Impostor syndrome

What is impostor syndrome?  It is said that even Albert Einstein experienced this before regardless of his astounding achievement.  But, you don’t have to be Einstein to experience impostor syndrome.  It exists in any high achievers who have self-doubt about themselves. 

Picture is taken from The Networking Nerd

Many studies have been conducted on this since psychologists explored this phenomenon back in the 1970s even.  Many articles have been written to give some tips that people can use to overcome this phenomenon such as what is proposed by Valerie Ashby (who is highly accomplished academician).  There are also some articles written by graduate students to document their journey of experiencing impostor syndrome as post graduate students such as by Adam Persky.  

Why do I care to search information about this?  After I finished my Latihan Ikhtisas, some seniors told me that I should gear up my efforts to climb the social ladder of the academia.  Rather than being a “normal” senior lecturer, it is impertinent for me to prove that I deserve to be promoted to Associate Professor.  The thing is, I have this idea of what constitute an Associate Professor and a Professor.  I don’t think I have what it takes to become one now.  But I know some might think otherwise because they are not experiencing impostor syndrome.  They are Jack of all trade, master of none.  I want to enhance my skills.  This would take me years to do so.  I know some use political measure to climb the academia social hierarchy, but I am not them.  I know where I stand.  Being true to myself is not easy.  I know.  But, like Dr Seuss said

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind do not matter and those who matter do not mind” 

Note: I know that I like to use Dr Seuss’s quotes.  Sound childish, right?  Well, everybody has his own opinion.  I respect that.

I am such a softie

I was spring cleaning my office (no picture to show because it is so messy),  I found some of my old masters assignments (sigh.. what was I thinking hoarding these things.  I know right, I should get rid of it). 

Then, to take a break, I checked my FB because I am learning to use Jamboard from one of my friends so, I need to review her class activity using Jamboard and like always, I was diverted to other things and I ended up “exploring” this webpage.  One of the post is about late Mimi.  I have known her since my undergraduate years.  A friendly senior.  She was so humble and care-free even though she spoke fluent English with a tinge of American accent.  I felt envious.  But she never was a snob even though she was one of the best students in our psychology department. 

Fast forward, she messaged me not long after I finished my PhD.  She was finishing her PhD in Clinical Psychology.  Then after that, we kept in touch using FB messages and she invited me to hang out with her when I came to KL for work or leisure purposes.  I never had the chance to honour her invitation.  Not even once.  Then, in 2017, I heard the news of her passing.  I felt numb for days thinking how fragile is our life that we take for granted.  Mimi, reading posts written by others about you in the Psychology@IIUM blog comforts me.  Al-fatihah to you.  May Allah Grant you eternal bliss.  

21st Century colonisation

When KSSM was introduced a few years ago, one of the things that they change is the English textbook.  Now, for form 1 and 2, they use Pulse 2.  Of course, it causes uproar among teachers who are concerned with its content.  Why?  There are many topics are not related to Malaysian culture.  There is nothing wrong to learn about other people cultures.  After all, we aim our younger generation to be global citizens, right?  But, isn’t it ironic if they are not away about their own local culture?  

The way I see it, it could be a form of 21st century colonisation.  Many might not agree with me.  But, regardless of Industrial Revolution and whatsnot, we need to retain our identity no matter what.  

UTM webometrics assessment [Penilaian Webometrik UTM]

I am “super” slow when it comes to using this webpage.  I am only recently learning about how they calculate  marks for webometrik for ELPPTI know some of you are rolling your eyes.  You can roll your eyes as you wish.  But I am learning.  I learn from others slowly.  I need time to digest this new thing (new for me, not for others).  One of the things that I pick up from others’ webpage and Nihra’s note is about how to know your webpage presence rating.  

There are the steps as follow:

  1. Open as usual
  2. At google search column (the middle one), type “” (site:your webpage url)
  3. Then, google will give your webpage search result.

Note: My webpage present rating is not much as compared to those who have won Citra Karisma award for Webometric.  But, like Dr Seuss once said “It’s not about what it is, it’s about what it can become.”

As I have admitted, I am a slow academician who strongly believe in the slow professor principles and I am “in” with the slow professor movement.  

“Slow professors “advocate deliberation over acceleration” because they “need time to think, and so do our students. Time for reflection and open-ended inquiry is not a luxury but is crucial to what we do.”  [excerpt from Slow Professor: Challenging the Culture of Speed in the Academy (University of Toronto Press). 

Puppy love? Monkey love?

I had a quick chat with Ita yesterday.  I asked her about what’s new and what’s not about school.  She told me about some teenage angst among the form 5 students.  Yup.  Among the students who she mentioned was in my class.  When they caught the form four student last April due to “energy booster” stuff, I wrote to all my former form 4 students a letter.  

