Kaedah memberi sumbangan

7 Muharram 1442H

Firman Allah SWT:

قُلْ أَنفِقُوا طَوْعًا أَوْ كَرْهًا لَّن يُتَقَبَّلَ مِنكُمْ ۖ إِنَّكُمْ كُنتُمْ قَوْمًا فَاسِقِينَ [التوبة : 53]

Ertinya: “Katakanlah: “Dermakanlah harta kamu sama ada dengan sukarela atau kerana terpaksa, tidak sekali-kali akan diterima daripada kamu, (kerana) sesungguhnya kamu adalah orang-orang yang fasik.” (Surah At-Taubah: 53)

Keterangan Ayat:

1. Sebab turun ayat: Ketika orang munafik ingkar untuk keluar berjihad bersama Rasulullah SAW dan mereka hanya ingin memberi sumbangan harta!

2. Allah SWT tidak akan menerima sumbangan mereka! Sama ada mereka memberikan sumbangan secara sukarela atau terpaksa!

3. Sumbangan mereka tidak diterima kerana mereka adalah orang yang fasik! Mereka tidak beriman dan tidak taat kepada perintah Allah!

Rujukan tafsir: At-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi, Ibn Kathir dll.

Antara Petunjuk Ayat:

1. Tidak semua sumbangan harta diterima oleh Allah! Hanya sumbangan yang cukup syarat sahaja yang diterima!

2. Sumbangan orang munafik tidak diterima oleh Allah! Mereka ragu-ragu kepada agama Allah! Mereka melanggar perintah Allah!

3. Sumbangan harta yang diterima oleh Allah SWT adalah sumbangan yang diberikan dengan keimanan dan keikhlasan!

Kaedah Beramal:

1. Hendaklah kita memberi sumbangan dengan mengikut perintah Allah! Bukan dengan melanggar perintah!

2. Hendaklah kita menjadi orang yang yakin kepada agama Allah dan tidak melanggar perintah Allah!

3. Hendaklah kita memberi sumbangan dengan keimanan dan keikhlasan! Bukan dengan kekufuran dan kefasikan!

Ya Allah jadikanlah kami orang yang memberi sumbangan dengan keimanan dan keikhlasan, terimalah amalan kami. Aamiin.

Ringkasan pelepasan cukai ke atas individu bagi tahun taksiran 2020

Merujuk kepada Pelan Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara (PENJANA) seperti yang diumumkan oleh PM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin pada 5 Jun 2020,berikut adalah ringkasan pelepasan cukai ke atas individu bagi tahun taksiran 2020:

1.     Tambahan RM2,500 kepada pelepasan cukai gaya hidup sedia ada (jumlah maksima pelepasan gaya hidup yang baru adalah RM5,000)

Pelepasan ini termasuk pembelian smart phone, notebook, tablet dan komputer bagi tempoh pembelian dari 1 Jun hingga 31 Disember 2020.

2.     Pelepasan cukai untuk melancong dalam negeri (terhad kepada RM1,000)

Ianya termasuk perbelanjaan bayaran bilik penginapan serta tiket masuk tempat-tempat pelancongan (bagi premis yang berdaftar di bawah Kementerian Pelancongan).

Tarikh perbelanjaan dari 1 Mac hingga 31 Disember 2021.

3.     Tambahan RM1,000 kepada pelepasan bayaran asuhan anak sedia ada (jumlah maksima yang baru adalah RM3,000)

Ianya terhad kepada pembiayaan anak yang berumur di bawah 6 tahun serta dipremis yang berdaftar.

4.     Pengecualian Cukai Pelupusan Harta untuk penjualan rumah kediaman dari tempoh 1 Jun hingga 31 Disember 2021 (terhad kepada 3 unit rumah sahaja).

** Peringatan :  Sila simpan invois, bil dan tiket sebagai bukti dokumen untuk menyokong tuntutan pelepasan cukai yang dibuat.

 Sekiranya diaudit, ketiadaan bukti boleh menyebabkan anda dikenakan penalti.

Nota: Kakak saya (Anisah Sabirin Jaffri) merupakan seorang akauntan.  Dia yang membantu saya dalam urusan mengisi borang LHDN bagi pelepasan cukai tahunan.  Dia yang memberikan saya maklumat ini.

Alhamdulillah I missed it

I had an appointment with two students from IIUM who came to UTM to collect some data.  They went to see me in my office around the same time when the monthly engagement was held.  So, I missed this month engagement with Datuk VC.

There are some of the things highlighted by him.  One of them is about going extra miles as a lecturer cum supervisor.  He did mention this in relation to the special student that we have at our school.  The special student?  Yup.   He is my student.  A student who emailed me back in March asking to meet me as soon as when I was free.  At that time when he emailed me, I was at school.  So, sensing his urgency to meet me, I set the time to meet him on the first day I went back to UTM after a year of hiatus (not really a hiatus, but a year of not being at UTM is a hiatus in itself).

I never think about going extra miles will make me famous or to be recognised by the VC.  Nay.  I am just doing my job.  That’s it.

My cat, Robyn

She looks cute and fluffy, right?  You only can see her but cannot touch.  Yup.  She only allows a handful of people to pet her.  No cuddle though.  Since her brother went missing few days after Eid Fitr, she becomes an indoor cat.  Sleep inside the house without fail every night.  When I go to work, if my sis is not around, Robyn would have to stay outside and wait for me until I come back in the afternoon.  I will leave her food and water though which I place a bit hidden from other prying cats.

Off lately, she likes to wake me up around 3am.  Yup.  She will keep on meowing until I drag myself to wake up and do what she wants me to do.  She would wait for me to finish my own business and would not leave my side until subuh.  That’s the routine.  But sometimes, she would wake me up a little bit late just nice for me to wake up 5 minutes before subuh.  There goes tahajjud, for obvious reason.  She is dear to me even though I could not cuddle her.

Break a leg

Wishing all the best to individuals who have to perform in something might improve their performance.  This has been proven in research such as “Keep your fingers crossed” which has shown “activating good-luck-related superstitions via a common saying or action such as break a leg, or a lucky charm improves subsequent performance in golfing, motor dexterity, memory and anagram games”

But this does not mean the performers should prepare less for any competition or task though.  Relying on luck with lackluster efforts won’t result in high performance.  There is nothing wrong in dreaming, hoping or wishing but we have to take reality into consideration.  We have to face life’s challenges head-on, not to put our heads on sand like ostriches thinking the challenges, harm or whatever will go away or pass by without us doing nothing about it.

Prisoner’s dilemma

Social scientists like psychologists, sociologists and alike study the issue of trust using a game known as Prisoner’s Dilemma.  In this game, a scenario in which you and your friend are caught by the police and are interrogated.  But the results for both of you to be punished by the law would be varied depending on the confession by both of you (you and your friend).  So, which is which?

The scenario is like the following

Let’s say you and your friend rob a bank and you are not very good at robbing a bank so you get caught.  The police arrest both of you and put you in separate rooms to interrogate you.  You have no way to communicate with your friend.  The cops offer you a deal: if you testify that your friend was the mastermind and he does not testify against you, you go free and he gets five years in prison.  If you don’t testify against your friend but he testifies against you, you get five years and he goes free.  If you both testify against each other, you both get three years.  If you both refuse to testify, you both get one year.

The answer can be straight forward.  If you knew you could trust each other, you both keep your mouths shut and get one year.  But that might not be the case, right?  That’s what prompt researcher like Robert Axelrod to further study what makes us decide on whom to trust and not.  The answer might shock you.  Tit for tat.  Yup.