance. But first, we need to know how to change as well and be clear about the definition and direction of our action.

For example, we need to know the definition of Husnuzzon (attitudes and how we look at something of other person in positive manner that satisfying/fulfilling or in Malay = sangka baik). It involves training to do reflection (muhasabah) and soul cleansing (tazkiyatul nafs). It involves cognitive and emotional aspects. If we think a negative event as a problem, we will be a problem maker/enhancer. If we think a negative event as a solution or we think a problem as an opportunity to invent something better, we will be a problem solver.

In short, if we think a problem as a problem, we will not be able to move forward to think about the possible solutions. If we think about a problem as an opportunity for us to solve a problem, we will be able to move forward solving a problem. It is how we look at a problem from different perspective matters.

Al-Hujurat (49): 12

O  believers! Avoid many suspicions, ˹for˺ indeed, some suspicions are sinful. And do not spy, nor backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of their dead brother? You would despise that!1 And fear Allah. Surely Allah is ˹the˺ Accepter of Repentance, Most Merciful.

It is undeniable that we have negative thoughts about others. Sometimes we have this in our mind that come across once a while. But those negative thoughts would be dangerous once it is translated in our behavior (verbal or/and non-verbal). So, it is really important to identify the negative thoughts and try to eradicate it before it is translated into behavior. This is not easy. It is a constant battle. This is what I feel. So, that might explain why I have few friends because I am afraid that I might be influenced by them unconsciously. The more the merrier? Not in my case.

How can negative thoughts become sin? As long as it remains in our mind, it is not sinful. But once it is translated into verbal or action, for example, we tell our thoughts about someone (negative) to another person, our initial negative thoughts are translated into verbal action, thus it becomes sinful. We are accountable towards it.

But, another important thing that we have to remind ourselves is to have husnuzzon towards Allah. Sometimes we overlook the fact that we are at present situation because of Him. It is not due to other person’s decision. For example, if we perceive getting a promotion is by designed, it is as if we are in full control of what we can achieve and gain based on our efforts whereas it is the fact that each of us have different capacity and capability given by Allah to perform, achieve and gain whatever things exist in this world either professional status and such.

Of course we should do our best, give the best effort and such. But the One who gives the best solution, guidance and all is Allah. So, it is our responsibility to choose to remain negative or positive. I know it is difficult. This is my personal battle.

Some of the tips that I get from this session is

  • Change our attitudes. Remind ourselves that person might be better than you in things that Allah Knows better. “Force” ourselves to change our negative thoughts into positive thoughts.
  • Inculcate the culture of Husnuzzon

There are five levels of the culture of Husnuzzon:

  1. Taáruf level
  2. Tafahum level
  3. Takaful level
  4. Tanasuh level
  5. Taroodhi level

First: Taáruf level

  • Knowing me, knowing you
  • Getting to know each other is important at personal level.

Second: Tafahum level

  • Emphatize – putting ourselves in the other’s situation.
  • Imagine if we are in the other person’s situation, we need to give ourselves opportunity to understand other person

Third: Takaful level

  • Supporting each other.
  • Each of us have our own strengths and difficulties.
  • Acknowledge and appreciate other contribution

Fourth: Tanasuh level

  • Reminding each other, such as giving advice and such.
  • Learn to appreciate people’s advice.

Fifth: Taroodhi level

  • Open-minded towards what we have and others have (not being envious)
  • Be happy for what others have in terms of position and such without feeling envious

  • Level of relationship

First level: Husnuzzon

Second level: Emphatic and love for good things for others

Third level: Ithar (put other’s needs first above our own needs)

Question ask by an audience (to appreciate the ones who asked the question, I put the original question without translating)

Question: Sekiranya ada hamba Allah menceritakan sesuatu yg tidak benar tentang kita, perlu ke kita bersemuka dan membetulkan keadaan atau perlu ke kita redha dan membiarkan sahaja?

Answer: We need to think about the benefits and negative consequences if we confront the person saying bad things about us. But if it is about our right, we can confront the perpetrator to rectify the matter. We have to do it with hikmah (Note: This is not easy to be done by me).

What is my first impression of …..

I was called to meet the Chair few days ago.  At first, I was thinking, what should I do to prepare myself to see her?  Well, there is nothing better to do than the usual stuff that I do when I have something big up coming.  Is meeting the Chair fall under such category?  I know that it is not a usual occasion for her to call us one by one.  So, it could be a big thing. 

I have asked around some seniors and they told me about their meeting.  So, I know what to expect.  I hope that mine goes well.  That’s it.

Did it go well?  One thing that I could say is the meeting is a memorable one.  I use “Is” rather than “was” because it does leave indelible mark in my heart. 

Knowing that the whole world will read this (do I care?), I just want to say that “It is not easy to fulfil the expectations that are set forth by others”.  Yup.  As an academician, I know and am fully aware of the things that I have to do but at the same time, I know very well that in the end of the day, what matters most is “Will it matter in the eyes of Allah?”  That’s the question that I would always ask myself. 