I am a bit busy off lately.  I don’t think I would have enough time to write each and every one of them a letter.  But I will meet some of them this Friday for our tuition class in sha Allah.  So, I would have a pep talk with them.  There are various issues that teachers are worried about.  Among the issues are coupling, same gender close relationship, a minor brawl (this one is due to minor misunderstanding between a senior and a junior relating to defending one’s girlfriend) and lack of motivation in their study.  Some of the issues are part and parcel of life.  As teenagers, they are exploring their identity and thus they need to learn to negotiate with others.  It is not easy to do that.  They need guidance and lots of patience from other adults.  

But the thing is, when it comes to opposite gender relationship, for some teachers, it is too early for them to explore in that area.  For me, it is ok as long as they know the boundary that they have to abide according to Islam.  A normal note from one to another is common.  To meet or hang out at the mall is normal (of course this is not right if you don’t observe “the” guideline).  Some of them might say that their parents met when they were at school.  They were high school sweet hearts.  So sweet right?  Yeah right.  Now, their children are following their parents footsteps.  Of course, this makes thing a bit challenging for the teachers because on one hand. the parents are ok with that and on the other hand, the teachers don’t want it to become a culture at school.

Some people can balance their act when it comes to studying and coupling.  But if you have string of Cs and Ds, it clearly indicates that you need to focus on one aspect more than trying to focus on both.  But again, it is choice.  At the end of the day, the students need to decide and be accountable towards their decision.  

Tatacara solat duduk_Bahagian 8: Cara Solat Sunnat di atas lantai

8.0 Cara Solat Sunnat di Atas Lantai (duduk):

Pada keseluruhan perbahasan di atas, Solat yang dibicarakan adalah *Solat Fardhu*. Ada pun Solat Sunnat maka diharuskan sambil duduk atas lantai. Walau bagaimana pun pahalanya separuh.

Maksudnya adalah :
Jika seseorang yang sihat badannya dan mampu solat seperti biasa ; dengan berdiri, ruku’ dan lain2 dengan sempurna, tetapi dia *Solat Sunnat* sambil duduk, maka pahalanya separuh dari orang yang kerjakan solat sunnat seperti biasa berdiri, ruku’ dan sujud dll

Lain halnya jika dia menanggung kesakitan dan tidak mampu berdiri , lalu dia pun solat sunnat sambil duduk, maka pahalanya tetap penuh seperti orang yang solat berdiri, ruku’, sujud seperti biasa.

*Rujukan :*

Minhaj — Imam Nawawi
Tuhfah — Imam Zakariyya Al-Ansari
Fathul Mu’in — Imam Zainuddin Al-Malbary
Sabil-Al- Muhtadin — Imam Ash-Shaikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari
Fiqh Imam Syafi’ie — Shaikh Wahbah Zuhaili

Nota: Sambungan huraian bahagian 1, bahagian 2, bahagian 3, bahagian 4, bahagian 5, bahagian 6 dan bahagian 7 

Shaikh Sayyid Abu Tohir
Mursyid, Silsilah Naqsyabandiah
Al Kholidiyah

Tatacara solat duduk_Bahagian 7: Perkara-perkara yang mengharuskan solat duduk

7.0 Perkara-perkara lain yang mengharuskan Solat duduk:

Selain daripada keringanan untuk Solat duduk yang diberikan kepada orang yang menganggung kesakitan yang kuat, orang tua yang tidak berdaya, orang yang mengalami kecederaan dan sbeagainya keringanan untuk Solat duduk juga diberikan kepada golongan berikut :

(i) Orang yang menaiki kenderaan dan khuatir akan tumbang — seperti perahu, bot kecil, keretapi laju dsb.

(ii) Orang yang menaiki kapal laut dan pening atau mabuk laut

(iii) Orang yang terasa goyang / melayang disebabkan makan ubat (kerana sakit) dan khuatir akan jatuh sekiranya dia solat berdiri dan memerlukan pergerakan ruku’ dan sujud.  

Nota: Sambungan huraian bahagian 1, bahagian 2, bahagian 3, bahagian 4, bahagian 5, bahagian 6 dan bahagian 8. 

