Work balance?

After Latihan Ikhtisas, I aim to have a more manageable work-life balance life style.  Indeed.  In an article that I found, the author describes how as academicians we might fall into the trap of having ideal work-life balance life style, without actually having one when all what we have is in a form of IDEA.  This is not good.  So, I decide to stay firm when I receive ad hoc things that can jeopardise my work-life balance stance.

I got an email to inform that I was selected to be one of the facilitators for this modular course.  The thing is, I have classes every single day.  So, being me who never recycle old notes without making any tweaking or change of the old notes on every single semester, I need time to prepare for my classes.

A senior colleague lamented that she needs me to be one of the facilitators because I am one of the best.  Back in my mind “Whatever” because I know that in our school. we have never lack of any expert in anything.  You name it.  We’ve got it all, y’all.  Some even jack of all trades, but _____________ (fill in the blank).

The thing is, when I used to get a session for this modular course (long time ago), I normally will prepare my own notes.  But at that time, at least I have one day without any class so I can prepare notes for any modular course.  Now, things are different.  But somehow this senior does not get it.   Since I came back from my Latihan Ikhtisas, I have tuition classes almost every weekend.  How about those weekends without tuition class?  I will revise notes/worksheet that I want to use for my tuition class.  So weekends basically is a me time for the things not related to my official work.  Gone are the days when I would prepare modular courses notes on weekend.   It was something that I used to do.  Now, it is different.

Well, it is kind of weird because when I was not around, she could find others to replace me for the sessions.  I just don’t understand why out of nowhere I have become someone “indispensable”.  I must be stupid to be so gullible to believe what she said, right?

I took an action right away.  I never regret with what I did.  Attaboy!


Teambuilding FSSH 2020 – 15 January 2020 (Wednesday)

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSH) conducted a one-day teambuilding event at Hutan Rekreasi, UTM on 15 January 2020.  We had to park our car at Padang Kawad and there were buses to bring us to Hutan Rekreasi UTM (I only know its existence during this teambuilding.  I have worked at UTM since 2005.  It does show that I am not that athletic type).

We were suggested to bring our own stuff like extra pair of change and whatsnot.  I don’t have sport shoes and a red t shirt.  So, I borrowed them from my sister.  With borrowed shoes and shirt, off I went to this teambuilding without having too much expectation.

Of course, the teambuilding is meant to enhance bonding and whatsnot among us yada yada yada but being someone in her 40s, clearly the activities in this teambuilding were not meant for some of us.  I bear the consequences for the next few days of having my body aching all over.  I used analgesic cream to sooth the throbbing that I felt on my legs.  I clearly feel that I am old.  I am not in my twenties.  I have to admit that.

The camaraderie is clearly something that have to be started somewhere.  Teambuilding event like this clearly a good start to develop that for a long term run.  Kudos to everyone who put the event together.  It was not easy to organise this and for each staff to sacrifice whatever they were doing at that time worth to be noticed.  This event was conducted on 15 January.  Some of us had our last papers on 12 January.  So, it was “the marking season”.  With a short duration to mark (we have to present the marks on 19 January), majority of us made a point to allocate this one whole day for this event.  Some of us did not participate in this event due to medical reasons and others.  One of them said to me that she had slipped disk.  So, climbing uneven routes is not good for her spine.  She said that she wished such event was conducted when she first started working at UTM.

What do I learn from this event? 

  1. Trust and respect are two different things that need to be developed and improved over times.  Teambuilding like this allows others to know each other better but it does not affect much other things.
  2. Each of us needs to make sacrifice now and then but it will always come back to our choice.  We choose to make certain sacrifices and have to be accountable for not making any.
  3. No matter what we do, we need to give our best shots to the best of our ability.  I know that age is catching up so rigorous physical activities are something that I should not overdo.  But I will not give up of not trying at all.


Team Magenta…. We were the 2nd runner up

A session with the new Dean with the 40-50 years old academic staff

As far as I remember, this was the first time they organised a session with the dean based on specific category of age.  I can see familiar faces from ATI, LA, SOE and SHARPS.  There were around 20 of us who attended the session out of 75.  There were many of us who involved in another meetings and others.   There were some issues discussed.   The way I see it, the issues are things can be improved as long as we are willing to change it for the sake of Allah.  In Sha Allah FSSH will thriving under the new leadership.

 How can we assist you?

My Touch n Go card was blacklisted even though the status is still active

I took a break on 24 and 26 December so I had a quite long break.  So, today on my way to work using the highway, I was surprised when I cannot use my Touch n Go card which I recently topped up.  I had to buy a new card.  With a little bit hassle to make a complaint to the PLUS office, I asked why my card was blacklisted.  Since the person-in-charge cannot do anything about it because it relates to Touch n Go, not PLUS, I just topped up the new card with RM50.  The old one has more than RM150 worth of credit.  I googled Touch n Go office which is in Wisma Nufri at Jln Yahya Al Datar.  I am not sure how to go there since there are lots of one-way street and I have to detour a bit to get there.