Will it matter to get promoted?  Whoah!  Ok.  I am not going to delve into this any further. 

Let’s take a step back about this matter.  I always ask myself about this “In what way that my existence could help others to be a better person?” So, I might appear as a strict supervisor to my research students because if I could not help them to be a better person, what’s the point of being their supervisor?  Of course, in doing so, I will prompt them to give their best.  Clearly, some people who are paper chasing type would have different idea about working hard or working their ass off.

So, does it enhance my importance by getting promoted?  Clearly, it does not matter.  I learn from great people with the title Professor who are thinkers.  Do I find such among my current colleagues? 

Oh, do I have time to look at them closely to make such evaluation?  Better keep myself busy doing other things like making videos for my class than evaluating them.  Just say that I have my own standard that I use to evaluate myself.  It does not rely on whatever and whoever KPI.  Capisce? 


I like the picture in your webometrics

One of the juniors asked me where do I get the picture from for this blog.  Well, it is a picture that I took long time ago when I was in Durham. It was autumn.  Durham has a picturesque landscape.  Every nook and corner is breathtaking.  I am glad that I decided to do my PhD there even though I vividly remember some of my friends mocked my decision of going there because Durham is less unknown as Cambridge or Oxford.  Yeah right.  That is a common assumption by some Malaysians about Durham.

I like the picture because it shows a canoeist in the River Wear (Note: Durham has its own rowing club).  Yup.  The name of the river is River Wear.

This is the route that I used to go to School of Education

I took this picture a day after I had my viva with my friend, Putri who came all the way from London to accompany me for my viva.

I took this in autumn 2007. Not long after I started my PhD journey

A rowing boat in the middle of the frozen river. Where are the ‘hunky’ rowers? Dancing on ice, anyone? I took this picture in winter 2010.


Konsep Tawakkal kepada Allah SWT

Fakta-fakta penting berhubung Tawakkal :

(1) Tawakkal kepada Allah adalah menifestasi dari Kalimah Syahadah pengakuan Kalimah La-Ilaha Illallah. Dalam ertikata lain Tawakkal kepada Allah adalah cetusan dari Iman yang sebenar / Tauhid yang hakiki.

(2) Bicara berkenaan Tawakkal berkait rapat dengan Taqdir, Qadha Qadar, Kuasa Mutlaq Allah Ta’ala, Af’al Allah (Perbuatan Allah) dan af’al makhluq,

(3) Setiap orang beriman di perintah Tawakkal kepada Allah semata2 dan jauhi sama sekali Tawakkal kepada makhluq. Tawakkal kepada Allah adalah tanda-tanda Keimanan dan Tawakkal kepada makhluq adalah menyalahi Tauhid, menjadi Syirik khafi.

(4) Menyandarkan apa jua amal ibadah kepada usaha ikhtiar, kemampuan diri atau kekuatan diri adalah termasuk Syirik khafi.

(5) Bergantung hati kepada makhluq untuk memberi manfaat atau menolak mudarat adalah Syirik khafi.

(6) Menggantungkan apa jua kejayaan atau kemenangan kepada usaha ikhtiar, kemampuan diri atau kekuatan makhluq lainnya adalah Syirik khafi.

(7) Tawakkal kepada makhluk adalah Syirik khafi yang paling halus dan hampir-hampir tidak dapat dikenali oleh orang-orang awam. Lazimnya orang-orang awam tidak peduli akan hal ini kerana tidak mempunyai pengetahuan berkenaannya, akibatnya mereka selalu lah bergelumang di dalam Syirik khafi tanpa mereka tidak sedar.

(8) Orang alim (yang tidak mendidik hati nya dan tidak berusaha menyucikannya dengan pimpinan Mursyid yang siddiq) juga tidak mampu melepaskan diri dari Syirik khafi yang paling halus ini. Meskipun mereka mempunyai pengetahuan berkenaan dengannya, mereka seringkali terjatuh kerana wujud sifat “keakuan” di dalam dirinya.

(9) Seseorang yang memandang keupayaan diri, melihat kemampuan diri melakukan suatu kebaikan serta menyandarkan amal ibadah kepada kekuatan diri ini adalah Syirik khafi kerana mempersekutukan Allah pada Af’alNya dan Sifat Nya Yang Maha Berkuasa memperbuat segala sesuatu.

(10) Memandang keupayaan diri, atau melihat kemampuan diri untuk melakukan suatu kebaikan atau menyandarkan amal ibadah kepada kekuatan diri ini berbeza dengan ‘Ujub. Orang ini BUKAN ‘Ujub tetapi lebih halus dari ‘Ujub. Orang yang ‘Ujub mempunyai sifat “bangga, megah, takjub, hairan dengan suatu kelebihan dirinya”, sedangkan orang yang menyandarkan amal kepada diri sendiri TIDAK mempunyai sifat-sifat demikian, tetapi dia hanya melihat keupayaan serta kemampuan diri melakukan ketaatan dan ini juga termasuk dalam Syirik khafi.