Shaikh Sayyid Abu Tohir
Mursyid, Silsilah Naqsyabandiah
Al Kholidiyah

Tatacara solat duduk_Bahagian 6: Cara solat duduk di atas kerusi

6.0 Cara Solat Duduk Atas Kerusi :

Sebagaimana telah disebutkan sebelum ini solat sambil duduk atas kerusi hanya dibenarkan bagi orang yang benar-benar tidak mampu solat berdiri setelah berusaha sungguh-sungguh, dan juga tidak mampu duduk di bawah disebabkan suatu penyakit berat yang ditanggungnya atau kakinya tidak mampu dilipat sehingga menyukarkan dia duduk di bawah. Maksudnya dia hanya mampu duduk atas kerusi, maka ketika itu barulah dibenarkan duduk di atas kerusi. Fahamilah asas ini dengan sungguh-sungguh

Jika seseorang sengaja mencari kemudahan untuk Solat atas kerusi sedangkan dia mampu solat berdiri atau mampu solat duduk atas lantai, maka ketika itu solat nya TIDAK sah.

Cara-cara Solat di atas kerusi bagi orang yang tidak mampu berdiri dan tidak mampu duduk atas lantai:

(1) Duduk tegak (jangan sandar jika mampu duduk tegak)

(2) Takbir Ihram berserta niat seperti biasa

(3) Baca Surah Fatihah

(4) Untuk ruku’ bongkokkan badan sedikit

(5) Duduk tegak semula — niat i’tidal

(5) Untuk sujud bongkokkan lebih dari paras ruku’

(6) Duduk tegak — isyarat duduk antara dua sujud

(7) Sujud kedua sama seperti pada perkara (5) diatas

(8) Duduk tegak — isyarat untuk raka’at kedua

Ulangi semua sampai akhir nya tahiyyat akhir dan salam.

Nota: Sambungan huraian bahagian 1, bahagian 2, bahagian 3, bahagian 4, bahagian 5, bahagian 7 dan bahagian 8. 

Shaikh Sayyid Abu Tohir
Mursyid, Silsilah Naqsyabandiah
Al Kholidiyah

Tatacara solat duduk_Bahagian 5: Cara solat duduk di atas lantai

5.0 Cara Solat Duduk Atas Lantai:

Seseorang yang tidak mampu langsung berdiri, maka dia harus solat sambil duduk atas lantai terus.

(1) Duduk iftirasy atau tawarruk

(2) Takbir Ihram

(3) Baca Surah Fatihah

Langkah-langkah seterusnya sama seperti yang dibincang pada perkara 3.0 sebelumnya.  

Nota: Sambungan huraian bahagian 1, bahagian 2, bahagian 3, bahagian 4, bahagian 6, bahagian 7 dan bahagian 8. 

Shaikh Sayyid Abu Tohir
Mursyid, Silsilah Naqsyabandiah
Al Kholidiyah

Tatacara solat duduk_Bahagian 4: Cara solat orang mampu berdiri tetapi tidak mampu duduk di atas lantai

4.0 Cara Solat Orang Mampu Berdiri Tetapi Tidak Mampu Duduk di Atas Lantai (tidak perlu duduk di atas lantai):

(1) Berdiri tegak

(2) Lakukan Takbiratul Ihram berserta niat seperti biasa

(3) Baca Fatihah

(4) Ruku’ seperti biasa

(5) I’tidal seperti biasa

(6) Untuk sujud bongkokkan badan lebih dari paras ruku’ tadi

(7) Berdiri tegak semula dengan isyarat dan niat duduk antara dua sujud

(8) Sujud kedua — sama seperti perkara (5) di atas.

(9) Berdiri tegak untuk rakaat kedua

(10) Ulangi semua seperti di atas.

(11) Untuk tahiyyat awal dan tahiyyat akhir serta bacaannya, solawat atas Nabi pada penghujung Tahiyyat, kemudian salam .. semua ini di lakukan di dalam keadaan berdiri (kerana tak mampu duduk di bawah)

*Peringatan :*
i. Sepertimana kita sudah jelaskan, semua hal keadaan Ini bagi orang yang tak mampu duduk atas lantai.
ii. Selalu ingat hal keadaan ruku’ dan sujud bagi orang didalam masyaqqah (kepayahan) :
-Untuk ruku’ bongkokkan badan sedikit ke hadapan
-Untuk sujud bongkokkan badan lebih rendah dari paras ruku’ tadi
(Wajib dibezakan paras ruku’ dan sujud )

*Perhatian penting – Kesalahan Sering Terjadi:*

Kesalahan yang sering dilakukan oleh orang yang tak mampu sujud di atas lantai seperti biasa, ialah dia ruku’ sambil berdiri kemudian untuk sujud, dia duduk atas kerusi dan bongkok badan ke depan. Ini cara yang salah dan batalkan solat kerana paras ruku’ dan sujud menjadi sama. Sujud semestinya kena lebih daripada paras ruku’.


Nota: Sambungan huraian bahagian 1, bahagian 2, bahagian 3, bahagian 5, bahagian 6, bahagian 7 dan bahagian 8. 

Shaikh Sayyid Abu Tohir
Mursyid, Silsilah Naqsyabandiah
Al Kholidiyah