Here, I have three options.

Option 1: Just let the matter rest without doing anything.  I know that I would waste that RM150 worth of credit.

Option 2: Make a report by calling the centre.  I am not sure how they will solve this problem.

Option 3: I will go to the JB centre myself after the examination.

Which is the best option?

I have been thinking about this for few hours since this little incident.  I notice that after I topped up my card on 9 December 2019, the credit is not accurate.  At first, I was thinking perhaps, I got a bonus or something so, I got extra credit more than what I had topped up.   So, I don’t do anything about it.  When this happened to me this morning, I realise that I am not being honest by not doing anything.  This thing happened as a way of Allah showing His Mercy upon me.   SubhanAllah.

I think I will choose option 1.  After all, I can always use the new card that I had topped up.  The extra credit of the old card?  After a quick calculation, I realise that it is not mine to claim on a first place even.

Prophet Muhammad warned us of the dangers of dishonesty, and the benefits of living in an honest way.  He said:

“Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise.  In addition, a man keeps on telling the truth until he becomes a truthful person.  Falsehood leads to wickedness and evil-doing, and wickedness leads to the (Hell) Fire, and a man may keep on telling lies till he is written before God, as a liar”. (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

It is really tempting to claim the extra credit (which I don’t know the source) in my Touch n Go card, though the extra credit is not what I had paid when I topped up the credit.  But, I realise that it is challenging to stay honest and be truthful especially in this case.  Alhamdulillah and SubhanAllah for the chance given by Allah for me to look at this incident from different perspective.

Have self-compassion towards yourself…..

Each of us have professional or personal goals that we want to achieve.  Some might resort to underhand means to achieve their goals.  Well, what is wrong or right is clear if you use religion as your benchmark.  Yet again, whatever benchmark is a personal choice.

Most of us equate achievement with self-esteem.  You evaluate yourself positively or favorably when you achieve something.  This notion would means that you are relying on evidences of your achievement to evaluate yourself.  If you think about the hereafter, whereas you don’t know what you will get (gladtiding or not), you will reevaluate again your professional and personal goals and think carefully how to act in achieving the goals.

Again, all will come back to how compassionate you are towards yourself.   To know more, read more HERE. 

Published 30 articles per year?

Someone told me that it is quite possible to publish more than 5 articles per year.   Well, there is nothing wrong with that.  But to publish 30 articles per year?  It means that on average, this person can produce on average 2 articles.  Wow, this person must be super excellent.  Yeah right.  But look what has happened to him now?  For more details, go to HERE.  

Just imagine, what would happen to those students who are or were supervised by him?  Would they be affected by this?  If they are affected by this, won’t it be unfair for them to be dragged into this mess? It is all started with a person aiming to be recognized as a prolific academician.  There is nothing wrong having such aim but the end cannot justify the means.   Well, the way I see it, such trend is happening now somewhere too and at the moment, nobody cares the adverse effect in the near future.  Well, just wait and see.  Let’s see how it goes.  

Image result for publish or perish cartoon


I found cartoon strips by Grant Snider.  Well, somehow it does resonate with me and the way I put my books on the shelves 

Image result for grant snider reading book


Image result for grant snider reading book

I know it is messy. But I have only two shelves in my office. Those are important stuff that I cannot throw away at the moment. The files contain teaching materials that I still use until now


What should you do?

Somebody asked me this question few weeks ago.  “What would you do if people criticize you or talk behind your back?”  “Don’t you feel sad knowing how people backstabbing you?”   

Well, there are hadith about how we should treat people.  I am trying to learn the best way to treat others according to the sunnah.  It is an arduous process.   This is my personal struggle.  

For now, my stance is even if I know someone is backbiting me or talking behind my back, I would do nothing.  I like to use this analogy.  Imagine backbiting and all are like a shit or poo (I am referring to the literal human feces).  It is smelly and bad, right?  If someone gives you that, would you accept it even if they shove it into your hand?  Of course, you can either accept it or refuse to take it.   

If you accept it, what would you do with it?  Keep it?  Or use it?  Well, poo can be a good ingredient for compost.  So, you can use it for better usage such as gardening.  Or you can take it and keep it and later on complain about its smell yada yada yada without stopping. 

If you refuse it, good for you.  It is what you should do.  When people give shit to you, don’t take it.  You are not obligated to take it.  You have a right to refuse it.  It is your choice.  

If the person throw it on your face, what should you do?  Well, you can either throw it back to the person or you can clean yourself.  If you throw it back to the person, well, in this case, you are alike.  Tit-for-tat?  It can be perceived that way.  If you decide to move on and get yourself clean without making any noise, it is choice.  After all, no shit or poo cannot be cleaned and cleansed.     

My point is, make a decision for yourself.  Do what is the best for you.  So, to this person even though this is a late reply, I have done all of the above.   I cannot decide anything for you, but one thing that I can do is to be there for you when you need me.  In sha Allah I will always be there for you