(11) Fahamilah dengan sungguh-sungguh: Menyandarkan amal kebaikan kepada keupayaan diri atau bergantung harap kepada keupayaan makhluq merupakan Syirik khafi yang penghabisan yang teramat halus. Apabila seseorang lepas bebas dari Syirik khafi penghabisan ini, maka barulah di katakan dia telah memiliki jiwa murni serta Tauhid hakiki.

Sesungguhnya hal ini amat rumit sekali dikesan oleh mereka yang tidak menuntut jalan menyucikan hatinya.


Hasan Langgulung

Someone asked me if I was Pak Hasan’s student.  Pak Hasan is a nickname that we (his students) fondly use to call him.  His real name is Hasan Langgulung.  He passed away in 2008.  Al-fatihah.

When I was his student in 2003, he was already nearly 70.  He used to go swimming before Zuhr with a colleague.  I used to see him waiting with his sport bag nearby the car park of IIUM Kulliyyah of Education (now it is known as Institute of Education or INSTED).

What I vividly remember until now is, there were six of us taking his Personality Psychology class.  Each of us had to present three times.  Yup.  With only six students in a class, what do you expect?  Our presentation would be based on either article review or our thoughts on Western and Islamic views of Personality.  For the Islamic views, we have to pour over the Holy Qur’an and such.  Of course, there is no direct comparison between theories by the western scholars with Islamic scholars like Al-Ghazali. But, it prompted us to think critically.  Talk about HOTs and whatsnot.  Well, it has been practiced long time ago before OBE and whatsnot.

Another thing that I remember well is there would be one of us who would go to his room before class and this person would walk with Pak Hassan to class.  While walking, this person would have the privilege to have a chat with Pak Hassan.  Normally, the male students would do it.  Or if we wanted to do it, there would be two of us female students who would “on a pretext of having something-to-discuss-with-you” go to his room and walk with him to class after our discussion.  Such a precious moment!  Of course, we could not do that with other lecturers but with him, he is like a father who we could discuss about intellectual stuff.

Calling him Pak Hasan rather than Professor (even though his official salutary title is Professor) shows the kind of relationship that we had as student-teacher.  Oh how I miss those moments!  Do I wish that I could have such relationship with my own students?   That is a question that I do not have any answer yet.


Program Kerohanian FSSH bagi Siri 22: Kemuliaan memberi dengan Ikhlas – Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 265-269

Tarikh / Hari     :      10 September 2020 (Khamis)
Masa                     :      8.15 pagi
Pembimbing    :      PM. Dr. Ahmad bin Che Yaacob
Tajuk                     :      Kemuliaan memberi dengan Ikhlas  – Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 265-269
Intipati ayat Surah Al-Baqarah
Ayat 265-269
  • Allah SWT menggunakan analogi orang yang ikhlas memberi seperti ladang atau kebun di tempat yang tinggi (selalunya tiada sungai atau sumber air), yang ditimpa hujan lebat, lalu mengeluarkan hasilnya dua kali ganda.  Dengan hujan itu, ladang itu dapat menghasilkan buah yang banyak.
  • Syaitan sentiasa memujuk untuk kita tidak memberi sumbangan.  Akan tetapi kita perlu melatih diri untuk mempunyai pendirian yang teguh untuk tetap memberi
Ayat 266
  • Allah SWT menggunakan analogi orang yang tidak ikhlas atau tidak mahu memberi seperti ladang yang mempunyai pokok yang pelbagai dan terdapat sungai yang mengalir, tetapi akan datang ribut taufan yang memusnahkan ladang itu dan akhirnya ladang itu tidak berhasil.

Ayat 267

  • Sekiranya ingin memberi sesuatu, tidak boleh dari sumber yang haram seperti barang haram, dari riba’ dan sebagainya.
  • Sumbangan perlu dari sumber yang halal dan dalam keadaan terbaik.  Contoh: Jangan beri baju-baju yang terkoyak untuk disumbang atau makanan yang hampir basi atau tidak elok untuk dimakan.

Ayat 268

  • Syaitan akan sentiasa menakut-nakutkan dengan kemiskinan dan kepapaan dan akan sentiasa menggalakkan pekerjaan keji.

Ayat 269

  • Allah berikan kebijaksanaan/hikmah (wisdom) kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakinya.  Sesiapa yang diberikan hikmah akan dimendapat kebaikan (ganjaran) yang banyak.

Thank you, Prof. Datuk Ir. Dr. Wahid bin Omar

How time flies!  He was elected as the VC of UTM in 2013 – a year after I finished my PhD.  He was the third VC that I had since I started working at UTM.  Even though I never get the chance to know him personally, when the leaking pipe incident happened, he made a point to make sure that all units/department including my faculty would do something about the safety measure and management of the buildings at UTM.  Of course, there is certain lost that was incurred due to the incident and I have to bear with it but having a VC who cares really matters.

Thank you, Prof.  When I received the email from your officer, it really made my day.