COVID-19: Time management and attitude

I got involved in a focus group discussion. I was amazed some of the points that are raised by the experts. It is all bogged down to attitude. It is not easy to change or mold one’s attitude but it depends on to what extent one realize the importance of having the right attitude to survive in this VUCA world.

One expert shared his experience studying in the US back in the 80s. Having an assignment on weekly basis was normal. Just imagine to give a weekly assignment to students? One might need to have herculean bravery to face with the uproar reaction from the students.

I look at some comments that given to students on the EPPP for this semester. I was sad rather than mad because it does resonate the kind of attitude that I would never think to have as a student myself. *sigh* What went wrong? Have I done enough to stay passionate about what I do in class? It is not easy to stay passionate, motivated and calm especially dealing with students who like to cut corners. I know we have to study smart and what, but if students are unwilling to read, lack of curiosity about things around them and reluctant to go extra miles to give their best shots, what can I do? They are adults. They are not children.

Understanding theories related to human development, I know why adult students act that way and it is alarming. Is it generational problem? Am I really dealing with strawberry cotton candy generation? Based on my experience, I try to find justification from empirical research of this latest phenomenon.

As I try to be reflective and objective at the same time, reading “The slow professor” book by Maggie Berg and Barbara K Seeber gives me some solace.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.