How to submit ELPPT (UTM)?

I could only blame myself because I forgot the steps that I should do to submit the ELPPT.  Few friends also asked me about the same thing.  Well, I am not alone!  Phew

So, I asked Dr Dina (the person in charge of the help desk) today (27 December 2022, Tuesday).  

Here are the steps

  1. Go to UTMHR (log in from UTMPORTAL)
  2. Click LPPT – Sistem penilaian prestasi tahunan bagi staf akademik (the icon is in pinkish color) 
  3. On the left hand side corner, click Pengesahan (the thumbs up icon)
  4. Write a brief statement in the Catatan (Yellow color).  It could be anything.  
  5. Click the Submit button.

Note: We can submit multiple time even after we have submitted earlier BEFORE the dateline which is Thursday, 29 December 2022 (5pm)

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